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3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer
Last post by Defender -

I find every mention of the fake and non-existing and accompanying mockup pics in this thread annoying at best.

Like Sveakul said, use panels/buttons to display the analyzers that are available. You don't have to choose for one or another. They all have their merits.

CD Hardware/Software / AudioCD checking station for thrift shop
Last post by gunverth -

As a part of my spare time I help a local non-profit thrift shop in Sweden with their IT and other technical stuff. They are gifted a lot of CDs and vinyl from people. Some of them especially vinyls are quiet valuable and some CD boxes are collectibles.

Now, the shop have a tendency to trash CDs that are perfectly well, but have minute scratches hardly visible to the eye. Scratches that is taken care of by the normal CIRC error correction. When these CDs are collectibles it’s sad to see them get trashed.
I grabbed a €150/SEK1500 Springsteen box heading for the trash since one of the discs had some very small scratches. EAC ripped it perfectly well, but of course with a CIRC error correction notice. I also ran it through cdparanoia with the same perfect result. Case closed. The box was put up for sale.

A solution for this would be to have a simple ”checking station” for the less computer savvy personell. A PC with some software that automates the process of just reading the CD. No conversion or any saved audio files. Like ARM/Automated Ripping Machine but only for reading (not converting) AudioCDs. I suppose people who sell CDs on ebay run this sort of test when they claim ”no errors”?

- put a disc in the CD reader
- let it read the whole CD. Log the result
- eject the CD and show the result on the screen. Include a notice in the jewel case with the result.
- repeat

Any suggestions on how to build this? Windows, Linux or macOS. I have some old PCs and Macs to run it on. I’ve started tinkering with abcde on a Debian machine.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_httpcontrol
Last post by regor -
Well, just downloaded the foobarCon app from some site and there are tons of new commands, which are not exactly trivial to reproduce...

It sends the queue to an special playlist, instead of just editing the queue internally (like the other controller does), which I would say it's pretty obtrusive (there are other components for that).

Then there is a timer command which always seems to return zero, no idea for what. It also seems to be used on the pro version, which I don't have.

Some commands which seem to override the settings at component preferences panel (that seems useful).

And some commands which get the album art thumbnails for playlist/library items, so they are shown on the app (and not only the focus/playing item). That's great. But it requires an external database.

There is also no source code available, so if someone is interested on any of this this being integrated, email here asking for the source code:

No way I can replicate all that and maintain compatibility without it. I think its component can be installed along the newest versions, and both should work fine as long as they have different ip settings. But obviously that component is totally incompatible with the other controller and vice-versa.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer
Last post by sveakul -
Looks like I'll be rolling back to good old   foo_musical_ spectrum.
Why would you "roll back" to that, instead of keeping both as panel tabs using Layout Editing Mode?  I'm assuming you are using a 32-bit Foobar if you are talking about using FMS.  Here is v of Enhanced Spectrum on Foobar 1.6.18, with tabs also for displaying Musical Spectrum or Spectrum Analyzer (; Peak Meter in its own end split:
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JSplitter (splitter + SMP x64 alternative)
Last post by sveakul -
^You're just as capable as reading the Russian forum thread as anyone else. The dev speaks English if you want to post and most browsers have built in translation support if you need it.

But I provided code to fix a crash months ago and nothing. So I wouldn't hold out much hope for anything else that is reported/asked for either.
Man what you need isn't "built in translation support"
General - (fb2k) / Re: I have no idea how to install a component
Last post by fooball -

How do I install additional components?

To install components from the foobar2000 installer that you did not choose to install during the initial installation, just rerun the installer and select them; your settings will be kept intact. Please read on to learn about installing other components.

Note that this content applies to foobar2000 versions 1.1 and newer. If you're using an older version, please upgrade now to utilize the new interface.

  • Step 1: Open the foobar2000 preferences dialog.
  • Step 2: Go to the Components page.
  • Step 3: Click the “Install…” button and select the component archive, or simply drag it to the list.
  • Step 4: Press “OK”, you will be prompted to restart foobar2000 in order to load the newly installed component.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JSplitter (splitter + SMP x64 alternative)
Last post by marc2k3 -
^You're just as capable as reading the Russian forum thread as anyone else. The dev speaks English if you want to post and most browsers have built in translation support if you need it.

But I provided code to fix a crash months ago and nothing. So I wouldn't hold out much hope for anything else that is reported/asked for either.
Support - (fb2k) / Re: 2.24.1 crashing
Last post by mogin -
many thx for that.... i have a ssd drive that has windows on it ... i created some space and the problem appears to have gone away