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Topic: Customizing Playlist Display on iOS (Read 605 times) previous topic - next topic
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Customizing Playlist Display on iOS

Hi everyone,

I'm reaching out to seek guidance on how to customize the appearance of my playlists in foobar2000 on iOS. Specifically, I'm looking to format the display of tracks in my playlist to show the following information in this order:

Genre - Album Artist - Artist - Title - Year

Is there a way to achieve this level of customization within the iOS app? Additionally, I'm wondering if there's a configuration file or some sort of script that I could prepare and then add to the foobar2000 Music Folder to apply these customizations automatically.

Any insights or guidance on how to proceed with this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help!

Re: Customizing Playlist Display on iOS

Reply #1
I wish we could have more customization options related to playlists, but unfortunately we can only change the font color and font face (i.e., normal, bold, or italic) for each field at this time.

To change the font color and face, unzip .fbskin file and edit skin definition file (skindef.txt in the new skinning format), now available for the preview version of the application.

Note that you cannot edit skin definition file compiled in old skinning format.