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Topic: Columns UI (Read 4724017 times) previous topic - next topic
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Columns UI

Reply #2976
I do not mind losing my layout upon installing the new beta Columns UI.  However, will I also loose my global variables and the scripts I use to colour and display columns in in the playlist?

Columns UI

Reply #2977
No, just your layout gets lost. I am already using the new version.

EDIT: baaaad typo

Columns UI

Reply #2978
Actually, Im pretty sure the last thing I said in regard to making the globals available to other components was "I'll do it".  Since I am a man of my word, I'll add it to beta 1.

musicmusic, i can't find that mentioned in the changelog, could you add it, please?

when we're on it, i would also like these to be available for formatting (i know it's possible to implement these by formatting hook plugin, but that would affect performance):

- playing playlist's name (something like %playing_playlist%)
- queue index of track

also, i would really like if not drag'n'drop in the layout's tree, then at least cut/copy/paste functions in the context menu for moving whole layout's subtree around, or between presets ... it's imho must-have feature. of course one would have to think about issues with panels supporting multiple independent instances etc. (but i guess the new functions in the api would help with this in the future, if implemented on panel's side).

i think this in in the works, but will it be possible not only change between presets, but also toggle visibility status of splitter by keyboard shortcut / menu / button?

one strange behavior - if i create autohide splitter, it's very hard to adjust it's size (and not to move to the other panel / splitter and thus hide the autohide one). i don't really understand the toggle area, is it meaningless together with autohide?

Columns UI

Reply #2979
I'm looking for an option which I can't find... The playback order toolbar (little pop-down menu) edge style is always sunken; I'd like to change it to gray.  Is that possible?

Columns UI

Reply #2980
2 crashlogs...
Code: [Select]
Illegal operation:
Code: C0000005h, flags: 00000000h, address: 017BE88Ah
Access violation, operation: read, address: 00000004h
Call path:
This is the first crash logged by this instance.
Code bytes (017BE88Ah):
017BE84Ah:  07 8B CF FF 50 6C 85 FF C6 45 FC 00 74 06 8B 07
017BE85Ah:  8B CF FF 10 8B 4D F0 83 4D FC FF 85 C9 74 04 8B
017BE86Ah:  01 FF 10 43 3B 5D E8 72 97 E8 3E EC 01 00 C3 6A
017BE87Ah:  10 B8 1E 28 7F 01 E8 59 EB 01 00 8B F9 8D 4F 04
017BE88Ah:  8B 01 FF 10 83 65 F0 00 85 C0 89 45 E4 76 76 8B
017BE89Ah:  47 08 8B 4D F0 8B 04 88 FF 70 14 8B 70 10 83 65
017BE8AAh:  EC 00 8D 4D EC E8 B9 D8 FF FF 8B 5D EC 83 65 FC
017BE8BAh:  00 85 DB 74 37 85 F6 74 33 83 65 E8 00 8D 45 E8
Stack (0012FA08h):
0012F9E8h:  00000000 00000000 00000001 00007072
0012F9F8h:  000000FB 00000000 BF018437 E108D010
0012FA08h:  6A1FBD5F 77D4970E 0012FAEC 00000000
0012FA18h:  0012FA2C 77D4973D 0076ED10 0077D720
0012FA28h:  0012FA98 017F281E FFFFFFFF 0012FA50
0012FA38h:  017B69C7 00000000 7FFDF000 00000000
0012FA48h:  0012FAEC 0012FAEC 0012FA6C 77D4EAF2
0012FA58h:  00000000 00000001 0012FAEC 0012FC18
0012FA68h:  0012FB48 0012FAA8 77D4EA9E 00030000
0012FA78h:  00000001 0012FAEC 017B6954 0012FC18
0012FA88h:  0012FB48 00000000 0012FA84 0012F62C
0012FA98h:  0012FEAC 77D70467 77D4EAB0 00000000
0012FAA8h:  0012FACC 77D4EBF3 0012FADC 0012FAEC
0012FAB8h:  0012FB08 00000000 004CC870 00000020
0012FAC8h:  0012FAEC 0012FB28 7C90EAE3 0012FADC
0012FAD8h:  00000030 00030000 00000001 017B6954
0012FAE8h:  77D4EAC1 007808C8 00000104 00000012
0012FAF8h:  20380001 0425FD72 000001E8 00000177
0012FB08h:  00000000 77D491BE 77D491F1 0012FB48
0012FB18h:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00001F47
EAX: 0012FA28, EBX: 00000000, ECX: 00000004, EDX: 7C90EB94
ESI: 0012FAEC, EDI: 00000000, EBP: 0012FA34, ESP: 0012FA08
Crash location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 01790000h - 0182B000h

Loaded modules:
foobar2000                      loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
ntdll                            loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
kernel32                        loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F4000h
COMCTL32                        loaded at 773D0000h - 774D2000h
msvcrt                          loaded at 77C10000h - 77C68000h
ADVAPI32                        loaded at 77DD0000h - 77E6B000h
RPCRT4                          loaded at 77E70000h - 77F01000h
GDI32                            loaded at 77F10000h - 77F57000h
USER32                          loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
SHLWAPI                          loaded at 77F60000h - 77FD6000h
SHELL32                          loaded at 7C9C0000h - 7D1D5000h
ole32                            loaded at 774E0000h - 7761D000h
shared                          loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
comdlg32                        loaded at 763B0000h - 763F9000h
LgWndHk                          loaded at 003C0000h - 003C7000h
MsgPlusLoader1                  loaded at 003D0000h - 003DE000h
iprepair                        loaded at 009C0000h - 009D2000h
OLEAUT32                        loaded at 77120000h - 771AC000h
SETUPAPI                        loaded at 77920000h - 77A13000h
appHelp                          loaded at 77B40000h - 77B62000h
CLBCATQ                          loaded at 76FD0000h - 7704F000h
COMRes                          loaded at 77050000h - 77115000h
VERSION                          loaded at 77C00000h - 77C08000h
cscui                            loaded at 77A20000h - 77A74000h
CSCDLL                          loaded at 76600000h - 7661D000h
USERENV                          loaded at 769C0000h - 76A73000h
MPR                              loaded at 71B20000h - 71B32000h
drprov                          loaded at 75F60000h - 75F67000h
ntlanman                        loaded at 71C10000h - 71C1E000h
NETUI0                          loaded at 71CD0000h - 71CE7000h
NETUI1                          loaded at 71C90000h - 71CD0000h
NETAPI32                        loaded at 5B860000h - 5B8B4000h
NETRAP                          loaded at 71C80000h - 71C87000h
SAMLIB                          loaded at 71BF0000h - 71C03000h
davclnt                          loaded at 75F70000h - 75F79000h
shgina                          loaded at 73D70000h - 73D83000h
MSGINA                          loaded at 75970000h - 75A67000h
WINSTA                          loaded at 76360000h - 76370000h
ODBC32                          loaded at 74320000h - 7435D000h
odbcint                          loaded at 20000000h - 20017000h
Secur32                          loaded at 77FE0000h - 77FF1000h
Audiodev                        loaded at 092D0000h - 09349000h
WMVCore                          loaded at 086D0000h - 08916000h
WMASF                            loaded at 070D0000h - 0710A000h
WINTRUST                        loaded at 76C30000h - 76C5E000h
CRYPT32                          loaded at 77A80000h - 77B14000h
MSASN1                          loaded at 77B20000h - 77B32000h
IMAGEHLP                        loaded at 76C90000h - 76CB8000h
foo_abx                          loaded at 00D70000h - 00DA4000h
foo_albumlist                    loaded at 00DC0000h - 00E01000h
foo_autoplaylist                loaded at 00E30000h - 00E62000h
foo_browser                      loaded at 00E90000h - 00EC4000h
foo_burninate                    loaded at 00EF0000h - 00F26000h
foo_cdda                        loaded at 00F50000h - 00F7D000h
foo_common                      loaded at 00FA0000h - 00FD9000h
foo_controlserver                loaded at 01000000h - 01036000h
WS2_32                          loaded at 71AB0000h - 71AC7000h
WS2HELP                          loaded at 71AA0000h - 71AA8000h
foo_converter                    loaded at 01060000h - 010C1000h
foo_dbsearch                    loaded at 010F0000h - 01149000h
foo_dsp_continuator              loaded at 01170000h - 011A2000h
foo_dsp_std                      loaded at 011D0000h - 0120F000h
foo_dsp_vlevel                  loaded at 01230000h - 01254000h
foo_freedb2                      loaded at 01280000h - 012C0000h
foo_input_shorten                loaded at 012E0000h - 0130E000h
foo_input_std                    loaded at 01330000h - 01443000h
foo_masstag                      loaded at 01470000h - 014C0000h
foo_msnalt                      loaded at 014E0000h - 014F9000h
foo_playcount                    loaded at 01520000h - 01547000h
foo_playlist_tree                loaded at 01570000h - 015D0000h
foo_pqview                      loaded at 015F0000h - 0160C000h
foo_rgscan                      loaded at 01630000h - 01674000h
foo_uie_albumlist                loaded at 016A0000h - 016DF000h
foo_uie_console                  loaded at 01700000h - 0171C000h
foo_uie_trackinfo                loaded at 01740000h - 01770000h
foo_ui_columns                  loaded at 01790000h - 0182B000h
foo_ui_std                      loaded at 01850000h - 018A7000h
foo_utils                        loaded at 018D0000h - 01909000h
uxtheme                          loaded at 5AD70000h - 5ADA8000h
mswsock                          loaded at 71A50000h - 71A8F000h
hnetcfg                          loaded at 662B0000h - 66308000h
wshtcpip                        loaded at 71A90000h - 71A98000h
LgMsgHk                          loaded at 02270000h - 0227B000h
MSVCP60                          loaded at 76080000h - 760E5000h
gdiplus                          loaded at 4EC50000h - 4EDF3000h
browseui                        loaded at 75F80000h - 7607D000h
ntshrui                          loaded at 76990000h - 769B5000h
ATL                              loaded at 76B20000h - 76B31000h
shdocvw                          loaded at 77760000h - 778CF000h
CRYPTUI                          loaded at 754D0000h - 75550000h
WININET                          loaded at 771B0000h - 77259000h
WLDAP32                          loaded at 76F60000h - 76F8C000h
DSOUND                          loaded at 73F10000h - 73F6C000h
WINMM                            loaded at 76B40000h - 76B6D000h
wdmaud                          loaded at 72D20000h - 72D29000h
msacm32                          loaded at 72D10000h - 72D18000h
MSACM32                          loaded at 77BE0000h - 77BF5000h
midimap                          loaded at 77BD0000h - 77BD7000h
KsUser                          loaded at 73EE0000h - 73EE4000h
IMM32                            loaded at 76390000h - 763AD000h
DBGHELP                          loaded at 59A60000h - 59B01000h

Stack dump analysis:
Address: 77D4970Eh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "IsChild" (+00000000h)
Address: 77D4973Dh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "IsChild" (+0000002Fh)
Address: 017F281Eh, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 01790000h - 0182B000h
Address: 017B69C7h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 01790000h - 0182B000h
Address: 77D4EAF2h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "EnableMenuItem" (+000000C3h)
Address: 77D4EA9Eh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "EnableMenuItem" (+0000006Fh)
Address: 017B6954h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 01790000h - 0182B000h
Address: 77D70467h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 77D4EAB0h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "EnableMenuItem" (+00000081h)
Address: 77D4EBF3h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "CallNextHookEx" (+000000F0h)
Address: 004CC870h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 7C90EAE3h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "KiUserCallbackDispatcher" (+00000013h)
Address: 017B6954h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 01790000h - 0182B000h
Address: 77D4EAC1h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "EnableMenuItem" (+00000092h)
Address: 77D491BEh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "GetProcessWindowStation" (+00000029h)
Address: 77D491F1h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "GetMessageW" (+0000002Bh)
Address: 0042B60Fh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 77D4DAEAh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "DestroyWindow" (+00000000h)
Address: 017D29C3h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 01790000h - 0182B000h
Address: 0042C0C0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 004AF7ACh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 7C910E12h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "wcsncpy" (+00000383h)
Address: 004AF7ACh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 00400000h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 004B20F8h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 004D11C0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 7C910732h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+0000015Eh)
Address: 7C90EE18h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "strchr" (+00000117h)
Address: 7C911538h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "wcsncpy" (+00000AA9h)
Address: 7C911596h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "wcsncpy" (+00000B07h)
Address: 7C9106EBh, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+00000117h)
Address: 004D12A0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 004A48E4h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 7C910570h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlFreeHeap" (+00000133h)
Address: 7C91056Dh, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlFreeHeap" (+00000130h)
Address: 7C917CB7h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlReAllocateHeap" (+000002BAh)
Address: 7C917BF5h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlReAllocateHeap" (+000001F8h)
Address: 7C917BB0h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlReAllocateHeap" (+000001B3h)
Address: 7C90EE18h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "strchr" (+00000117h)
Address: 1000D533h, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
Address: 7C90EE18h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "strchr" (+00000117h)
Address: 7C910570h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlFreeHeap" (+00000133h)
Address: 7C91056Dh, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlFreeHeap" (+00000130h)
Address: 1000D469h, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
Address: 1000D469h, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
Address: 10003C90h, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
Symbol: "t_font_description::g_from_font" (+00000030h)
Address: 10003C9Eh, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
Symbol: "t_font_description::g_from_font" (+0000003Eh)
Address: 7C911B09h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlLogStackBackTrace" (+00000025h)
Address: 004D1230h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 7C911B09h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlLogStackBackTrace" (+00000025h)
Address: 004D12A0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 00483574h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 7C90EE18h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "strchr" (+00000117h)
Address: 7C9106F0h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+0000011Ch)
Address: 7C9106EBh, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+00000117h)
Address: 0048991Fh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 01000000h, location: "foo_controlserver", loaded at 01000000h - 01036000h
Address: 00488720h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 004B05C8h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 10002D77h, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
Symbol: "uPrintCrashInfo_SetDumpPath" (+000000B7h)
Address: 004B05C8h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 0049F7FBh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 004B05C8h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 0042C29Ah, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 00400000h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 004CE2A8h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 00489035h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 00483409h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 00483403h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 004A48E8h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 004A3045h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 00488720h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 0049F9EFh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 00487605h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 00400000h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 00DCD0B8h, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00DC0000h - 00E01000h
Address: 00DCD0B8h, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00DC0000h - 00E01000h
Address: 00488720h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 7C816D4Fh, location: "kernel32", loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F4000h
Symbol: "RegisterWaitForInputIdle" (+00000049h)
Address: 00DCD0B8h, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00DC0000h - 00E01000h
Address: 7C8399F3h, location: "kernel32", loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F4000h
Symbol: "FindAtomW" (+00000094h)
Address: 7C816D58h, location: "kernel32", loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F4000h
Symbol: "RegisterWaitForInputIdle" (+00000052h)
Address: 0048766Eh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 004B0063h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 003D006Eh, location: "MsgPlusLoader1", loaded at 003D0000h - 003DE000h
Address: 003D0065h, location: "MsgPlusLoader1", loaded at 003D0000h - 003DE000h
Address: 003D006Eh, location: "MsgPlusLoader1", loaded at 003D0000h - 003DE000h
Address: 00410072h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 003D0065h, location: "MsgPlusLoader1", loaded at 003D0000h - 003DE000h
Address: 0044002Eh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 0044002Eh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 00410072h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 003D0065h, location: "MsgPlusLoader1", loaded at 003D0000h - 003DE000h
Address: 0044002Eh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 0044002Eh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h

Version info:
foobar2000 v0.9.1

Additional info:
Columns UI 0.1.3 beta 1  (foo_ui_columns)
ABX comparator 1.3  (foo_abx)
Continuator 0.4.0  (foo_dsp_continuator)
FLAC decoder 1.1.0  (foo_input_std)
MPEG-4 AAC decoder 2.1  (foo_input_std)
Playlist Tree Panel 2.0.5 [Apr 28 2006 - 10:43:44]  (foo_playlist_tree)
Default User Interface 0.9acc  (foo_ui_std)
ReplayGain Scanner 2.0  (foo_rgscan)
Playlist tools 0.5.5  (foo_utils)
Music Browser 1.1.5 [Apr 28 2006 - 10:44:17]  (foo_browser)
Album list panel 0.2.1 beta 4  (foo_uie_albumlist)
Shorten decoder 0.4.2a  (foo_input_shorten)
Database search 1.3.1 beta 10  (foo_dbsearch)
MSN Now Playing (alt) 2.4  (foo_msnalt)
Album List 3.2.0  (foo_albumlist)
Console panel 0.2  (foo_uie_console)
Audio CD Writer 2.0  (foo_burninate)
freedb tagger v0.5  (foo_freedb2)
CD Audio decoder 2.0  (foo_cdda)
Control Server 0.8.5 beta 7  (foo_controlserver)
Converter 1.0  (foo_converter)
Standard DSP array 1.0  (foo_dsp_std)
VLevel 20060324.0  (foo_dsp_vlevel)
Standard input array 1.0  (foo_input_std)
Track info panel 0.7  (foo_uie_trackinfo)
Masstagger 1.5  (foo_masstag)
Common services 0.1  (foo_common)
Play Count 1.9.1  (foo_playcount)

Code: [Select]
Illegal operation:
Code: C0000005h, flags: 00000000h, address: 017BE88Ah
Access violation, operation: read, address: 00000004h
Call path:
This is the first crash logged by this instance.
Code bytes (017BE88Ah):
017BE84Ah:  07 8B CF FF 50 6C 85 FF C6 45 FC 00 74 06 8B 07
017BE85Ah:  8B CF FF 10 8B 4D F0 83 4D FC FF 85 C9 74 04 8B
017BE86Ah:  01 FF 10 43 3B 5D E8 72 97 E8 3E EC 01 00 C3 6A
017BE87Ah:  10 B8 1E 28 7F 01 E8 59 EB 01 00 8B F9 8D 4F 04
017BE88Ah:  8B 01 FF 10 83 65 F0 00 85 C0 89 45 E4 76 76 8B
017BE89Ah:  47 08 8B 4D F0 8B 04 88 FF 70 14 8B 70 10 83 65
017BE8AAh:  EC 00 8D 4D EC E8 B9 D8 FF FF 8B 5D EC 83 65 FC
017BE8BAh:  00 85 DB 74 37 85 F6 74 33 83 65 E8 00 8D 45 E8
Stack (0012FA08h):
0012F9E8h:  00000000 00000000 00000001 00007072
0012F9F8h:  000000FB 00000000 BF018437 E108D010
0012FA08h:  EE11635B 77D4970E 0012FAEC 00000000
0012FA18h:  0012FA2C 77D4973D 0076CC20 0077CA88
0012FA28h:  0012FA98 017F281E FFFFFFFF 0012FA50
0012FA38h:  017B69C7 00000000 7FFDE000 00000000
0012FA48h:  0012FAEC 0012FAEC 0012FA6C 77D4EAF2
0012FA58h:  00000000 00000001 0012FAEC 0012FC18
0012FA68h:  0012FB48 0012FAA8 77D4EA9E 00030000
0012FA78h:  00000001 0012FAEC 017B6954 0012FC18
0012FA88h:  0012FB48 00000000 0012FA84 0012F62C
0012FA98h:  0012FEAC 77D70467 77D4EAB0 00000000
0012FAA8h:  0012FACC 77D4EBF3 0012FADC 0012FAEC
0012FAB8h:  0012FB08 00000000 004CC870 00000020
0012FAC8h:  0012FAEC 0012FB28 7C90EAE3 0012FADC
0012FAD8h:  00000030 00030000 00000001 017B6954
0012FAE8h:  77D4EAC1 003808B0 00000104 00000012
0012FAF8h:  20380001 04291BB9 00000342 00000168
0012FB08h:  00000000 77D491BE 77D491F1 0012FB48
0012FB18h:  00000000 00000000 00000000 0000011B
EAX: 0012FA28, EBX: 00000000, ECX: 00000004, EDX: 7C90EB94
ESI: 0012FAEC, EDI: 00000000, EBP: 0012FA34, ESP: 0012FA08
Crash location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 01790000h - 0182B000h

Loaded modules:
foobar2000                      loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
ntdll                            loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
kernel32                        loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F4000h
COMCTL32                        loaded at 773D0000h - 774D2000h
msvcrt                          loaded at 77C10000h - 77C68000h
ADVAPI32                        loaded at 77DD0000h - 77E6B000h
RPCRT4                          loaded at 77E70000h - 77F01000h
GDI32                            loaded at 77F10000h - 77F57000h
USER32                          loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
SHLWAPI                          loaded at 77F60000h - 77FD6000h
SHELL32                          loaded at 7C9C0000h - 7D1D5000h
ole32                            loaded at 774E0000h - 7761D000h
shared                          loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
comdlg32                        loaded at 763B0000h - 763F9000h
LgWndHk                          loaded at 003C0000h - 003C7000h
MsgPlusLoader1                  loaded at 003D0000h - 003DE000h
iprepair                        loaded at 009C0000h - 009D2000h
OLEAUT32                        loaded at 77120000h - 771AC000h
SETUPAPI                        loaded at 77920000h - 77A13000h
appHelp                          loaded at 77B40000h - 77B62000h
CLBCATQ                          loaded at 76FD0000h - 7704F000h
COMRes                          loaded at 77050000h - 77115000h
VERSION                          loaded at 77C00000h - 77C08000h
cscui                            loaded at 77A20000h - 77A74000h
CSCDLL                          loaded at 76600000h - 7661D000h
USERENV                          loaded at 769C0000h - 76A73000h
MPR                              loaded at 71B20000h - 71B32000h
drprov                          loaded at 75F60000h - 75F67000h
ntlanman                        loaded at 71C10000h - 71C1E000h
NETUI0                          loaded at 71CD0000h - 71CE7000h
NETUI1                          loaded at 71C90000h - 71CD0000h
NETAPI32                        loaded at 5B860000h - 5B8B4000h
NETRAP                          loaded at 71C80000h - 71C87000h
SAMLIB                          loaded at 71BF0000h - 71C03000h
davclnt                          loaded at 75F70000h - 75F79000h
shgina                          loaded at 73D70000h - 73D83000h
MSGINA                          loaded at 75970000h - 75A67000h
WINSTA                          loaded at 76360000h - 76370000h
ODBC32                          loaded at 74320000h - 7435D000h
odbcint                          loaded at 20000000h - 20017000h
Secur32                          loaded at 77FE0000h - 77FF1000h
Audiodev                        loaded at 092D0000h - 09349000h
WMVCore                          loaded at 086D0000h - 08916000h
WMASF                            loaded at 070D0000h - 0710A000h
WINTRUST                        loaded at 76C30000h - 76C5E000h
CRYPT32                          loaded at 77A80000h - 77B14000h
MSASN1                          loaded at 77B20000h - 77B32000h
IMAGEHLP                        loaded at 76C90000h - 76CB8000h
foo_abx                          loaded at 00D70000h - 00DA4000h
foo_albumlist                    loaded at 00DC0000h - 00E01000h
foo_autoplaylist                loaded at 00E30000h - 00E62000h
foo_browser                      loaded at 00E90000h - 00EC4000h
foo_burninate                    loaded at 00EF0000h - 00F26000h
foo_cdda                        loaded at 00F50000h - 00F7D000h
foo_common                      loaded at 00FA0000h - 00FD9000h
foo_controlserver                loaded at 01000000h - 01036000h
WS2_32                          loaded at 71AB0000h - 71AC7000h
WS2HELP                          loaded at 71AA0000h - 71AA8000h
foo_converter                    loaded at 01060000h - 010C1000h
foo_dbsearch                    loaded at 010F0000h - 01149000h
foo_dsp_continuator              loaded at 01170000h - 011A2000h
foo_dsp_std                      loaded at 011D0000h - 0120F000h
foo_dsp_vlevel                  loaded at 01230000h - 01254000h
foo_freedb2                      loaded at 01280000h - 012C0000h
foo_input_shorten                loaded at 012E0000h - 0130E000h
foo_input_std                    loaded at 01330000h - 01443000h
foo_masstag                      loaded at 01470000h - 014C0000h
foo_msnalt                      loaded at 014E0000h - 014F9000h
foo_playcount                    loaded at 01520000h - 01547000h
foo_playlist_tree                loaded at 01570000h - 015D0000h
foo_pqview                      loaded at 015F0000h - 0160C000h
foo_rgscan                      loaded at 01630000h - 01674000h
foo_uie_albumlist                loaded at 016A0000h - 016DF000h
foo_uie_console                  loaded at 01700000h - 0171C000h
foo_uie_trackinfo                loaded at 01740000h - 01770000h
foo_ui_columns                  loaded at 01790000h - 0182B000h
foo_ui_std                      loaded at 01850000h - 018A7000h
foo_utils                        loaded at 018D0000h - 01909000h
uxtheme                          loaded at 5AD70000h - 5ADA8000h
gdiplus                          loaded at 4EC50000h - 4EDF3000h
mswsock                          loaded at 71A50000h - 71A8F000h
hnetcfg                          loaded at 662B0000h - 66308000h
wshtcpip                        loaded at 71A90000h - 71A98000h
LgMsgHk                          loaded at 01AC0000h - 01ACB000h
MSVCP60                          loaded at 76080000h - 760E5000h
DSOUND                          loaded at 73F10000h - 73F6C000h
WINMM                            loaded at 76B40000h - 76B6D000h
wdmaud                          loaded at 72D20000h - 72D29000h
msacm32                          loaded at 72D10000h - 72D18000h
MSACM32                          loaded at 77BE0000h - 77BF5000h
midimap                          loaded at 77BD0000h - 77BD7000h
KsUser                          loaded at 73EE0000h - 73EE4000h
DBGHELP                          loaded at 59A60000h - 59B01000h

Stack dump analysis:
Address: 77D4970Eh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "IsChild" (+00000000h)
Address: 77D4973Dh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "IsChild" (+0000002Fh)
Address: 017F281Eh, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 01790000h - 0182B000h
Address: 017B69C7h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 01790000h - 0182B000h
Address: 77D4EAF2h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "EnableMenuItem" (+000000C3h)
Address: 77D4EA9Eh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "EnableMenuItem" (+0000006Fh)
Address: 017B6954h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 01790000h - 0182B000h
Address: 77D70467h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 77D4EAB0h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "EnableMenuItem" (+00000081h)
Address: 77D4EBF3h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "CallNextHookEx" (+000000F0h)
Address: 004CC870h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 7C90EAE3h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "KiUserCallbackDispatcher" (+00000013h)
Address: 017B6954h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 01790000h - 0182B000h
Address: 77D4EAC1h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "EnableMenuItem" (+00000092h)
Address: 77D491BEh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "GetProcessWindowStation" (+00000029h)
Address: 77D491F1h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "GetMessageW" (+0000002Bh)
Address: 0042B60Fh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 77D4DAEAh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "DestroyWindow" (+00000000h)
Address: 017D29C3h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 01790000h - 0182B000h
Address: 0042C0C0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 004AF7ACh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 7C910E12h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "wcsncpy" (+00000383h)
Address: 004AF7ACh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 00400000h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 004B20F8h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 004D11C0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 7C910732h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+0000015Eh)
Address: 7C90EE18h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "strchr" (+00000117h)
Address: 7C911538h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "wcsncpy" (+00000AA9h)
Address: 7C911596h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "wcsncpy" (+00000B07h)
Address: 7C9106EBh, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+00000117h)
Address: 004D12A0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 004A48E4h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 7C910570h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlFreeHeap" (+00000133h)
Address: 7C91056Dh, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlFreeHeap" (+00000130h)
Address: 7C917CB7h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlReAllocateHeap" (+000002BAh)
Address: 7C917BF5h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlReAllocateHeap" (+000001F8h)
Address: 7C917BB0h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlReAllocateHeap" (+000001B3h)
Address: 7C90EE18h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "strchr" (+00000117h)
Address: 1000D533h, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
Address: 7C90EE18h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "strchr" (+00000117h)
Address: 7C910570h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlFreeHeap" (+00000133h)
Address: 7C91056Dh, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlFreeHeap" (+00000130h)
Address: 1000D469h, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
Address: 1000D469h, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
Address: 10003C90h, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
Symbol: "t_font_description::g_from_font" (+00000030h)
Address: 10003C9Eh, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
Symbol: "t_font_description::g_from_font" (+0000003Eh)
Address: 7C911B09h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlLogStackBackTrace" (+00000025h)
Address: 004D1230h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 7C911B09h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlLogStackBackTrace" (+00000025h)
Address: 004D12A0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 00483574h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 7C90EE18h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "strchr" (+00000117h)
Address: 7C9106F0h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+0000011Ch)
Address: 7C9106EBh, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+00000117h)
Address: 0048991Fh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 01000000h, location: "foo_controlserver", loaded at 01000000h - 01036000h
Address: 00488720h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 004B05C8h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 10002D77h, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
Symbol: "uPrintCrashInfo_SetDumpPath" (+000000B7h)
Address: 004B05C8h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 0049F7FBh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 004B05C8h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 0042C29Ah, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 00400000h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 004CE2A8h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 00489035h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 00483409h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 00483403h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 004A48E8h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 004A3045h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 00488720h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 0049F9EFh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 00487605h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 00400000h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 00DCD0B8h, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00DC0000h - 00E01000h
Address: 00DCD0B8h, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00DC0000h - 00E01000h
Address: 00488720h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 7C816D4Fh, location: "kernel32", loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F4000h
Symbol: "RegisterWaitForInputIdle" (+00000049h)
Address: 00DCD0B8h, location: "foo_albumlist", loaded at 00DC0000h - 00E01000h
Address: 7C8399F3h, location: "kernel32", loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F4000h
Symbol: "FindAtomW" (+00000094h)
Address: 7C816D58h, location: "kernel32", loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F4000h
Symbol: "RegisterWaitForInputIdle" (+00000052h)
Address: 0048766Eh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 004B0063h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 003D006Eh, location: "MsgPlusLoader1", loaded at 003D0000h - 003DE000h
Address: 003D0065h, location: "MsgPlusLoader1", loaded at 003D0000h - 003DE000h
Address: 003D006Eh, location: "MsgPlusLoader1", loaded at 003D0000h - 003DE000h
Address: 00410072h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 003D0065h, location: "MsgPlusLoader1", loaded at 003D0000h - 003DE000h
Address: 0044002Eh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 0044002Eh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 00410072h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 003D0065h, location: "MsgPlusLoader1", loaded at 003D0000h - 003DE000h
Address: 0044002Eh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h
Address: 0044002Eh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004E0000h

Version info:
foobar2000 v0.9.1

Additional info:
ReplayGain Scanner 2.0  (foo_rgscan)
Common services 0.1  (foo_common)
Standard input array 1.0  (foo_input_std)
FLAC decoder 1.1.0  (foo_input_std)
Track info panel 0.7  (foo_uie_trackinfo)
Audio CD Writer 2.0  (foo_burninate)
Play Count 1.9.1  (foo_playcount)
Continuator 0.4.0  (foo_dsp_continuator)
Music Browser 1.1.5 [Apr 28 2006 - 10:44:17]  (foo_browser)
MSN Now Playing (alt) 2.4  (foo_msnalt)
Converter 1.0  (foo_converter)
Default User Interface 0.9acc  (foo_ui_std)
Playlist Tree Panel 2.0.5 [Apr 28 2006 - 10:43:44]  (foo_playlist_tree)
Database search 1.3.1 beta 10  (foo_dbsearch)
CD Audio decoder 2.0  (foo_cdda)
Console panel 0.2  (foo_uie_console)
MPEG-4 AAC decoder 2.1  (foo_input_std)
ABX comparator 1.3  (foo_abx)
Standard DSP array 1.0  (foo_dsp_std)
Columns UI 0.1.3 beta 1  (foo_ui_columns)
VLevel 20060324.0  (foo_dsp_vlevel)
Album List 3.2.0  (foo_albumlist)
Playlist tools 0.5.5  (foo_utils)
Masstagger 1.5  (foo_masstag)
Shorten decoder 0.4.2a  (foo_input_shorten)
freedb tagger v0.5  (foo_freedb2)
Album list panel 0.2.1 beta 4  (foo_uie_albumlist)
Control Server 0.8.5 beta 7  (foo_controlserver)

Edit : I get this as soon as I press alt, and a menu tries to pop-up.  Toolbar is disabled, I added my menu otherwise (through a layout)

Columns UI

Reply #2981
Hmm I'll wait a while to update my ColumnsUI
-foobar2000 + Burrrn + EAC
-HD 80Gb using High QualityVBR MP3s


Columns UI

Reply #2982
' date='Apr 28 2006, 06:11 PM' post='387280']
Edit : I get this as soon as I press alt, and a menu tries to pop-up.  Toolbar is disabled, I added my menu otherwise (through a layout)

Thanks for the report, fixed in v2.

Columns UI

Reply #2983
The buttons need some improvements, otherwise fine as always, thanks musicmusic !!! 

Columns UI

Reply #2985
Actually, Im pretty sure the last thing I said in regard to making the globals available to other components was "I'll do it".  Since I am a man of my word, I'll add it to beta 1.

musicmusic, i can't find that mentioned in the changelog, could you add it, please?
It is in the changelog - its included under "other minor changes"

I added the relevant definintions and API to retreive global string and implement the set/get_global functions to the SDK. But I did forgot to add a callback for when the string changes.

also, i would really like if not drag'n'drop in the layout's tree, then at least cut/copy/paste functions in the context menu for moving whole layout's subtree around, or between presets ... it's imho must-have feature.

Yes, I plan to add maybe both.

i think this in in the works, but will it be possible not only change between presets, but also toggle visibility status of splitter by keyboard shortcut / menu / button?
Beta 2  It needs something to define dependant layouts.

one strange behavior - if i create autohide splitter, it's very hard to adjust it's size (and not to move to the other panel / splitter and thus hide the autohide one).
I guess increasing hide delay would help with that. Structure is in place for me to change size of separator too, i tried 3px but it looked horrible because of the background colour so I left it for now.

i don't really understand the toggle area, is it meaningless together with autohide?
Its just a replacement of old sidebar toggle area. Nope it won't work together with autohide.

' date='Apr 28 2006, 05:56 PM' post='387276']
I'm looking for an option which I can't find... The playback order toolbar (little pop-down menu) edge style is always sunken; I'd like to change it to gray.  Is that possible?
Im not setting any border explicitly. It just looks like that

' date='Apr 28 2006, 07:47 PM' post='387309']

Thanks for the report, fixed in v2.

Link needs to be updated.  Current version is here :
Seems fine here  (Clear cache?)

Columns UI

Reply #2986
I noticed something weird with the updated Album Art panel and I'm not sure if it's the fault of the panel or a problem in Columns UI.

Once I added the Album Art panel to a vertical splitter, I was unable to add any more panels to the splitter. There just was no arrow next to the Panels menu option. If I remove the panel, I can add as many panels as I want, but as soon as I add the Album Art panel, I can't add anymore.

Should I report this in the Album Art thread?

Columns UI

Reply #2987
i think this in in the works, but will it be possible not only change between presets, but also toggle visibility status of splitter by keyboard shortcut / menu / button?
Beta 2  It needs something to define dependant layouts.

I was thinking about a 'Next Layout' and 'Previous Layout' function that could be assigned a keyboard shortcut, that way you could jump through all available layouts quickly with only 1 shortcut key instead of needing a shortcut key for each layout as it is now.

You could then create 2 different layout presets one full layout and one with whatever you wanted hidden and then just easily skip between the 2 with 'Next Layout' assigned to a keyboard shortcut.

Just thinking out loud.

Columns UI

Reply #2988

Columns UI

Reply #2989
I noticed something weird with the updated Album Art panel and I'm not sure if it's the fault of the panel or a problem in Columns UI.

Once I added the Album Art panel to a vertical splitter, I was unable to add any more panels to the splitter. There just was no arrow next to the Panels menu option. If I remove the panel, I can add as many panels as I want, but as soon as I add the Album Art panel, I can't add anymore.

Should I report this in the Album Art thread?
I guess this is about the Album Art panel that I compiled. Seldaek reported the same issue on IRC. It seems that returning false from get_is_single_instance() causes this behaviour, so I suspect it could be a bug in the new layout editor.

Columns UI

Reply #2990
It was supposed to prevent you from adding the same single instance panel twice, but seems like it was going a bit wrong. Its fixed in v3. Also fixed the broken single instance window service factories

Columns UI

Reply #2992
The last build is just greeeeeaaaaat. One question, when i had a menu toolbar, is there a way to get rid of the help menu? I dont need it and since i put it in a vertical panel, it cause a minimal size to that panel which is too big

Columns UI

Reply #2993
is there a way to save my layout into .fcs profiles? (or to export them somehow)
I just started to play around with ColumnsUI and i keep screwing things up, so it would be useful

Columns UI

Reply #2994
i got a question about the new version. for the "Playlist Tabs" splitter, why doesn't it allow child panels? currently what i want to do is to use that along with Album list. and on the bottom of the album list to have the Console.

also as for the Console, will it be possible to change its default colors? my setup uses a black bg and white text so it just doesn't fit right now.

Columns UI

Reply #2995

..that's what I meant..

Columns UI

Reply #2996
I am having a strange problem with the new the beta and masstaging via buttons.  I have several masstagger scripts for rating which work fine and are bound to hot keys.  Now I am able to bind these scripts to a series of buttons because the scripts appear in context menu of the new button configuration, but the buttons do not active the scripts when pressed.

Columns UI

Reply #2997
is there a way to save my layout into .fcs profiles? (or to export them somehow)
I just started to play around with ColumnsUI and i keep screwing things up, so it would be useful
No, not yet. You could create a new preset to mess around in if you like, however.

i got a question about the new version. for the "Playlist Tabs" splitter, why doesn't it allow child panels? currently what i want to do is to use that along with Album list. and on the bottom of the album list to have the Console.
It allows a single child panel. If you want more for some strange reason, you can put another splitter in it.

also as for the Console, will it be possible to change its default colors? my setup uses a black bg and white text so it just doesn't fit right now.
Porbably? I will see.

I'll fix it for next build, but you can change your screen colour depth to 32bpp to fix it too.

I am having a strange problem with the new the beta and masstaging via buttons.  I have several masstagger scripts for rating which work fine and are bound to hot keys.  Now I am able to bind these scripts to a series of buttons because the scripts appear in context menu of the new button configuration, but the buttons do not active the scripts when pressed.
They seem to work here. Have you checked you selected the correct "Item Group" ?

Columns UI

Reply #2998
Any plans to allow uie_console customization? Background color and text font at least?
And the Reset/Clear popupmenu item?

Columns UI

Reply #2999
Now that we can have multiple individual track info panels and the layouts can get very complex:
I'm feeling bad. May someone agree please please please, that layout designing for columns ui has became a rather intellectual task?!