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Topic: Files with "?" in name do not appear in library when stored on external drive (Read 1400 times) previous topic - next topic
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Files with "?" in name do not appear in library when stored on external drive

My music is on an external, APFS-formatted drive. Any file with "?" in the name that is stored on the external drive is not picked up by foobar2000. But if I copy those files to my Mac's internal drive, they are picked up just fine.

Happens with latest foobar2000 Version 2.7 preview 2024-06-20.

Here's a screenshot: all Predator files are both on the external drive and the internal drive. But the ones with a "?" in the filename are only picked up on the internal drive by the media library.


Re: Files with "?" in name do not appear in library when stored on external drive

Reply #1
Well yeah the crash bug with question marks turns out to have been just a tip of an iceberg.

Fixed in today's build.

There may be more of similar issues, a widely used function all over my code assumes file names to never contain question marks.
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