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FLAC / Re: FLAC 1.5.0 Pre-Releases
Last post by john33 -
Code: [Select]
This changelog is not exhaustive, review [the git commit log]( for an exhaustive list of changes.

## FLAC 1.5.0-rc1 (07-Feb-2025)

As there have been additions to the libFLAC interfaces, the libFLAC version number is incremented to 14. The libFLAC++ version number is incremented to 11.

* General
* Multithreaded encoding is now possible in libFLAC and through the flac command line tool
* The GFDL license file is updated to version 1.3
* The markdown tool documentation is now also converted to HTML, for bundling with systems that do not read manpages (e.g. Windows)
* Decoding of chained Ogg FLAC files is now possible (philippe44, Martijn van Beurden)
* Various fixes (Sam James, Miroslav Lichvar, Cristian Rodríguez, manxorist, kgroeneveld, Lee Carré, Jevin Sweval, braheezy, Wolfgang Stöggl)
* Is is now possible in libFLAC, libFLAC++ and metaflac to write to a new file when changing metadata, instead of needing to overwrite an existing file
* flac
* Testing mode (flac -t) now parses all metadata blocks and warns the user when ID3v1 metadata is detected
* A warning is displayed when frame numbers do not increase correctly throughout a file
* The explain option (-H or --explain) is now removed, use the manpage or html tool documentation instead
* Built-in help and tool documentation are improved (H2Swine)
* When re-encoding a FLAC file from an existing FLAC file, a check is added that the MD5 sums of both files are the same
* libFLAC and libFLAC++
* The library interfaces have been extended. See the porting guide (part of the API documentation)
* An error is sent when a frame is missing
* The algorithm of the 'loose mid side' option has changed. Instead of checking every few frames which option is best and keeping that for the next few frames, a fast heuristic is now used. This was necessary to enable multithreading
* Most level 0 metadata interface functions now also work with Ogg FLAC files
* When encoding Ogg FLAC files, the callback now returns a number of samples instead of always 0 (Jesper Larsson, ziplantil)
* When changing metadata, libFLAC now detects when an input file is a symlink, and will refuse to write data to it when an in-place rewrite of the metadata cannot happen
   * When encoding using seektable templates, unused seekpoints (with a sample number higher than the total number of samples) are converted to placeholders
* Build system
* Fix building on Android with API version < 24 (Steve Lhomme)
* The microbench utility has been removed
* Enable building with emscripten (werner mendizabal)
* Minimum CMake version required (when building with CMake) is now formally 3.12
* Testing/validation
* Improve fuzzing of allocation failures
* Various other fuzzing improvements
* Documentation
* The foreign metadata storage format used by the flac command line tool is now properly documented
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Search-by-Distance-SMP
Last post by bloniaq -
Hi. I recently found this diamond, and I cannot be more thankful :) This is like candyshop :)

The one little remark: if you write "Shift + Win + R" please explain that R means Right Mouse Button. My R button on keyboard was disapointed. ;)

Also have a one question: is there any possibility to adjust the usage of library while generating playlists by Search-by-distance or script? I.e "avoid live versions", "prefer oldest", "prefer best quality" and stuff like that. I'm stucked looking for.
MP3 - General / Re: Cjam - simple MP3 editor
Last post by cutandjoin -
Cjam can edit multiple files using a single text file.
For example, dropping the "aaa.cjm" file from the attached onto the main screen will play the files while switching images.
foobar2000 mobile / Re: Report of possible bugs
Last post by stnar -
I found the solution for MP3 files:
"Tagging" -> "MP3 tag types..." -> check only the three boxes "ID3v2", "Override ID3v2 revision:" and "v2.4".

However, this does not work with AIFF files, which nevertheless, integrate an ID3v2.4 value according to the MP3tag software. Moreover, these files are correctly indexed in Itunes and Foobar2K (Windows version).

Any idea to share so that these AIFF files are correctly indexed by Foobar2K mobile (Android)?
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_truepeak True Peak Scanner
Last post by Case -
I don't have an estimate, I need to find the time. The biggest obstacle is that people want TPS to also handle HDCD, but I don't want to add any special decoders to this component. Which means I first need to finalize HDCD component so the two can interact properly.
Support - (fb2k) / Re: 2.24.1 crashing
Last post by Case -
The log shows SQLite error 13, which should mean that your disk is full. If that is the case you need to clear some space on the drive, but not by deleting files from foobar2000 but something else.
General Audio / Re: Album Art Downloader XUI
Last post by Mrakobes -
I realized very well that the Deezer was working, I read the topic and did not see such problems with others, I hope the scripts will be updated by those who understand their main 5-6 sites.
General Audio / Re: Album Art Downloader XUI
Last post by AlexVallat -
Sites break scripts all the time, I fix broken scripts as they are reported to me (so if people aren't using a given script, it doesn't matter if it's broken), when I get time. Scripts are all easily editable so if anyone else wants to contribute a fix those are always welcome too.

Sometimes a website just makes itself un-usable to scripts, in which case that source can no longer be used at all, sadly.