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Topic: Update replaygain tags (Read 852 times) previous topic - next topic
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Update replaygain tags

Have 1000s of mp3 and flac files in my android. The files already had replaygain tags populated before copying to phone.
Would like to do a scan using foobar2000 android to recalculate and update the flags, both in the database and the files themselves.

Can this be done? If not, any way u can suggest to zap all the replaygain tags? Then when I run the scan they will get repopulate....


Re: Update replaygain tags

Reply #1
Can this be done? If not, any way u can suggest to zap all the replaygain tags? Then when I run the scan they will get repopulate....
Not sure of the features on Foobar Andriod but on the PC version selecting all files, right-click, Tagging->Sanitize Tags should do the "zap" option with ease.  Be sure the sanitizing options are carefully set and try it on just a few files at first to be sure it's doing what you want.

Re: Update replaygain tags

Reply #2
foobar2000 on desktop can do a batch reanalysis of all your files for replaygain, by album (using album tag or folder) and then replace all the RG tags (it will say, these files already contain RG tags, are you sure you want to replace).  Just load up all your files in the active playlist, select all, right click, select replaygain, then scan by album etc.