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Topic: New VST Adapter not showing Vst Plugins under Components (Read 4051 times) previous topic - next topic
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New VST Adapter not showing Vst Plugins under Components

When I load the new VST 2.x/3.x Adapter v0.11.10 into Foobar2000 v1.6.17 on Windows 10, the Components tab does not have a VST plugins tab showing after restart like the old adapter did (see screenshot). Consequently I can't load any plugins even though I have the correct paths specified to scan. Have tried with version 1.6.14 and previous versions of the Adapter but still no go. I haven't read of anyone else experiencing this issue so what am I missing?

Re: New VST Adapter not showing Vst Plugins under Components

Reply #1
I wonder how you set the correct paths to scan for VST plugins if you don't know how to to use the component.

The VST adapter made by Peter is a DSP wrapper. It's managed using the Playback -> DSP Manager menu.

There was a similar topic to this one not that long ago:,125462.0.html

Re: New VST Adapter not showing Vst Plugins under Components

Reply #2
With the old VST2.4 Adapter the preferences page would show this:


Clicking the VST plugins tab under the Components tab allowed adding VSTs by browsing the system for them (two already added):


Next going to the DSP Manager, it would then show those plugins as being available and in this example the same two are already added:


Then in playback mode under View > DSP the available plugins would show:


By clicking a VST, it would then become active in its own window.
I have not been able to get any of this to work with the new 2.x/3.x Adapter.


Without the VST plugins tab showing under the Components tab, there does not appear to be any way of making VSTs available in the DSP Manager. Consequently none are available under View > DSP

Re: New VST Adapter not showing Vst Plugins under Components

Reply #3
I don't think you are getting the new structure of the native VST host.  Separate VST plugins are added to the host using the DSP Manager chain.  For every VST effect plugin wanted in the chain, a separate instance of the VST Adapter is added first from the "Available DSPs" list, and then the VST effect is added to that by clicking the "..." and adding the effect from its location on your computer to the adapter.  Then the name on the Active DSP side changes from "VST 2.x/3.x Adapter" to "VST: (name of effect)" to indicate the binding (image 1).

During the process of selecting the effect its GUI will appear and allow you to configure it (image 2).  The GUI can be brought up again at any time for adjustment by re-entering the DSP chain and clicking the "..." button again for the VST entry.

By using the View/Visualizations/Visualize with VST menu on the toolbar, an installed VST's GUI can be selected for display during playback--while useful for things like spectrums/graphs this particular mode does not allow actual adjustments, which are done as mentioned in the second paragraph.

Re: New VST Adapter not showing Vst Plugins under Components

Reply #4
Thank you for the clarification as I could not find any documentation regarding setup and usage. What you are saying is what I had already worked out but it didn't make sense to me that to have interaction with a plugin requires having Preferences > DSP Manager open. This seems very cumbersome compared to the old VST Adapter 2.4 that made plugins available directly from View > DSP and even allowed having multiple plugins open at once. Very convenient indeed so for now it appears I will have to opt for staying with the old adapter and 32bit plugins much to my disappointment

Re: New VST Adapter not showing Vst Plugins under Components

Reply #5
I totally agree. The new method is very bureaucratic to interact with the interface of a VST plugin. I used to use a simple shortcut button to open a VST. It was extremely useful.

But judging by the notable improvements brought by the new version 2.X, I'm hopeful that the old method, or something very similar to it, will be available soon.

Re: New VST Adapter not showing Vst Plugins under Components

Reply #6
Thanks for the support zK. I'm an audio engineer specializing in mastering, amateur at the moment but working on becoming pro, and Foobar is vital to my operation for playback of completed tracks plus ABX Comparator is unique for detailed comparisons of takes. Hopefully Peter will read this and consider implementing the same regime that Yegor Petrov did with VST 2.4 adapter, now deprecated and difficult to acquire. It was so user friendly being able to call up VSTs via View > DSP which is what that function would seem to be meant for. With such an update Foobar2000 will truly be in the 21st century.
P.S zK - Clever idea having plugins on shortcut keys. Never thought of that, very practical and efficient


Re: New VST Adapter not showing Vst Plugins under Components

Reply #8
New menu commands to configure running VST have been added in version 0.12.
Just adding new VSTs still needs clicking through Preferences.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: New VST Adapter not showing Vst Plugins under Components

Reply #9
New menu commands to configure running VST have been added in version 0.12.
Thanks Peter for adding that feature many have requested!  View->DSP, select VST to open from top group and adjust/view on-the-fly as long as you want;  if desired any VST can be assigned a hotkey.

Re: New VST Adapter not showing Vst Plugins under Components

Reply #10
I knew it would only be a matter of time before this improvement was implemented.

I have the impression that, first of all, the programmers were concerned with getting the egg stably upright. Once placed upright, the egg then became the object of other care, intrinsic and extrinsic. Improvements.

I've seen developments in this software that don't have many parallels in many other places. The depth and breadth of the positive changes integrated are a direct feedback to this program's immense and passionate user base.

As a great music lover and collector of a considerable CD library (I used to own an LP and CD store), my admiration and pleasure in using this player is always renewed in the most positive direction possible.