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Topic: Different SACD player has more noticeable sound difference than external DAC (Read 4591 times) previous topic - next topic
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Different SACD player has more noticeable sound difference than external DAC

Over the weekend, we brought together our gears and run experiment with HDMI-I2S on a few external DACs to hear the comparison among:
Oppo 105 SACD Player XLR output
Oppo 105 HDMI-I2S to S.M.S.L. D400EX - XLR Output
Oppo 105 HDMI-I2S to Denafrips Venus II 12th - XLR Output
Oppo 105 HDMI-I2S to PS Audio DirectStream DAC Mk1 - XLR Output
Technics SL-G700 SACD Player XLR output
Pre-Amp: Denafrips Athena
Amplifier: Two Mark Levinson 333 Bi-Amp
Speakers: A Pair of B&W N801
Room: Acoustically treated
Playback is level match with pink noise track so both SACD Disc and DSF file playback are the same volume SPL.
We took note so the pre-amp volume setting are different for each playback

Slight sound characteristic differences among 2/3/4 (HDMI output)
#1 the sound is distinctly different
#5 the sound is distinctly different

Why we notice more audible difference between 1) and 5) , and very slight among 2/3/4?

Re: Different SACD player has more noticeable sound difference than external DAC

Reply #1
Was it ABX test? How did you switch between sources, and how did you synchronize tracks for playback? Can you tell us more about how the test was conducted?

Re: Different SACD player has more noticeable sound difference than external DAC

Reply #2
I2S is PCM, isn't it?
Do the players then switch to the CD layers of the SACD?

Re: Different SACD player has more noticeable sound difference than external DAC

Reply #3
Playback is level match with pink noise track so both SACD Disc and DSF file playback are the same volume SPL.
The actual program material has to be level matched.   I assume you weren't comparing the sound of pink noise?

Re: Different SACD player has more noticeable sound difference than external DAC

Reply #4
If levels are equal on pink noise and different with other material, then that is enough to know they don't reproduce equally.