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Topic: Need preset help... (Read 5278 times) previous topic - next topic
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Need preset help...

Glad to see this site taking off as it is. I left R3MIX a long time ago due to a certain persons attitude towards those wanting to learn. Anyhow, i have been using ABR for some time now and want to fiddle with the Dibrom presets. I am not concerned with files size as i usually run ABR256. Can someone set me up with a good configuration for the Dibrom presets. I am thinking the xtreme is the way to go. I am not certain what the command line is so can someone help here.

Much appreciated,


Need preset help...

Reply #1
The exact line would be:

--dm-preset xtreme

but you may also which to try:

--dm-preset standard

It will offer a little bit more favorable size/quality ratio (even though you said size isn't much of an issue )

Need preset help...

Reply #2
Thanks Dibrom. That will give me something to work off of.


Need preset help...

Reply #3
Also remember to use the latest lame 3.90a7 from

Beta 3.89 does not have dm-presets.
Juha Laaksonheimo

Need preset help...

Reply #4
I wish there were a single place in hydrogenaudio where Dibroms's recommended settings for his latest build could be found.  I think it might be good to arrange them by type of music, e.g.,
electronica, jazz, rock, etc.  That way I could EAC a group of cuts and then have razor/LAME encode them while I'm sleeping. 
  I only just figured out how to post here; sorry for the private messages, Dibrom!

Need preset help...

Reply #5
Originally posted by ckjnigel
I wish there were a single place in hydrogenaudio where Dibroms's recommended settings for his latest build could be found.  I think it might be good to arrange them by type of music, e.g.,
electronica, jazz, rock, etc.  That way I could EAC a group of cuts and then have razor/LAME encode them while I'm sleeping. 
   I only just figured out how to post here; sorry for the private messages, Dibrom!

Honestly, there is no need for different presets for each style of music.  From an encoders point of view, and a psychoacoustic point of view, music style has little impact on the way things are to be encoded.  There are very few exceptions to this, one being that some experimental music is extremely demanding in regards to transient handling, but other than that most things are similar enough that this is totally unnecessary.  For that matter though, the --dm-preset standard switch has been tuned on many different types of real music, such as metal, classical, electronic, etc..

At the moment, the only "recommended switch" I have is just --dm-preset standard.  That is all you need really.