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Topic: foo_masstag_codepage (Read 122855 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #26
That did the trick. I retagged the tracks and everything works perfect. Thanks


Reply #27
updated, put this on top of the forum......


Reply #28
In other words, the new codepage conversion will act like this: If the files have shift-JIS encoding then I chose in the current codepage shift-JIS and the target codepage UTP-8 right?


Reply #29
In other words, the new codepage conversion will act like this: If the files have shift-JIS encoding then I chose in the current codepage shift-JIS and the target codepage UTP-8 right?


if your file is tagged by foo_freedb2 and you found it is messed up. what you should do is:
current cp = 28591 (iso-8859-1)
target cp = 932 (Shift-JIS)

for any other situations you need to know the tag that wrongly used as the current cp (most likely this time is your windows current code page), and the correct code page as the target cp.

you don't have to select utf-8 as the code page at all.


Reply #30
Sir, after using this plug-in, i can see the Chinese Tags now
but there are spaces in the Japanese Tags
what can i do?

I am using Chinese Traditional winxp without HKSCS or Unicode-at-on


Reply #31
if your file is tagged by foo_freedb2 and you found it is messed up. what you should do is:
current cp = 28591 (iso-8859-1)
target cp = 932 (Shift-JIS)

for any other situations you need to know the tag that wrongly used as the current cp (most likely this time is your windows current code page), and the correct code page as the target cp.

you don't have to select utf-8 as the code page at all.

Excuse me. I have installed foo_masstag-addons, but I see no where I can change the current/target cp.
Would you give a screenshot link to indicate where I can modify those cps?


Reply #32
In masstagger manage scripts there're two new action types.


Reply #33
Excuse me. I have installed foo_masstag-addons, but I see no where I can change the current/target cp.
Would you give a screenshot link to indicate where I can modify those cps?

context menu -> Tagging -> Manage Scripts -> Add -> Addon: Codepage conversion


Reply #34
I tried to use this addon to convert chinese traditional (big5) to unicode
but The result tags are still rubblish characters

My existing mp3 tag is written masstagger in fb0.8.3

I selected current CP is 950 (ansi/oem traditional chinese big5)
and traget CP is 65001 (UTF-8)

is thatn right ?


Reply #35
It would be great if the plugin allowed to specify which tag to convert, as it's unusable for me as it works now. Some of my files have tags using multiple codepages, so if I try to correct one tag (ie. LYRICS) others (ie. ARTIST) gets borked.


Reply #36
firstly, unicode virtually is utf-16.
secondly, you can't convert it to unicode (utf-16).
the purpose of this functionality is to get the tag displayed properly, not for converting to other codepage, in fact.
whatever user selects the current_cp and target_cp are just the in-between codepages for the conversion, the ultimate codepage will always be utf-8, which is
foobar internally uses. I show you the concept here:

1. input tags are utf-8
2. conversion of codepages  (convert to raw ascii by the current cp, then map to the target cp)
3. output tags as utf-8

now you should understand why you can't convert to unicode.

now you can specify the meta name to convert, as you wish.


Reply #37
current cp = 28591 (iso-8859-1)
target cp = 932 (Shift-JIS)

Thank you for this component!  Now that I've actually started downloading some J-Pop (and after reading the quoted post), I can successfully convert these broken JIS characters into Japanese Unicode characters!

Just a suggestion for future versions:  Change "Current codepage" to "System codepage", and "Target codepage" to "File's codepage", so that it is easier to understand the component.


Reply #38
Just a suggestion for future versions:  Change "Current codepage" to "System codepage", and "Target codepage" to "File's codepage", so that it is easier to understand the component.

thanks for your suggestion, I will change the names, I couldn't think of the proper names for those two
but "current cp" to have a name "system codepage" probably not always correct, because for the situation of a file tagged by foo_freedb2, it is not the system codepage but the current wrong codepage of the file.


Reply #39
Just a suggestion for future versions:  Change "Current codepage" to "System codepage", and "Target codepage" to "File's codepage", so that it is easier to understand the component.

the names are changed, more suitable.
also, the important feature, conversion preview is added.


Reply #40
Thanks Acropolis, you rock, I have been waiting for the preview feature.


Reply #42
This is plain super!! I have very long sought such software, I had found only the little command-line Java utility id3conv, which was far from what I need, especially because files with foreign characters in their names cannot be used in the command line (AFAIK). For at least a year, I put up with not viewing the tags of my Russian music. Sadly nearly everything is tagged incorrectly. Now all my problem is solved in a few minutes, thank you!


Reply #43
Hi... I'm really eager to try out the Masstagger Addon but the server is down...


Reply #45
I can't seem to access your new page, Acropolis.  It links to a page basically covered with ads with web tips or something.

Rofl nevermind, I didn't see your last post.


Reply #46
Would anyone beable to tell me how to get greek songs to show up correctly in foobar? I got a couple of CDs in Cyprus and when I load them up in with freedb in EAC or foobar it just comes up with wierd symbols. They work in iTunes, so I ripped them in iTunes although when I put them into foobar they just came up like "???????". What does iTunes use ISO 8859-1? And foobar uses UTF-8? I assume foobar reads ISO but prefers UTF because it is superior? Forgive me if I am talking a whole load of crap, I don't understand all this UTF ISO binary stuff.

If I rip the Greek CDs in iTunes then run this conversion tool, will that work? I don't really understand so please be patient with me. Plus with my iPod beable to show the Greek songs in their proper formatted tags in their proper Greek alphabet?

Thanks, Dave.


Reply #47
If someone has problems with cyrillic characters, here are my working settings:

Displayed codepage: 28591 (ISO 8859-1 Latin I)
Correct codepage: 1251 (ANSI cyrillic)


Reply #48
Maybe someone can help me here, I think I have some serious misunderstanding of what should be done. The situaton:

- I have a CD from Dir en Grey, a japanese band. Now I want to tag that CD with freedb, to get the japanese track titles. After I do that, the display in foobar of the tracks is garbled, I only see some squares instead.

- I now go to the masstagger, and set the first field to: ISO 8859-2 for my own german windows xp and then I set the second field, the correct codepage field to: 932 Shift-JIS.

- Now the squares disappear, but they are replaced with "???".

Can somebody try and help me ?


Reply #49
Maybe someone can help me here, I think I have some serious misunderstanding of what should be done. The situaton:

- I have a CD from Dir en Grey, a japanese band. Now I want to tag that CD with freedb, to get the japanese track titles. After I do that, the display in foobar of the tracks is garbled, I only see some squares instead.

- I now go to the masstagger, and set the first field to: ISO 8859-2 for my own german windows xp and then I set the second field, the correct codepage field to: 932 Shift-JIS.

- Now the squares disappear, but they are replaced with "???".

Can somebody try and help me ?

displayed codepage = 28591 (iso-8859-1)
correct codepage = 932 (shift-jis)
if this doesn't work, either your display font's problem or the tag is really incorrect.