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Topic: Setup guide for EAC? (Read 4122 times) previous topic - next topic
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Setup guide for EAC?

Can anyone suggest a guide for Exact Audio Copy?
I am looking to switch from Foobar.  I was looking at a guide for EAC from a couple years ago, but the dialogs in my version 1.8 are a bit different.


Re: Setup guide for EAC?

Reply #2
When you run the "Setup Wizard" it guides you through basic configuration. Come back with specific questions or consult the guide linked above.

Re: Setup guide for EAC?

Reply #4
Here is a guide for setting up EAC v1.8 for FLAC rips
Thanks everyone,
NetRanger, why when I go to EAC->EAC options, extraction tab does not have "Fill up missing offset samples with silence", or "Synchronize between tracks"?

Re: Setup guide for EAC?

Reply #5
I just checked my EAC installation and those options is there. Beats me whats going on in your end.
Recommend you to uninstall the EAC you have installed then reboot and then re-download EAC from EAC's website and install it again.

Re: Setup guide for EAC?

Reply #6
The two settings mentioned are 'hidden' when 'Activate beginner mode, disable all advanced features' is checked on the 'Tools' tab.

Re: Setup guide for EAC?

Reply #7
The two settings mentioned are 'hidden' when 'Activate beginner mode, disable all advanced features' is checked on the 'Tools' tab.
I remember seeing beginner mode previously, thought maybe that is it.
So I've uninstalled, restarts, downloaded EAC again, installed, restarted.
EAC doesn't like me hitting cancel on the first dialog and inserting a CD.
See here:

It did configure accurate rip on the first install when I didn't know what I was doing.  I saw mention elsewhere on an old post that it will save the drive offset from accuraterip.  Is this why? Maybe I don't need to configure accuraterip and need to go to step 3 of NetRanger's guide(EAC Options)?

Re: Setup guide for EAC?

Reply #8
Step 4 also requires a CD it seems. 
Like the problem above, I insert a CD, it fills in the tracks on EAC, then instantly spits it out and gives the dialog "insert a disk".
EDIT: Just had to do some searching and found that I had to turn off autoplay for removable drives. (Edit2: in windows settings)  It works and no more conflicts with EAC.

Re: Setup guide for EAC?

Reply #9
The setting "Disable 'CD Autostart' for audio and data CDs while EAC running" on the 'General' tab is also 'hidden' when 'Activate beginner mode, disable all advanced features' is checked on the 'Tools' tab.

Re: Setup guide for EAC?

Reply #10
Step 8 says to go to action drop-down and hit F4 then F3.  I did that however "Test Gaps On Silence" (F3) is greyed out.
Any ideas?

Also I ripped a CD and it outputed all WAV files even though I chose compressed.


Re: Setup guide for EAC?

Reply #11
You have unchecked 'Activate beginner mode, disable all advanced features'?
"Test Gaps On Silence" is another feature that is disabled in beginner mode.

Disclaimer: I am away from my computer and have not read the guide posted by NetRanger but I assume beginner mode is unchecked in that guide.

Re: Setup guide for EAC?

Reply #12
You have unchecked 'Activate beginner mode, disable all advanced features'?
"Test Gaps On Silence" is another feature that is disabled in beginner mode.

Disclaimer: I am away from my computer and have not read the guide posted by NetRanger but I assume beginner mode is unchecked in that guide.
Yes beginner mode has not been checked since I did a reinstall.  I was under that assumption since the 1st two mention missing check marks(early in this thread) came back after reinstall but I just double checked and it is indeed unchecked.

Re: Setup guide for EAC?

Reply #13
Okay back at my computer and notes.
'Test Gaps On Silence (F3)' should be greyed out until after you run 'Detect Gaps (F4)'. I don't have any additional notes about it remaining greyed out.
I did read that portion of the guide (I still haven't read the whole guide) and the purpose for this step in the guide is to detect a rare Hidden Track One Audio (HTOA). The track 1 pregap would need to be over 5 seconds in length (edit: within the 'Test Gaps On Silence' window) and non-silent to possibly be a hidden track.

Example of CD with HTOA:

It is safe to skip the 'Test Gaps On Silence (F3)' step as it is 'information only'.

Re: Setup guide for EAC?

Reply #14
So I tried again and F4, F3 works. 
But still giving me wav files.  The dialog during ripping does say something like compress by external program I think too.

Re: Setup guide for EAC?

Reply #15
Check your settings for step 6. (F11)
Try the 'Test encoder' button.
If the "Return code:" says anything other than "No error occurred", please post a screenshot.

Re: Setup guide for EAC?

Reply #16
It gave a return code of "No error occured".
I also tried adjusting the bitrate to 1024 as shown in guide even though it says it has no effect and tried to rip a song again.
I notice when I paste the "Additional command-line options", and scroll over, it doesn't scroll to the end of it.  Normal I'm guess but idk.  I retried pasting there.

Re: Setup guide for EAC?

Reply #17
I can scroll all the way right

I just tested using step 6 settings with Action > Test & Copy Selected Tracks > Compressed... (Shift+F6) and the flac files were created (wav file deleted).
If the wav files remain when extraction has finished then the encoder is likely exiting early due to some error. 
An error may also occur when there are bad characters in the metadata.
Have you tried more than one CD? Are you receiving an error code popup while ripping?

Re: Setup guide for EAC?

Reply #18
I've tried 3 different CD's with no errors showing.
Interesting that you can scroll to view the entire code.

Re: Setup guide for EAC?

Reply #19
Try Cntl+a
That should 'select all' and show the end of the string.

Re: Setup guide for EAC?

Reply #20
Ok so it rips and compresses successfully now that I copied the command line from the wiki here on hydrogen audio.

The program will simply take a limited number of characters.  Not the huge line from the guide from NetRanger.

I'm happy to see it does not put cover art on the tracks.

Re: Setup guide for EAC?

Reply #21
Further down in the wiki for flac, there is this blurb:

So I guess if you told the EAC configuration wizard to use flac, it will take a very long command line string?
At least mine is working now.

Re: Setup guide for EAC?

Reply #22
There is a character limit for the "Additional command-line options" string. I'm mobile again so I don't have the character limit value handy but the string in step 6 of the guide posted above does fit.
There is also a character limit for the full command-line string (with the complete metadata strings).


Re: Setup guide for EAC?

Reply #23
The current character limit for the "Additional command-line options" string is 499 (500 typed, 499 saved).
I get a count of 297 for the string in step 6,
447 for the string on the wiki page.

Re: Setup guide for EAC?

Reply #24
I was confused at your count from the wiki page but now I realize you're counting the longer string further down.  The string that works for me is directly under the bullet points under "Configuration" on the wiki.  It's 138 characters.
I've got a trial of dbpoweramp right now. 
EAC wanted to rip one of my CDs really slow, like 1.2x.