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Topic: foo_uie_powerpanels (Read 229807 times) previous topic - next topic
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PowerPanels for Foobar2000 v0.9+

PowerPanels consists of a two panels designed for Panels UI: seek panel & volume panel.

These are transparent panels which you can put in other panels
over your custom drawn progress and/or volume bar
and change playback position and volume by simply clicking on them
instead of using default seek and volume toolbars.

I have prepared brief description how to use it so I won't be duplicating it here.

More info and download at:


Reply #1
Very cool!


Reply #2
Thanks - works well; does a great job!


Reply #4
This plugin is really good but i have one problem and one feature request.
problem : We only have a way (with panelsUi) to redraw on a per second base, so this is not really enough to use with a seekbar or volumebar, especially if you manage to implement this feature request:
The ability to "drag" the cursor on the seekbar, i mean keep mouse clicked and move on the panel.

EDIT : forget what i said about the redraw problem. Seems to work perfectly in track display. Just the feature request matters now 

Huge component


Reply #5
This makes it perfect now!


Reply #6

really thank you Borqusiek^^

great component


Reply #7
Very cool


Reply #8
@borgusiek Can you make the plugins work without panelUI

just with columnUI


Reply #9
@borgusiek Can you make the plugins work without panelUI

just with columnUI

I dont see how this would be possible, You would just have a blank panel... No way to put an image under it.


Reply #10
Haven't given this a try yet but this was the last thing I needed to perfect my config. Hope it's more stable than WSH panel . Will report back in a bit.

EDIT: I love you. Lol. It works like a phatty


Reply #11
can you use images too just like using js in wsh panels?



Reply #12
can you use images too just like using js in wsh panels?

Yes you can use image, but it wont be this plugins which will display them. You need to understand how powerpanels work. I just create a transparent clickable seekbar. You have to draw(with panelsUI) the images that will appear in coordination with the seekbar position.(depending on the volume or position in the track)


Reply #13

can you use images too just like using js in wsh panels?

Yes you can use image, but it wont be this plugins which will display them. You need to understand how powerpanels work. I just create a transparent clickable seekbar. You have to draw(with panelsUI) the images that will appear in coordination with the seekbar position.(depending on the volume or position in the track)

got an example?

"$panel(SeekPanel,Seek Panel,xpos,ypos,width,height,)" works but not too sure how the images would work.


Reply #14
Thanks works great


Reply #15
can you use images too just like using js in wsh panels?
Yes you can use image, but it wont be this plugins which will display them. You need to understand how powerpanels work. I just create a transparent clickable seekbar. You have to draw(with panelsUI) the images that will appear in coordination with the seekbar position.(depending on the volume or position in the track)

got an example?

"$panel(SeekPanel,Seek Panel,xpos,ypos,width,height,)" works but not too sure how the images would work.

You'd have to have an imageabs in your PerSecond section of your PUI

Something like:
Code: [Select]

That would 'stretch' the image across the whole seekbar as it were.

If you want a 'button' as it were you'd just put the relevant %playback_time_seconds% code in the Xpos part of the imageabs function.


Reply #16
Nice, although instead of streching an image, could I add it to the end like in this pic:

say I have start.gif which is "(", middle which is "." and end which is ")"
"(" would be fixed whilst "." stretches and ")" comes at the end?


Reply #17
Glad you like the panels, for me that was the missing part to make foobar (almost) perfect

I think the nice addition would be the ability to use mouse wheel to change volume when cursor is over the volume panel, however I can't make it work, the panel simply doesn't get mouse wheel messages 

I'm sorry, the column ui version which draws something in the panel has never been seriously considered...
The idea is like that: you draw whatever, however and wherever you want and cover it with the panel which makes that thing alive


Reply #18
been waiting for this for so long. I didn't try it yet. I'll do it later tonight, but thanks in advance. It was about time someone does it. Thanks again!

edit: it works like a charm! thanks x1000


Reply #19
It does not work well with Panels UI 0.14.12 beta.
For example it makes trouble with %_trackinfo_notrack%.


Reply #20
It is the plugin i was waiting  Thanks! But I have a one problem with it: I can't reach maximum volume using Volume Panel. Width of the panel doesn't matters, I can set only 99% volume with a maximum width of the panel.


Reply #21
thanks for this great plugin. now i finally have a good looking clickable seek bar


Reply #22
Would I beable to get some code for a seekbar please? The code I am using now is screwed up:

Code: [Select]
// PerSecond
$puts(SEEKdir,'C:\Program Files\foobar2000\FoOrby\buttons\powerpanels\seekbar')

// PerTrack
$panel(SeekPANEL,Seek Panel,$get(seekX),$get(seekY),$get(seeksize),20,)

Can someone help me make this work?
Song List:


Reply #23
Anyone willing to help? If I can get some working code, I can mod it to my needs .
Song List:


Reply #24
Anyone willing to help? If I can get some working code, I can mod it to my needs .

So I give you some 
Hope I got it right out of my code:
In Panel ui settings:
$panel(CustomizableSeekbar,Track Display,700,90,310,20,)
$panel(SeekPanel,Seek Panel,700,90,310,20,)

Track Display contains:

// PerSecond
$drawrect(2,3,$sub(%_width%,4),8,brushcolor-0-0-0 pencolor-197-197-197)
$ifgreater($get(progress),0,$padding(1,3)$drawrect(3,2,$get(progress),4,brushcolor-226-215-26 pencolor-nulll),))

This looks like this (the seekbar right on top):

Basically you have a track Display which only shows the seekbar. Then create a seekpanel which overlays the actual seekbarbar shower Track Diplay. To this is easier when you must give the right position of the invisible seekpanel.