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Topic: Neil Young’s new audio format (Read 146817 times) previous topic - next topic
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Neil Young’s new audio format

"Young is also personally spearheading the development of Pono, a revolutionary new audio music system presenting the highest digital resolution possible, the studio quality sound that artists and producers heard when they created their original recordings. Young wants consumers to be able to take full advantage of Pono's cloud-based libraries of recordings by their favorite artists and, with Pono, enjoy a convenient music listening experience that is superior in sound quality to anything ever presented."

again another repeat of a another new revolutionary audio many more times to try to get money from us connoisseurs of music?
I bet it will not be just for new music, oh no...another upgraded catalogue of redone shit coming down the pike...

Neil Young’s new audio format

Reply #1
Lambs to the slaughter, sheeple to the charlatan.
FLAC -2 w/ lossyWAV 1.3.0i -q X -i

Neil Young’s new audio format

Reply #2
Higher than Lossless Audio? 
EZ CD Audio Converter

Neil Young’s new audio format

Reply #4
presenting the highest digital resolution possible

this is my favorite part of the press release 

What do Pono's cloud-libraries smell like and is from what Neil must be smoking?

Neil Young’s new audio format

Reply #5
What do Pono's cloud-libraries

kind of unfortunate naming, come to think of it

Neil Young’s new audio format

Reply #6
'revolutionary' is pretty bold. I can think up a lot of features I would have added to a wonder-do-it-all lossless format (assuming so much of a need for such that it would catch on), but hardly any that would justify the first 'r'. (Maybe a guitar effects array could qualify? An 'old black' button?  )


Neil Young’s new audio format

Reply #7
Hate to say it (since I'm a fan of Neil Young/Crazy Horse) but, "Yer gonna hafta prove it to me, 'earty, b'fores I buys into it!"
"Something bothering you, Mister Spock?"

Neil Young’s new audio format

Reply #8
presenting the highest digital resolution possible
That's a nice moving target to aim for!


Neil Young’s new audio format

Reply #9
What do Pono's cloud-libraries

kind of unfortunate naming, come to think of it

Well....  cloud based libraries  ....must be very easy to compress.
Stpuid questions do not exist.

Neil Young’s new audio format

Reply #10
Does anyone know if this is DSD (SACD format)?  There is a lot of activity with DSD right now, and it's a little controversial.

Neil Young’s new audio format

Reply #11
a revolutionary new audio music system presenting the highest digital resolution possible

Wow! This was such perfect nonsense that I just had to add a subtitle to this thread.

As well as the impossibility, cynical self-congratulation, and (as 2BDecided said) handy vagueness of the concept “the highest digital resolution possible”, it’s also amusing to hear what is presumably really just a format not only being described as “a revolutionary…system” but also being aimed towards those who like “audio music”. I thought we were such a minority amongst the unthinking masses who merely consume normal music!

Neil Young’s new audio format

Reply #12
Sounds good to me as I've grown tired of 24/192 audio, with which I can clearly hear each ear-rending click and pop as the DAC jerks the signal up and down bit by bit as each eons long sample staggers by.

Neil Young’s new audio format

Reply #13
I don't doubt for a second that Neil Young's 65-year old, rock star ears can discern the benefits of the 'highest digital resolution possible' for re-releasing his old analog recordings again.

Oh wait, actually I really do.

Neil Young’s new audio format

Reply #14
Neil's own hearing aside, the ideas which he pushes here have traction with a much wider audience than even his own fans, and it is for that reason that the spread of this misinformation under the guise of marketing an audio codec is particularly heinous.  This discourages a desire to learn more about the underpinnings of mp3, AAC and Vorbis, why they honestly do work, and the fact that they really can be transparent (after one generation) in favor of binning everything doesn't carry the line "HD" in it.  It's a tad sickening.
FLAC -2 w/ lossyWAV 1.3.0i -q X -i

Neil Young’s new audio format

Reply #15
Despite Neil's talent and long career of creating memorable songs, he's at best a crank and at worst a nut-job when it comes to audio.

Neil Young’s new audio format

Reply #16
Despite Neil's talent and long career of creating memorable songs, he's at best a crank and at worst a nut-job when it comes to audio.

LOL, and now it's all perfectly clear: After bashing CD audio quality, he now offers a product for sale that claims to solve the supposed problem.

I believe in Truth, Justice, and the Scientific Method

Neil Young’s new audio format

Reply #17
I understand why Neil is so concerned about sound quality- if you heard the SONG WRITING you'd know he's clearly not interested in that part.

Neil & Rick Rubin must be having Sunday brunches together discussing production technique.

Neil Young’s new audio format

Reply #18
Too bad we don't have any other lossless formats that can do higher than CD sample rates and bit depths.  Err, or do we?  FLAC, ALAC, Dolby, DTS...
Was that a 1 or a 0?

Neil Young’s new audio format

Reply #19
Is this DSD?  Does anyone actually know what it is?

Neil Young’s new audio format

Reply #20
I'd suggest they borrow the term Apple coined for their new iPad to describe the new format: resolutionary.

Neil Young’s new audio format

Reply #21

Neil Young’s new audio format

Reply #22
Despite Neil's talent and long career of creating memorable songs, he's at best a crank and at worst a nut-job when it comes to audio.

LOL, and now it's all perfectly clear: After bashing CD audio quality, he now offers a product for sale that claims to solve the supposed problem.


..having already touted HDCD, then DVDA, and now this.

Neil Young’s new audio format

Reply #23
Is this DSD?  Does anyone actually know what it is?

I assume the reason no one answered your first post from earlier in the day asking the same question is that no one has somehow got hold of some inside knowledge that you haven’t.

Neil Young’s new audio format

Reply #24
Yeah, it's disappointing to see good people saying these kinds of things, and being quite relentless about it. T-Bone Burnett is another one always willing to slam sound quality nowadays, but he also made the genius suggestion that if you're an artist today, you should stay off the Internet, because everybody is on it and you won't stand out (as opposed to on the club circuit I guess, which is totally not oversaturated); proving he's really just a conservative old man, probably something he never imagined he'd ever be. He made some press releases a few years back about his also "revolutionary" Code "format," which was really just putting a DVD in with the CD that would have hi-res and lossy files. It did not produce much in the way of results.

Very odd they make the claim that what any of them are doing can in any way be construed as revolutionary. Apparently Neil Young hasn't heard of HDTracks, as just one example.