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Topic: [Bug report] ios internet radio stuttering after playing a while (Read 562 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Bug report] ios internet radio stuttering after playing a while

i don't really know to write about this but basically every time i listen to an internet radio channel for around 1 hour and 30-35 minutes the audio starts stuttering really badly. the phone is still responsive and not even running warm and has plenty of charge left, i even tested this with it plugged in to the charger and there are no errors in the foobar console so i never managed to figure out what exactly happened. oh and its playing through the internal speaker so there should be any connectivity issues there.
if helpful im running the latest version of ios foobar on ios 15.8 that runs on iphone se and the channel i have these problems with is

also is there any way to enable a proper debug log output so the console would provide more useful information about issues like this?