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Topic: Columns UI (Read 4724016 times) previous topic - next topic
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Columns UI

Reply #6175
I solved my own problems.

Thanks for such an awesome component.

Columns UI

Reply #6176
Hi! to everybody I am new at this forum, and I have a few question i hope that you can help me

for star I whont the simple foobar config my idea is that look something like this

[a href="" target="_blank"]

BTW does it have some plugin for permenatly delete song from foobar and directory

Columns UI

Reply #6177
Is there a way to change the stub image (for cover and artist) used by CUI? or to make CUI use the stub images defined for DUI (in Preferences: Display) ? Because right now CUI artwork panel uses the same no cover image for both cover and artist.

thanks in advance,
Decalicatan Decalicatan
Decalicatan Decalicatan

Columns UI

Reply #6178
Using Foobar2000 1.1 with ColumnsUI. I would like to get rid of a very stupid behaviour: when I click an album or artist (with many albums inside) in the album list panel, it autopopulates NGPlaylist with that content. If I am listening to something else at the moment, this is very frustrating. Please suggest how to turn this off, as I cannot see such an option in Album List Panel's settings. I would still like to populate the playlist and play the content on doubleclick/enter as it is right now. Thank you and stay well.
In the province of the mind, there are no limits.

Columns UI

Reply #6179
Please suggest how to turn this off, as I cannot see such an option in Album List Panel's settings.

The 'General' tab in Album List Panel's preferences offers the option "Auto send to playlist:" - Do you get what you want if you untick that function?

I use the Album List Panel very rarely so I am not that experienced with it but this option seems to control what you are searching for. (CUI, Album List Panel 0.3.5)
This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.

Columns UI

Reply #6180
Using Foobar2000 1.1 with ColumnsUI. I would like to get rid of a very stupid behaviour: when I click an album or artist (with many albums inside) in the album list panel, it autopopulates NGPlaylist with that content. If I am listening to something else at the moment, this is very frustrating. Please suggest how to turn this off, as I cannot see such an option in Album List Panel's settings. I would still like to populate the playlist and play the content on doubleclick/enter as it is right now. Thank you and stay well.
album list panel > general tab. Check the box "auto send to playlist" and give a name like "Library view". Then it goes to that playlist and does not pollute your current playing playlist.
If you don't want to put send to a playlist with a single click, uncheck the box "auto send to playlist". Then you need to drag'n'drop the titles you want to add to your playlist.
edit: oops, did'nt see Robertina post.


Columns UI

Reply #6181
Using Foobar2000 1.1 with ColumnsUI. I would like to get rid of a very stupid behaviour: when I click an album or artist (with many albums inside) in the album list panel, it autopopulates NGPlaylist with that content. If I am listening to something else at the moment, this is very frustrating. Please suggest how to turn this off, as I cannot see such an option in Album List Panel's settings. I would still like to populate the playlist and play the content on doubleclick/enter as it is right now. Thank you and stay well.
album list panel > general tab. Check the box "auto send to playlist" and give a name like "Library view". Then it goes to that playlist and does not pollute your current playing playlist.
If you don't want to put send to a playlist with a single click, uncheck the box "auto send to playlist". Then you need to drag'n'drop the titles you want to add to your playlist.
edit: oops, did'nt see Robertina post.

Thank you very much my friends. For some reason, I thought that this option concernes a different setting. Problem solved, stay well.
In the province of the mind, there are no limits.

Columns UI

Reply #6182
Using Foobar2000 1.1 with ColumnsUI. I would like to get rid of a very stupid behaviour: when I click an album or artist (with many albums inside) in the album list panel, it autopopulates NGPlaylist with that content. If I am listening to something else at the moment, this is very frustrating. Please suggest how to turn this off, as I cannot see such an option in Album List Panel's settings. I would still like to populate the playlist and play the content on doubleclick/enter as it is right now. Thank you and stay well.
album list panel > general tab. Check the box "auto send to playlist" and give a name like "Library view". Then it goes to that playlist and does not pollute your current playing playlist.
If you don't want to put send to a playlist with a single click, uncheck the box "auto send to playlist". Then you need to drag'n'drop the titles you want to add to your playlist.
edit: oops, did'nt see Robertina post.

Thank you very much my friends. For some reason, I thought that this option concernes a different setting. Problem solved, stay well.

OK, another thing :-) I am using $if2(%album artist%,%artist%) [ / %album%] for grouping in NGPlaylist. This works well, apart from when I have multi-CD albums - all CDs are listed one after another with all songs and one album art, and I would like to have the "CDx" in the group name with multiple album arts. I tried $if2(%album artist%,%artist%) [ / %album% - %directory%] and this works great for the multiCD albums, but on regular albums it just doubles the album name in the group (it's the same as the folder name).

Any resolution to this? Thank you and stay well.
In the province of the mind, there are no limits.

Columns UI

Reply #6183
OK, another thing :-) I am using $if2(%album artist%,%artist%) [ / %album%] for grouping in NGPlaylist. This works well, apart from when I have multi-CD albums - all CDs are listed one after another with all songs and one album art, and I would like to have the "CDx" in the group name with multiple album arts. I tried $if2(%album artist%,%artist%) [ / %album% - %directory%] and this works great for the multiCD albums, but on regular albums it just doubles the album name in the group (it's the same as the folder name).

Any resolution to this? Thank you and stay well.

I simply have this $if2(%artist%,<no artist>)[ -  %album%][ - %date%]
It works well if the multi cd albums are tagged with names xxx CD1 and xxx CD2, or similar.

Columns UI

Reply #6184
OK, another thing :-) I am using $if2(%album artist%,%artist%) [ / %album%] for grouping in NGPlaylist. This works well, apart from when I have multi-CD albums - all CDs are listed one after another with all songs and one album art, and I would like to have the "CDx" in the group name with multiple album arts. I tried $if2(%album artist%,%artist%) [ / %album% - %directory%] and this works great for the multiCD albums, but on regular albums it just doubles the album name in the group (it's the same as the folder name).

Any resolution to this? Thank you and stay well.

I simply have this $if2(%artist%,<no artist>)[ -  %album%][ - %date%]
It works well if the multi cd albums are tagged with names xxx CD1 and xxx CD2, or similar.

Not for songs are tagged with album name only for all CDs, without ...CD1 or ...CD2. If I understood you correctly :-)
In the province of the mind, there are no limits.

Columns UI

Reply #6185
I would like to have the "CDx" in the group name with multiple album arts.

my songs are tagged with album name only for all CDs, without ...CD1 or ...CD2.

best is to update your tags

Columns UI

Reply #6186
Try %album artist%[ / %album%[ CD%discnumber%]] and make sure your discnumber tags are set properly! (BTW you don't need $if2(%album artist%,%artist%) -just %album artist% does the same thing)

Columns UI

Reply #6187
Hi, people!
I have a problem with grouping songs in NG playlist. (foobar v0.9.6.9.)
How can I hide grouping on few playlists? I can't point more than 1 playlist in line:"Hide on playlists:"  ((((( Display - Columns UI - Playlist View , Grouping)))))

If I write: (((((((Hide on playlists: All Music)))))) , than I have all grouped playlists except "All Music". That's ok.

But if I write: ((Hide on playlists: All Music, Rock)))) , than I have all grouped playlists and also grouped "All Music" & "Rock" playlists. The hiding is not working.

What is a right way to wright few names of playlists in this line ???

Or is there any way to create button Show\hide groups ?


Columns UI

Reply #6188

you have use a "semicolon". Try this:

Code: [Select]
All Music; Rock


Correction: With space works, too.

Columns UI

Reply #6190
hi people !
how can I create "hide/show grouping" button.... or 2 separated
this one:

ng playlist, foo v0.9.6.9

Columns UI

Reply #6191
This is probably something really simple, but for the life of me I just can't figure it out.

I've been leaving artist and cover images in the same folder as the audio files and that's working fine - but I'd like to have artist images in a single folder so that I don't need to duplicate images when I have multiple albums by the same artist.

I'm running columns ui.

a cut and paste code would be wonderful if anyone could help out.

Columns UI

Reply #6192
a cut and paste code would be wonderful if anyone could help out.

I fear admins would turn pale with anger if you would cut something from their Web pages  . So please copy

Code: [Select]

and adjust the path to fit your needs. Read here whether you want to use %album artist% or %track artist% instead of %artist%.
This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.

Columns UI

Reply #6193
can anyone help me?

Columns UI

Reply #6194
just use %album artist% it redirects to %artist% if there's none available
fb2k on OSX: flac q8 > rockboxed Sansa e280v1: Vorbis q5.0

Columns UI

Reply #6195
best is to update your tags

No way, it's not two (or X) separate albums.  If you report your playback stats to or something like it, it's not very friendly to pollute their stats with your mistagged albums.

Try %album artist%[ / %album%[ CD%discnumber%]] and make sure your discnumber tags are set properly! (BTW you don't need $if2(%album artist%,%artist%) -just %album artist% does the same thing)

This makes a completely separate group for each disc in a multi-disc album, and that may be what you want, nothing wrong with it.  I like that NG Playlist lets you have subgroups, so to utilize that, you could define two groupings like so:

Code: [Select]
$if2(%album artist%,$rgb(64,0,0)<no artist>$rgb()) - $if2(%album%[$rgb(64,64,64): %subtitle%$rgb()],$rgb(64,0,0)<no album>$rgb()) '['$if2(%date%,$rgb(64,0,0)<no date>$rgb())']'$tab()$if2(%genre%,$rgb(64,0,0)<no genre>$rgb())[ | %codec%]

Code: [Select]
[$rgb(64,64,64)%disctitle%$rgb()]$tab()[Disc %discnumber%/%totaldiscs%]

%subtitle% and %disctitle% are my custom tags, you'll probably want to remove them and their rgb() calls.  Left them just to illustrate the flexibility.  The other rgb() calls are there to highlight missing metadata, so hack away at that.  And, if you don't want the "<no whatever>", none of the $if2() calls are necessary.

Keep in mind that absolutely any difference in either of these formats from song to song makes a new group or subgroup, so your tags have to be pretty clean.  Also, this does make EVERY album group header two lines tall, even single discs, which might not be what you want.  But, for mutli-disc sets, you can click at the very top to select all songs on all discs, or just above each disc to only select the songs on that disc.  I really like that, musicmusic, good work!

Columns UI

Reply #6196
I can’t create another vertical panel!
In short: I want the following configuration (Columns UI mode):
NG Playlist + Playlist switcher + Item Details + Artwork, but I can’t put Item Details + Artwork into a vertical panel
If I choose NG Playlist + Playlist switcher, I can add a vertical panel, but I can not be divided horizontally into 2 (Item Details + Artwork). Horizontal splitter is always dimmed. Any ideas ?


Columns UI

Reply #6197
I have been using Windows Media Player and iTunes.
With those products my albums are nicely arranged with a single album cover and all tracks.

When I load foobar2000 I get a new album cover for each album track with a different artist.
I have many compilation albums and I don't want 35 album covers for a 2 disc set.

How do I arrange the albums by "Album artist" instead of "Artist"?
All the information is available in the meta-data but I can't see where the sorting is done.

Columns UI

Reply #6198
Right click on a column heading and check / confirm how your group[ing] is being done.
Then click on the more... to get to the preferences. Your chosen grouping line most likely is starting with %album%.
Change it to %album artist%. Should take care of the issue if your tagging is complete.


Columns UI

Reply #6199
Right click on a column heading and check / confirm how your group[ing] is being done.
Then click on the more... to get to the preferences. Your chosen grouping line most likely is starting with %album%.
Change it to %album artist%. Should take care of the issue if your tagging is complete.


I loaded the Columns UI and it does not seem to work that way.
I looked through a lot of the settings but did not see anything helpful.
Is there any easy way to switch back and forth between standard and Columns UI?