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Topic: How to install MakeMKV on Debian based distros (NO flatpak needed) (Read 3930 times) previous topic - next topic
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How to install MakeMKV on Debian based distros (NO flatpak needed)

Ok so on Debian based distros (Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Devuan, Sparky Linux), etc we will need some packages first to install MakeMKV.
Step 1: open a terminal and do:
 sudo apt install build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev libssl-dev libexpat1-dev libavcodec-dev libgl1-mesa-dev qtbase5-dev zlib1g-dev ffmpeg
Step 2: go to
and download the 2 tar.gz files and put them in a directory where you can find them easily ie (makemkv-bin, makemkv-oss) on /Downloads folder
step 3: follow the directions on the page on how to install the 2 binaries
for makemkv-oss do
sudo make install

 for makemkv-bin do
sudo make install
for example and then it should be install
P.S. if you open MakeMKV and you get a can't detect any optical discs, open a terminal window and type "sudo modprobe sg" without the "" and restart MakeMKV and it should work.
2nd P.S. if you have any questions reply to this post
3rd P.S. if the beta key expires and you don't want to wait for a new key open a terminal window and type whereis makemkv
which should give you something like makemkv: /usr/bin/makemkv
then do "sudo rm -r /usr/bin/makemkv" without the "" of course and the just download the new 2 binaries from the website and install it the way you did before.


Re: How to install MakeMKV on Debian based distros (NO flatpak needed)

Reply #1
This is the wrong website and forum.