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Topic: Ffmpeg wrong compression video resolution changed as I have not expected. (Read 3783 times) previous topic - next topic
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Ffmpeg wrong compression video resolution changed as I have not expected.

Hi I am Rupesh from India and I have a PC with windows and Linux installed. I have a MP4 video file with size 460 mb of length 4 minutes 20 seconds.

I have compressed this particular file using ffmpeg guis called format factory in windows and tragator in Linux. Unfortunately the video resolution of output file is inverted.

Actually the original video file resolution is 1920\*1080 with aspect ratio 16:9 with video bitrate as 15 mbps. This file is captured from android smartphone OnePlus which has Qualcomm Snapdragon 860 processor.

The output file video resolution is 1080\*1920.

First i have tried to convert in windows and after that I have converted the same file in Linux. The output file video resolution is same in both cases. In both cases I have selected video bitrate as 400 kbps.

After that I have opened hand brake and I have tried to change the settings for the output file. I mean I have tried to select resolution as 1920\*1080 but failed. The handbrake is always taking the resolution as 1080\*1920.I have tried to make such changes in dimensions section under the fields width and height.

Please try to suggest how I can compress the video file in my current PC.


Re: Ffmpeg wrong compression video resolution changed as I have not expected.

Reply #1
I have compressed this particular video file in my lmg710eaw lg g7 smartphone using ffmpeg gui ffmpeg media encoder and surprisingly I got what I want.

But I can't achieve what I want in windows and Linux PC.

Re: Ffmpeg wrong compression video resolution changed as I have not expected.

Reply #2
You have made exactly the same posts at Doom9 which is exactly where they should be. This is a forum for all things audio, not video. ;)

Re: Ffmpeg wrong compression video resolution changed as I have not expected.

Reply #3
You have made exactly the same posts at Doom9 which is exactly where they should be. This is a forum for all things audio, not video. ;)

Sorry I thought that the current forum discuss about all multimedia issues.

Re: Ffmpeg wrong compression video resolution changed as I have not expected.

Reply #4
You have made exactly the same posts at Doom9 which is exactly where they should be. This is a forum for all things audio, not video. ;)

Sorry I thought that the current forum discuss about all multimedia issues.

Well you are right, at least about "Digital Audio/Video" (cf. the forum hierarchy), so you posted the right place technically. But that does not mean that users mainly into audio have in-depth knowledge of all things video ...

If you try command-line ffmpeg, does it say anything about rotation?

Re: Ffmpeg wrong compression video resolution changed as I have not expected.

Reply #5
You have made exactly the same posts at Doom9 which is exactly where they should be. This is a forum for all things audio, not video. ;)

Sorry I thought that the current forum discuss about all multimedia issues.
My fault! I was a little hasty, but you're still better off at Doom9. ;)

Re: Ffmpeg wrong compression video resolution changed as I have not expected.

Reply #6
There are different kinds of people in this world. Suppose in the current forum itself some people are behaving very worsely because they're sending messages as " you lazy fellow...".

I don't know why these people are sending such messages.

There are few people like plank in the current forum who guided me a lot by giving information about opus media format.

Previously I don't know which is the best codec for audio files containing speech. Mr plank gave lots of information about opus and thanks to him.

Even some people are searching in whole web and always watching what I am doing. When I try to login to any website to discuss about something these people are posting messages as " you are permenantly banned from our website goodbye" etc.,.

Re: Ffmpeg wrong compression video resolution changed as I have not expected.

Reply #7
I have resolved this issue in PC and how I done I am giving below.

First i have opened the ffmpeg media encoder in my android smartphone and tried to convert a small video file and fortunately this app has option to view all options in command window.

After that I have noted down the command in pc notepad and after that I have issued the command in the windows command prompt and Linux terminal emulator.

The quality of output video file generated is very good. The fact is that the quality of video file generated using ffmpeg guis like format factory and tragator is not good as the quality of video file generated by ffmpeg command itself.

I am giving the command seen in the android smartphone as below

ffmpeg -y -i  /storage/emulated/0/FFMPEG/to convert/sample.mp4 -c:v libx265 -b:v 400k -c:a libfdk_aac -b:a 64k -ar 44100 /storage/emulated/0/FFMPEG/sample.mp4.

I have posted the current because it may be useful for you.


Re: Ffmpeg wrong compression video resolution changed as I have not expected.

Reply #8
I have resolved this issue in PC and how I done I am giving below.

First i have opened the ffmpeg media encoder in my android smartphone and tried to convert a small video file and fortunately this app has option to view all options in command window.

After that I have noted down the command in pc notepad and after that I have issued the command in the windows command prompt and Linux terminal emulator.

The quality of output video file generated is very good. The fact is that the quality of video file generated using ffmpeg guis like format factory and tragator is not good as the quality of video file generated by ffmpeg command itself.

I am giving the command seen in the android smartphone as below

ffmpeg -y -i  /storage/emulated/0/FFMPEG/to convert/sample.mp4 -c:v libx265 -b:v 400k -c:a libfdk_aac -b:a 64k -ar 44100 /storage/emulated/0/FFMPEG/sample.mp4.

I have posted the current because it may be useful for you.
This makes no sense at all, do you realize that? You're saying that the gui front-end to a program somehow doesn't work...but the program itself does? Alot more likely that you didn't put the correct options into the gui isn't it? Because the actual program that does the work is ffmpeg, not the gui. And you said that ffmpeg worked, right? Do you not see how that doesn't make sense? This appears to be an ESTO error (that is "Equipment Superior To Operator").

And this:
Quote from: rupeshforu3
There are different kinds of people in this world. Suppose in the current forum itself some people are behaving very worsely because they're sending messages as " you lazy fellow...".

I don't know why these people are sending such messages.

There are few people like plank in the current forum who guided me a lot by giving information about opus media format.

Previously I don't know which is the best codec for audio files containing speech. Mr plank gave lots of information about opus and thanks to him.

Even some people are searching in whole web and always watching what I am doing. When I try to login to any website to discuss about something these people are posting messages as " you are permenantly banned from our website goodbye" etc.,.
is a great  example. You get banned from forums because of your behavior. Might wanna think about why you've been banned from so many forums and why youve been told you're lazy so often because it seems to be a pattern doesn't it?