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Topic: REACT 2 Released (Read 1333833 times) previous topic - next topic
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REACT 2 Released

Reply #800
Thanks a whole bunch, my good friend.
You're welcome. Thanks for reporting the bug so clearly.

Are the LOG and CUE names generated by EAC always going to be the same (EAC Versions aside), or are they user-configurable at all?
They are not configurable; they will always be created with the naming scheme that EAC chooses.  Of course, there is nothing stopping you from using REACT to rename them.

Additionally, in your modified react, does @eaclog@ point to the correct logfile in both the old and new EAC versions, or is it statically set to the new logfile?
The mod should work with both log naming formats.

One further question. Is there a way to automatically extract only one cuefile out of the four? currently I have it set to generate all four and am using variables to pick out just the one I want.
That's the way to go: create all four and then just move/copy/rename the one you want.  REACT will always create all four.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #801
@Synthetic Soul

I have reripped all my CDs alittle while ago(as i wanted to use Test & copy and AccurateRip), but now i'm beginning to be alittle nervous about this last reported error that you have just fixed. I'm ripping to WV images only, and so can you tell me if that error about the 5 seconds cutoff for cuesheet creation also could have effected me ? I mean, if some of my ripped CDs would have used over 5 seconds for doing the gap and UPC/ISRC detection, then REACT would have just stopped the gap and UPC/ISRC detection and started ripping, which then would mean that on some CDs cuesheets there would be some of the final tracks which would show no INDEX 00 possitions even though they maybe should have and no ISRC codes even though they maybe should have ?

Thank's in advance.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #802
Hi Martin.

The bug would only affect ripping with CreateAllCuesheets selected.

Even then, I have no idea what the outcome would have been.  nago experienced a full lock-up.  When I tested I did not experience a lock-up, and as far as I remember the detection did finally complete - I simply didn't get the cuesheets.

I really am a bit clueless on this, but I would suspect that, if the detection never completed to create the cuesheets, it would run again before the disc was ripped (as normal). I'm not sure if you could ever start ripping without a full detect.  It sounded like nago experienced this, but then he never successfully ripped!  As I say, I had a different experience.  The whole sequence is pretty messy though, and it's difficult to say how EAC is responding.

In conclusion though, you should not be affected, but I cannot accurately say what the outcome would be for someone using CreateAllCuesheets. I guess we would need someone to re-rip and cross-examine their results.

Edit: Also, I should clarify that, to be accurate, the five second timeout was on renaming the cuesheets.  REACT sends the key or menu commands to create a certain cuesheet, and then tries to rename it to the "@albumfile@.
  • .cue" format.  It is the renaming that could fail.  How this fits in with everything is still a bit of a mystery to me - all I know is that this was the only potential cause for nago's issue.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #803
Thank's alot for that explenation, my friend

pheew, for a minute there i almost thought that i had to rerip my colection again

Thank's again, mate

REACT 2 Released

Reply #804
Hello all. First I must say big thanks to Tycho and of course to Synthetic Soul, you've done a great job.

I have been modifying REACT heavily to my own needs and everything have been going great BUT (the infamous but) when testing with "illegal" chars my work stopped to a screeching halt. So could you please test ripping with "illegal" (and special) chars: &%/\:*?"<>|    using these chars in "CD title", "CD artist" and "track titles" produce all kinds of problems.

First I modified and tried to use the image ripping but I realized that using ACDIR I couldn't use the character replacement ini-setting. Then I found CueProc, successor to ACDIR, but reading the documentation and briefly the forum conversation I realized that you can't use char replacement with CueProc either.

Then I went back to track ripping after I invented a way to correctly read the REAL last AUDIO track number from generated cuesheet so that the post-processing would work with CDs with data track (and to get the correct total track number to tags as well).

Here's the solution (you have to have a cuesheet of course):
Code: [Select]
REM ** UNDER TESTING!!! @sourcecuesheet@ variable maybe not correct, currently I'm testing with hard-coded cuesheet filename until the "illegal" char replacement problem is solved.
REM ** Read the REAL last AUDIO track number from cuesheet. Number is zero-padded.
SET LastTrackNum=
IF EXIST "@sourcecuesheet@" (
    FOR /F "tokens=2 delims= " %%i IN ('FINDSTR /R "TRACK.[0-9][0-9].AUDIO" "@sourcecuesheet@"') DO SET LastTrackNum=%%i
I plan to use this method to find if the cd has a data track, so I could copy all files automatically to a DATA subfolder (or pack them to archive). One problem is ready to be solved; how can I detect which drive has the cd?

But then, like I said, I stumbled on to this "illegal" chars problem which yields at least according to my tests these problems so far:

1. Cover downloader doesn't work (using AlbumArtDownloaderXUI-0.10.1). Parameters sent are wrong. Example:
Code: [Select]
"C:\Program Files\REACT2\coverdownloader\albumart.exe" /artist "Supergrass&%/\:*?"<>|äåö" /album "Kiss Of Life (CDS)&%/\:*?"<>|äåö" /path "D:\Music\RIPPED\EAC\Kiss Of Life (CDS)&%         äåö.%extension%" /autoclose

SUGGESTION: Escape quote (") chars when starting "albumart.exe". (Escape only necessary chars for the "/artist" & "/album" switches, but use the REACT "Sla_Bks_Col_Qst_Bar_Quo_Ast_Lt_Gt" setting for the "/path" switch.)


"C:\Program Files\REACT2\coverdownloader\albumart.exe" /artist "Supergrass&%/\:*?(INSERT_ESCAPE_CHAR_HERE)"<>|äåö" /album "Kiss Of Life (CDS)&%/\:*?(INSERT_ESCAPE_CHAR_HERE)"<>|äåö" /path "D:\Music\RIPPED\EAC\Kiss Of Life (CDS)&%----'[]-äåö.%extension%" /autoclose

2. Additional cue filenames wrong (using CreateAllCuesheets) (and var pointing to it). Not copied to dest. folder. Inside cue-files, FILE lines totally wrongly escaped (EAC style? Impossible to change?!). Also PERFORMER and TITLE lines are escaped: " -> '  ... no solution to this either I think? To me, the inside cuefile escapes are not important.

3. Flac filenames wrong when using IMAGE-RIP. Impossible to change with ACDIR! Can't do nothing with this I guess if you don't change ACDIR (or CueProc).

4. Correct flac tags would be nice; the "-char is replaced with '-char.. all other chars fine. Escape it?

5. Eaclog filename wrong (and var pointing to it). Not copied to dest. folder.

6. Cover image wouldn't be copied to dest. folder.. impossible to do a test because albumart.exe doesn't work currently.. but still, you have to notice that the @cover@ variable could contain wrong string.

7. All cleanup delete commands are not working.

Huh, I hope that's all. Folders and flac filenames are correctly escaped thou.. it's a good start.

I can send you my heavily modded ini and cfg files if you like. By using some diff-program like WinMerge, you could pick out many enhancements I've already made.. I mean, to consider adding them to your mod.. if they're useful in your opinion.

I have many great (well, at least I think so) suggestions and tricks to share but I would like to have my settings to work properly before I could share with you all. And I do have so much that I think it's wise not to post all of them in one post. Well, I'll see what would be the proper way to post those after I get this char replacement problem solved.

EDIT: removed OT questions.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #805
Your post is so long that it will take me a while to digest and respond.  Sufficing to say that I have done some testing with some illegal characters, and have never had any issues - let alone the number you appear to be reporting.

I will do some more testing, but I find many of your points confused, and I'm also concerned that you are testing with an amended CFG.

Until then...

And for last, couple of general questions:

- Which GAP DETECTION setting should I use in EAC? Does it matter? Do I just select the one that works fast and reliably?

- What about data tracks? If I want to make a 1:1 copy of CD, is my only option to make an image?
- What's the best way to backup a enhanced CD? Extract flac-files and copy files from cd to DATA\-folder?

- Why would I want to save cue-file if I'm ripping to flac tracks?
- Should I import it to flac-tracks? Pros/cons?
IMHO These are OT for this thread - please start a new one.  Let's spread the load a little!  If members feel that they can respond specifically to REACT then feel free to in this thread; however let's please not turn this already confusing thread into a general EAC ripping guide.

- And which one to use? *.[mg].cue (w/ data track) or *.[m].cue (no data track)?
- Do I need these files in tools-folder: libFLAC.dll, libOggFLAC.dll and libsndfile.dll? What are those for? Just trying to clean up and customize REACT to my own needs and these are the only files left. (I use --verify flac option, if that matters?)
If you wanted a cuesheet (I normally point people to this thread) you would normally use [mg]. The files you list are used by ACDIR.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #806
1. Cover downloader doesn't work (using AlbumArtDownloaderXUI-0.10.1). Parameters sent are wrong. Example:
Code: [Select]
"C:\Program Files\REACT2\coverdownloader\albumart.exe" /artist "Supergrass&%/\:*?"<>|äåö" /album "Kiss Of Life (CDS)&%/\:*?"<>|äåö" /path "D:\Music\RIPPED\EAC\Kiss Of Life (CDS)&% äåö.%extension%" /autoclose

SUGGESTION: Escape quote (") chars when starting "albumart.exe". (Escape only necessary chars for the "/artist" & "/album" switches, but use the REACT "Sla_Bks_Col_Qst_Bar_Quo_Ast_Lt_Gt" setting for the "/path" switch.)


"C:\Program Files\REACT2\coverdownloader\albumart.exe" /artist "Supergrass&%/\:*?(INSERT_ESCAPE_CHAR_HERE)"<>|äåö" /album "Kiss Of Life (CDS)&%/\:*?(INSERT_ESCAPE_CHAR_HERE)"<>|äåö" /path "D:\Music\RIPPED\EAC\Kiss Of Life (CDS)&%----'[]-äåö.%extension%" /autoclose
Replicated.  The issue is with the double quote in the artist and album values.  I have escaped this and it now works.  NB: the filename follows the 'standard' format (album name with illegal characters replaced with a space) as per the EAC log file in track mode - so will not be changed.

2. Additional cue filenames wrong (using CreateAllCuesheets) (and var pointing to it). Not copied to dest. folder. Inside cue-files, FILE lines totally wrongly escaped (EAC style? Impossible to change?!). Also PERFORMER and TITLE lines are escaped: " -> ' ... no solution to this either I think? To me, the inside cuefile escapes are not important.
PERFORMER and TITLE need the double quote to be replaced by an apostrophe - no alternative.  I don't really know what other issues you have here, but all in all I don't think that there's anything that can be done (or perhaps needs to be done).

3. Flac filenames wrong when using IMAGE-RIP. Impossible to change with ACDIR! Can't do nothing with this I guess if you don't change ACDIR (or CueProc).
What FLAC filenames?  Please clarify.

4. Correct flac tags would be nice; the "-char is replaced with '-char.. all other chars fine. Escape it?
I think this is a standard character replacement issue here.  Granted, the double quote could actually be replaced with two double quotes (I think) to escape it, but this code uses the standard Sla_Bks_Col_Qst_Bar_Quo_Ast_Lt_Gt replacements, and the issue is so minor I'm not inclined to change it (personally - tycho or any other user is obviously free to do so!).  This is such a minor/infrequent issue I would recommend manually re-tagging any susceptible files after processing.

5. Eaclog filename wrong (and var pointing to it). Not copied to dest. folder.
Replicated.  When naming the log file in track mode EAC uses the format "<artist> - <album>" with any illegal characters replaced with a space.  REACT thought it was emulating this; however EAC treats the apostrophe as an illegal character also, which REACT did not.  I have now changed this, so that the REACT variable should match the name that EAC creates when an apostrophe is in the filename (artist and/or album name).

6. Cover image wouldn't be copied to dest. folder.. impossible to do a test because albumart.exe doesn't work currently.. but still, you have to notice that the @cover@ variable could contain wrong string.
What do you call the 'wrong' string?  I don't see an issue here - even given the recognised bug above - this would not affect the batch file name or covert art (which use the same naming scheme as the log file).  Please see response RE: path in Q1.

7. All cleanup delete commands are not working.
Are you running in debug mode?  The batch file won't be deleted in debug mode.  If not, then I guess this is a mismatch between the REACT variables and the actual file names, but I am not seeing this issue.

I will release 2.0.ssb16j after a little more testing.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #807
A couple of additional points...

3. Flac filenames wrong when using IMAGE-RIP. Impossible to change with ACDIR! Can't do nothing with this I guess if you don't change ACDIR (or CueProc).
OK, with regard to illegal character replacement, I remember now that ACDIR replaces illegal characters with a space (it does not replace the apostrophe, unlike EAC, as it is not actually illegal).  I'm not sure what you are considering a bug or where, but please bear this in mind.  This is not an issue for normal use - I guess you are trying to second-guess filenames and it's not working out?

4. Correct flac tags would be nice; the "-char is replaced with '-char.. all other chars fine. Escape it?
I think this is a standard character replacement issue here.  Granted, the double quote could actually be replaced with two double quotes (I think) to escape it, but this code uses the standard Sla_Bks_Col_Qst_Bar_Quo_Ast_Lt_Gt replacements, and the issue is so minor I'm not inclined to change it (personally - tycho or any other user is obviously free to do so!).  This is such a minor/infrequent issue I would recommend manually re-tagging any susceptible files after processing.
Actually, I have just realised, there is nothing we can do here.  EAC will always pass a double quote as an apostrophe it seems.  I presume this is because that it has to pass values as a command line parameter, and it was considered better to replace them (and thus solve any potential issue) than escape them.

This happens before REACT becomes involved, so there's nothing we can do.

Finally, I have previously failed to thank you for identifying these bugs.  It's always good to iron out a few more.  I will point out that the original REACT will also suffer from both those I have confirmed so far.  (Not my fault guv', honest.)
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #808
I can send you my heavily modded ini and cfg files if you like. By using some diff-program like WinMerge, you could pick out many enhancements I've already made.. I mean, to consider adding them to your mod.. if they're useful in your opinion.

I have many great (well, at least I think so) suggestions and tricks to share but I would like to have my settings to work properly before I could share with you all. And I do have so much that I think it's wise not to post all of them in one post. Well, I'll see what would be the proper way to post those after I get this char replacement problem solved.
I have provided some modded configs, to accompany the few guides I have written in the wiki.

If you feel that you have some amendments that others would be interested in I would recommend that you register as a wiki author and add your guides to the REACT category.  The more the merrier!

Here's 2.0.ssb16j BTW.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #809
OK, this is me done for now I think.

I've found one more thing that you will need to bear in mind if you started with the official CFG files:

Near the top of REACT-track.cfg you will find:

Code: [Select]
IF @various@==0    SET TrackName=@TrackName_SA@
IF @various@==1    SET TrackName=@TrackName_VA@

This will cause issues with some characters (namely ampersand and percent).

Change these two lines to this:

Code: [Select]
SET TrackName=@trackname@

I introduced this token in 2.0.ssb10.  It escapes the characters so that they can be written to the batch file, and will automatically return the correct value depending on whether the disc is VA or not.

Anyone who hasn't made this change, and uses REACT-track.cfg, should take heed.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #810
1. Cover downloader doesn't work (using AlbumArtDownloaderXUI-0.10.1). Parameters sent are wrong. Example:
Code: [Select]
"C:\Program Files\REACT2\coverdownloader\albumart.exe" /artist "Supergrass&%/\:*?"<>|äåö" /album "Kiss Of Life (CDS)&%/\:*?"<>|äåö" /path "D:\Music\RIPPED\EAC\Kiss Of Life (CDS)&% äåö.%extension%" /autoclose

SUGGESTION: Escape quote (") chars when starting "albumart.exe". (Escape only necessary chars for the "/artist" & "/album" switches, but use the REACT "Sla_Bks_Col_Qst_Bar_Quo_Ast_Lt_Gt" setting for the "/path" switch.)


"C:\Program Files\REACT2\coverdownloader\albumart.exe" /artist "Supergrass&%/\:*?(INSERT_ESCAPE_CHAR_HERE)"<>|äåö" /album "Kiss Of Life (CDS)&%/\:*?(INSERT_ESCAPE_CHAR_HERE)"<>|äåö" /path "D:\Music\RIPPED\EAC\Kiss Of Life (CDS)&%----'[]-äåö.%extension%" /autoclose
Replicated.  The issue is with the double quote in the artist and album values.  I have escaped this and it now works.  NB: the filename follows the 'standard' format (album name with illegal characters replaced with a space) as per the EAC log file in track mode - so will not be changed.
Sorry to report but it still doesn't work. ("C:\Program Files\REACT2\coverdownloader\albumart.exe" /artist "Supergrass&%/\:*?""""<>|äåö" /album "Kiss Of Life (CDS)&%/\:*?""""<>|äåö" /path "D:\Music\RIPPED\EAC\Kiss Of Life (CDS)&%        äåö.%extension%" /autoclose)

About the filename, EAC log (as well as temp cue, bat & wav file) in image mode is saved with REACT char conversions, I just can't see why this image couldn't be saved with same conversion. In image mode (and track mode), only the additional cue files are saved without REACT char conversions.

2. Additional cue filenames wrong (using CreateAllCuesheets) (and var pointing to it). Not copied to dest. folder. Inside cue-files, FILE lines totally wrongly escaped (EAC style? Impossible to change?!). Also PERFORMER and TITLE lines are escaped: " -> ' ... no solution to this either I think? To me, the inside cuefile escapes are not important.
PERFORMER and TITLE need the double quote to be replaced by an apostrophe - no alternative.  I don't really know what other issues you have here, but all in all I don't think that there's anything that can be done (or perhaps needs to be done).
All clear except, if the temp cue file in image mode is saved with REACT char conversion, I can't see why these additional cue filenames couldn't. File naming scheme is not consistent, that's why I reported it. Not a biggie but still..

5. Eaclog filename wrong (and var pointing to it). Not copied to dest. folder.
Replicated.  When naming the log file in track mode EAC uses the format "<artist> - <album>" with any illegal characters replaced with a space.  REACT thought it was emulating this; however EAC treats the apostrophe as an illegal character also, which REACT did not.  I have now changed this, so that the REACT variable should match the name that EAC creates when an apostrophe is in the filename (artist and/or album name).
Everything ok now. But could you consider saving the log filename in track mode using REACT char conversion, like in image mode. Somebody may like to save it other than "EAClog.txt". Make a ini-setting? Consistent naming again, nothing more.

6. Cover image wouldn't be copied to dest. folder.. impossible to do a test because albumart.exe doesn't work currently.. but still, you have to notice that the @cover@ variable could contain wrong string.
What do you call the 'wrong' string?  I don't see an issue here - even given the recognised bug above - this would not affect the batch file name or covert art (which use the same naming scheme as the log file).  Please see response RE: path in Q1.
I predicted the same behaviour like in the 5. point I made about EAClog file. Still couldn't test because albumart.exe doesn't work currently.

7. All cleanup delete commands are not working.

Are you running in debug mode?  The batch file won't be deleted in debug mode.  If not, then I guess this is a mismatch between the REACT variables and the actual file names, but I am not seeing this issue.
Yes I'm running in debug mode, BUT in track mode, the cleanup is done even when the debug is on! Only the bat-file is not deleted. Inconsistent behaviour between image and track mode.. again. But anyways, it's fixed now; only the bat-file is left behind if in debug mode.

About the mystical quote problem which made me almost rip my ears off in anger (don't have any hair to pull on) ; seems that you can't use more than 4 "sub-quotes", any more and all quote tags are not working.. at least in preview. Another bug this board has is the post number anchor link located in the upper right corner of each post. It links every post to the first post on the page.

Sometimes my life is so sad when I do find bugs everywhere.. I'm a perfectionist and I do want to correct everything, it's hard to have a positive mindset.. believe me. 

EDIT: Removed my comment about the 4. point in my original post. I will reply to it in another reply.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #811
3. Flac filenames wrong when using IMAGE-RIP. Impossible to change with ACDIR! Can't do nothing with this I guess if you don't change ACDIR (or CueProc).

OK, with regard to illegal character replacement, I remember now that ACDIR replaces illegal characters with a space (it does not replace the apostrophe, unlike EAC, as it is not actually illegal).  I'm not sure what you are considering a bug or where, but please bear this in mind.  This is not an issue for normal use - I guess you are trying to second-guess filenames and it's not working out?

I'm very sorry, I messed up a little bit, clearly I had too many things in my mind. I Should have explained more. Definately NOT a bug, just the way ACDIR works and it was meant to illustrate my other points. Forget this completely. And sorry again.

4. Correct flac tags would be nice; the "-char is replaced with '-char.. all other chars fine. Escape it?

I think this is a standard character replacement issue here.  Granted, the double quote could actually be replaced with two double quotes (I think) to escape it, but this code uses the standard Sla_Bks_Col_Qst_Bar_Quo_Ast_Lt_Gt replacements, and the issue is so minor I'm not inclined to change it (personally - tycho or any other user is obviously free to do so!).  This is such a minor/infrequent issue I would recommend manually re-tagging any susceptible files after processing.

Actually, I have just realised, there is nothing we can do here.  EAC will always pass a double quote as an apostrophe it seems.  I presume this is because that it has to pass values as a command line parameter, and it was considered better to replace them (and thus solve any potential issue) than escape them.

This happens before REACT becomes involved, so there's nothing we can do.

You're quite right.. except now when I think of it quickly, I could compare EAClog strings to cue file strings.. that way I could change the "artist" and "album" tags.. BUT how can I compare the "title"s? EAClog doesn't have correct titles.. maybe impossible, got to think about it more later.

Finally, I have previously failed to thank you for identifying these bugs.  It's always good to iron out a few more.  I will point out that the original REACT will also suffer from both those I have confirmed so far.  (Not my fault guv', honest.)

My pleasure. Not to worry, we're not on a crusade to find the culprits.. at least I'm not.  I have to say WOW to the speed and dedication you answered my questions, thanks a lot.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #812
All clear except, if the temp cue file in image mode is saved with REACT char conversion, I can't see why these additional cue filenames couldn't. File naming scheme is not consistent, that's why I reported it. Not a biggie but still..
Everything ok now. But could you consider saving the log filename in track mode using REACT char conversion, like in image mode. Somebody may like to save it other than "EAClog.txt". Make a ini-setting? Consistent naming again, nothing more.
I predicted the same behaviour like in the 5. point I made about EAClog file. Still couldn't test because albumart.exe doesn't work currently.
You should understand that this is EAC's convention - not REACT's.

EAC will name the log differently for tracks (<artist> - <album>) and images (same format as used by the image and cuesheet).  REACT uses the log file naming scheme for the four cuesheets, batch file, etc. - it is purely following EAC's lead.

If you have issues with the way things are named you can always rename files in the config, or copy them using a different name (examples in the config already).

I'm all up for fixing annoying bugs in REACT, but I'm not going to change working, core functionality at this time!

Sorry to report but it still doesn't work. ("C:\Program Files\REACT2\coverdownloader\albumart.exe" /artist "Supergrass&%/\:*?""""<>|äåö" /album "Kiss Of Life (CDS)&%/\:*?""""<>|äåö" /path "D:\Music\RIPPED\EAC\Kiss Of Life (CDS)&% äåö.%extension%" /autoclose)
OK, I'm sorry.  I'll have to test using your values.  I tested with artist, album and track names all containing the full set of illegal chars (IIRC) and it worked for me.  I'll test some more.

But could you consider saving the log filename in track mode using REACT char conversion, like in image mode. Somebody may like to save it other than "EAClog.txt". Make a ini-setting? Consistent naming again, nothing more.
The log is renamed to EAClog.txt in the config.  Check the config and amend the relevant line to your needs  - remember to use the $$ tokens to get filename-friendly values, e.g.: "$cdartist$ - $album$.log".
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #813
OK, I'm mid-investigation here, but maybe I can get some help...

Akkurat's params:

Code: [Select]
 /artist "Supergrass&%/\:*?""""<>|äåö" /album "Kiss Of Life (CDS)&%/\:*?""""<>|äåö" /path "D:\Music\RIPPED\EAC\Kiss Of Life (CDS)&% äåö.%extension%" /autoclose

... don't work. Yet, move the quotes:

Code: [Select]
 /artist "Supergrass&%/\"""":*?<>|äåö" /album "Kiss Of Life (CDS)&%/\"""":*?<>|äåö" /path "D:\Music\RIPPED\EAC\Kiss Of Life (CDS)&% äåö.%extension%" /autoclose

... and it works, although two double quotes are passed through.  However using two rather than four does not work (albumart.exe complains) - using one or three and the command won't even run.  In essence, only the combination \"""" appears to run (although wrongly passes through two double quotes.

At this point, it is not making any sense, and I may simply resort to just removing double quotes from the artist and album names before submitting.

Edit: Either that or I just say f*** it; how many artists and albums have double quotes in them? (or maybe that's the vino tinto speaking...)
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #814
Sorry to add to frustrations, good friend! The next time you're in the AU3 editor, try hitting ctrl+f5 to launch the syntax checker. There are a few errors in the main dialog, and a good number in the metadata addition; they relate mostly to functions that are undefined.
I haven't run into any circumstances where these errors have stopped the show, but the next time you dive in to make updates, consider smoothing out the wrinkles "just in case", I don't understand au3 stuff all too much so maybe these are perfectly healthy errors. I haven't a clue.

Also: Is there a reason for omitting the TAK information from the .au3 script (where it writes the .ini file) -- you've added the info to the .cfg and a downloadable ini, but if you were to regenerate the .ini, the tak stuff wouldn't get regenerated, would it?

Another also: is there a reason for changing EAC's working directory to something in @outroot@, (the syncdirectories function) or am I misreading your code?

Sorry if you're really going to start hating me here, I do have another question . in the official version of react, I could set the @outroot@ variable to something like %userprofile%\desktop\ripped  and when it was written to the batchfile, @outroot@ would literally be %userprofile%\desktop\ripped so when it was actually processed windows would pick up the variable. In your modified version, I'm finding it's getting written as %%userprofile%% -- is this a symptom of escaping illegal characters? if so, can I ... unescape them somehow?

Fifth Edit: You're absolutely just going to murder me and dump my body out at sea. Testing further with the createallcuesheets=1 ... when gaps are undetected, pressing f4 to start the whole process, it will detect all gaps, and create TWO cuesheets, the S and MG ones. After this it stops with no error. Then, after the two minutes are up, it will continue on, create the last two cuesheets MC and M, and continue to the coverdownloader, ripping, etc. Your guess is as good as mine.

Oh god, don't kill me.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #815
The next time you're in the AU3 editor, try hitting ctrl+f5 to launch the syntax checker. There are a few errors in the main dialog, and a good number in the metadata addition; they relate mostly to functions that are undefined.
I haven't run into any circumstances where these errors have stopped the show, but the next time you dive in to make updates, consider smoothing out the wrinkles "just in case", I don't understand au3 stuff all too much so maybe these are perfectly healthy errors. I haven't a clue.
I don't use SciTE, but I've just loaded the Additional Meta Data.au3 file and all the errors are due to SciTE trying to compile the script as standalone, not an include.  The main REACT script file will also have calls to functions defined in included au3 files.  Nothing to worry about.

Also: Is there a reason for omitting the TAK information from the .au3 script (where it writes the .ini file) -- you've added the info to the .cfg and a downloadable ini, but if you were to regenerate the .ini, the tak stuff wouldn't get regenerated, would it?
Sheer laziness.  My updated configs have the TAK code in them, but I've never seen fit to update REACT to include TAK.  They are two separe things.

Another also: is there a reason for changing EAC's working directory to something in @outroot@, (the syncdirectories function) or am I misreading your code?
Without looking at the code, I think @outroot@ is used as a last resort only (a fails safe), and may never actually run.  The main purpose of the function is to sync to the folder specified in the EAC GUI.  However, if for some reason this cannot be retrieved from the registry then @outroot@ is used to ensure at least a directory is set.

Sorry if you're really going to start hating me here, I do have another question sad.gif. in the official version of react, I could set the @outroot@ variable to something like %userprofile%\desktop\ripped and when it was written to the batchfile, @outroot@ would literally be %userprofile%\desktop\ripped so when it was actually processed windows would pick up the variable. In your modified version, I'm finding it's getting written as %%userprofile%% -- is this a symptom of escaping illegal characters? if so, can I ... unescape them somehow?
You are correct, this was to resolve other issues.  I can't think of a workaround, but I will think some more on it.

Testing further with the createallcuesheets=1 ... when gaps are undetected, pressing f4 to start the whole process, it will detect all gaps, and create TWO cuesheets, the S and MG ones. After this it stops with no error. Then, after the two minutes are up, it will continue on, create the last two cuesheets MC and M, and continue to the coverdownloader, ripping, etc.
I've been testing CreateAllCuesheets a bit in the past few days and have never seen this once.  From our PM's I understand that you are editing the REACT code.  May I suggest that you investigate and let me know if you find anything?
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #816

I've made some edits to the actual .au3 files, but not very many- I added a variable for the eacpath (I could only find one that worked for the path+exe), I also added a few parts where it regenerates the .ini with a few settings I've added that my personal .cfgs use, but I haven't edited absolutely anything inside the main loop for react, I don't know why I would get this error and you wouldn't... I'm going to re-download ssb16j and test it "clean" and see what I come up with.

As for using windows environment variables... I wound up adding another global in the au3 to point to the desktop. I'm leaving the default directory as a folder on the desktop so that whoever I send my modified version to doesn't go "hey, where the f--- are my files?" since I know a good number won't look at the EAC config and don't use the my music directory.  But, do let me know if you come up with a clever way for allowing windows environment variables in the .ini.

Concerning tak/compile warnings: Sorry for the pester. I'm just a bit OCD about things and sometimes I wonder if it's a mistake, or intentional, etc. I may only be succeeding in annoying you, but in my own head I'm trying to help you iron out any bugs that I'm coming across, since I do really like this script an awful lot, You and Tycho's work on this is absolutely super-appreciated.

Concerning @outroot@ ... I see, so that you don't have to use the ini functionality, and it's contained within the gui? I always thought of the EAC directory as a "working" or "temp" directory since I never actually used this for resultant output (I've always used Flacattack or something similar to ship them out), so in my modified version of react (off of the original 2.0) I had just set this directory automatically to a subdirectory of EAC called TMP. I was a little confused when I switched over and the behavior had changed, but this actually probably makes sense for a majority of users. I am wondering, though, can I safely comment out where you call the syncdirectories function (this is when ctrl+f2 is pressed to configure eac) to retain the original functionality of solely using @outroot@?

Edit: Replicated without consistency. At first, I used your stock .ini and changed just a few tiny things: turning on createallcuesheets, and changing the TracksHotVal to +{F6} instead. I tried ripping all tracks using f4 and it worked perfectly, but the coverdownloader didn't launch.

Trying to figure out why, I disabled EmbedCover=1; ReplayGain=1; ApplyAlbumGain=1 and then noticed the path to the coverdownloader was wrong in the ini, so I changed it and restarted react. upon coming back up and pressing f4 to rip tracks again, I successfully replicated the error: the first two cuesheets extract, followed by a two minute pause, then the other two and then coverdownloader launches.

...the sort of part comes to when I re-enabled the replaygain settings, it worked fine again. I disabled them again, and it still worked. I have no idea what caused the error, now.

without replacing any other files again, I replaced just the .ini and replaced ONLY the createallcuesheets setting, leaving everything else intact, including the wrong coverart exe location. It performed the same error again. Without giving it the two minutes, I restarted react without changing any settings and hit f4 again. same results.

It's possessed, I'm afraid.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #817
I may only be succeeding in annoying you, but in my own head I'm trying to help you iron out any bugs that I'm coming across
The only thing that may annoy me is calling things bugs when they are not!  I've done a fair amount of chasing my own tail in the last few days.

Concerning @outroot@ ... I see, so that you don't have to use the ini functionality, and it's contained within the gui? I always thought of the EAC directory as a "working" or "temp" directory since I never actually used this for resultant output (I've always used Flacattack or something similar to ship them out), so in my modified version of react (off of the original 2.0) I had just set this directory automatically to a subdirectory of EAC called TMP. I was a little confused when I switched over and the behavior had changed, but this actually probably makes sense for a majority of users. I am wondering, though, can I safely comment out where you call the syncdirectories function (this is when ctrl+f2 is pressed to configure eac) to retain the original functionality of solely using @outroot@?
The fSynchOutputDirectories() function was introduced to resolve an issue that various users were having as their working directories were out of synch (note the plural: there are two paths used, neither related to @outpath@).  You can disable it, but you are merely removing functionality and not restoring functionality.  I suggest that you follow these links (post | post) for a background before coming to any conclusions.

Edit: Replicated without consistency. At first, I used your stock .ini and changed just a few tiny things: turning on createallcuesheets, and changing the TracksHotVal to +{F6} instead. I tried ripping all tracks using f4 and it worked perfectly, but the coverdownloader didn't launch.

Trying to figure out why, I disabled EmbedCover=1; ReplayGain=1; ApplyAlbumGain=1 and then noticed the path to the coverdownloader was wrong in the ini, so I changed it and restarted react. upon coming back up and pressing f4 to rip tracks again, I successfully replicated the error: the first two cuesheets extract, followed by a two minute pause, then the other two and then coverdownloader launches.

...the sort of part comes to when I re-enabled the replaygain settings, it worked fine again. I disabled them again, and it still worked. I have no idea what caused the error, now.

without replacing any other files again, I replaced just the .ini and replaced ONLY the createallcuesheets setting, leaving everything else intact, including the wrong coverart exe location. It performed the same error again. Without giving it the two minutes, I restarted react without changing any settings and hit f4 again. same results.

It's possessed, I'm afraid.
Not on my machine... Of course, you realise that the RG settings bear no relevance to the process that fails for you on occassion.

What confuses me is why I've never heard of any issues from track users before - or now - regarding this.  I was under the impression that REACT had quite a user-base, yet this is a first.  As an image user it's not something that I've personally had much experience with.

Edit: One thing to ask: do you just sit back and leave EAC/REACT to it while it happens, or do you change window, etc.?
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #818
Edit: You nailed it, it's only when I switch windows. I didn't think this was the case as I thought the au3 keypresses applied to that particular window only and not the currently active window. With the original react2 I never saw it do this either, and I was always switching windows. If it's missing a keypress, too, how does it get the first two, anyway? and how does it end up getting all four regardless? It seems like such a weird occurrence...

I know that the RG values have no relevance, but sometimes weird unexpected things happen, so I thought I'd mention absolutely every last thing I did for completeness' sake: did I mention the OCD? :\

And, sorry for calling things bugs. I really don't mean any offense. I have a bad choice of vocabulary sometimes. Shall I call them "Surprise Features" from now on? =)

REACT 2 Released

Reply #819
Edit: You nailed it, it's only when I switch windows. I didn't think this was the case as I thought the au3 keypresses applied to that particular window only and not the currently active window. With the original react2 I never saw it do this either, and I was always switching windows. If it's missing a keypress, too, how does it get the first two, anyway? and how does it end up getting all four regardless? It seems like such a weird occurrence...
Thank the Lord.  It's always best to set REACT going and leave it well alone really.

The second cuesheet is requested using menu commands, rather than key presses (shortcut keys).  I can only assume that AutoIt doesn't like that if the window is not active - or perhaps visa-versa.  It may simply be down to the timing of you switching windows.

I know that the RG values have no relevance, but sometimes weird unexpected things happen, so I thought I'd mention absolutely every last thing I did for completeness' sake: did I mention the OCD? :\
Of course, and you were right to do so.  I did not mean to be patronising.

And, sorry for calling things bugs. I really don't mean any offense. I have a bad choice of vocabulary sometimes. Shall I call them "Surprise Features" from now on? =)
  LMAO.  Yes, that makes me feel more secure.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #820
You should understand that this is EAC's convention - not REACT's.

EAC will name the log differently for tracks (<artist> - <album>) and images (same format as used by the image and cuesheet).  REACT uses the log file naming scheme for the four cuesheets, batch file, etc. - it is purely following EAC's lead.

If you have issues with the way things are named you can always rename files in the config, or copy them using a different name (examples in the config already).
I'm all up for fixing annoying bugs in REACT, but I'm not going to change working, core functionality at this time!

Yes I know and I do understand what you're saying, the point was just that I recommended that feature with "normal" users (which don't want/can edit the cfg-files) in mind. Telling them to remove "REM"-lines in order to achieve certain functionality is much easier than guiding them to use all kinds of variables. The fact is that other files are created with EAC-style-escaping and others with REACT-char-conversion-style-escaping in both track and image modes.

But it's not so important now when I know that you're only dedicated to iron out clear bugs in the system. I did however get a different impression when I read all of the posts in this topic (33 pages, took a long time to finish) and that's why I was offering these changes. I might tone down a bit the "vast" amount of suggestions I already promised because those are pure enhancements to REACT, not bugs.

OK, I'm mid-investigation here, but maybe I can get some help...

Akkurat's params:

Code: [Select]
 /artist "Supergrass&%/\:*?""""<>|äåö" /album "Kiss Of Life (CDS)&%/\:*?""""<>|äåö" /path "D:\Music\RIPPED\EAC\Kiss Of Life (CDS)&% äåö.%extension%" /autoclose

... don't work. Yet, move the quotes:

Code: [Select]
 /artist "Supergrass&%/\"""":*?<>|äåö" /album "Kiss Of Life (CDS)&%/\"""":*?<>|äåö" /path "D:\Music\RIPPED\EAC\Kiss Of Life (CDS)&% äåö.%extension%" /autoclose

... and it works, although two double quotes are passed through.  However using two rather than four does not work (albumart.exe complains) - using one or three and the command won't even run.  In essence, only the combination \"""" appears to run (although wrongly passes through two double quotes.

At this point, it is not making any sense, and I may simply resort to just removing double quotes from the artist and album names before submitting.

Edit: Either that or I just say f*** it; how many artists and albums have double quotes in them? (or maybe that's the vino tinto speaking...)

Actually that string I posted was copied from the albumart.exe window when it tried to run. So the original one "-char (along with the rest of the chars) defined in EAC artist field was replaced with 4 "-chars. But if it behaves randomly, just fudge it like you said; it's a billion to one that "-char(s) would make a difference finding correct artist&album cover.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #821
My only response really is that what one person may see as the optimum way, another may see as inconvenient.  What you call an enhancement may be a hindrance to someone else.

I think it's best that REACT changes things as little as necessary.  It also provides some consistency throughout all users, which is useful when identifying actual bugs.

The fact is that other files are created with EAC-style-escaping and others with REACT-char-conversion-style-escaping in both track and image modes.
Yet both styles can easily be accessed using the @eaclog@ variable.  Simple.

But it's not so important now when I know that you're only dedicated to iron out clear bugs in the system. I did however get a different impression when I read all of the posts in this topic (33 pages, took a long time to finish) and that's why I was offering these changes.
I'm not sure that this is quite fair; however I will only makes improvements that I believe to be... improvements.  IMHO REACT works pretty damn smoothly as it is, and changing core functionality now will be to the detriment of all existing users.

I might tone down a bit the "vast" amount of suggestions I already promised because those are pure enhancements to REACT, not bugs.
Perhaps if you post your suggestions in a clear and concise way, and other users pipe up and agree with you, then I could be persuaded.  You never know until you try.  Alternatively, you could start your own code branch.

Actually that string I posted was copied from the albumart.exe window when it tried to run. So the original one "-char (along with the rest of the chars) defined in EAC artist field was replaced with 4 "-chars. But if it behaves randomly, just fudge it like you said; it's a billion to one that "-char(s) would make a difference finding correct artist&album cover.
Yes, I assumed as such.  At this point in time I can't see any better alternative than to either remove double quotes, or replace them with an apostrophe, as EAC does.  I'm all up for any better suggestions.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #822
Edit: You nailed it, it's only when I switch windows. I didn't think this was the case as I thought the au3 keypresses applied to that particular window only and not the currently active window. With the original react2 I never saw it do this either, and I was always switching windows. If it's missing a keypress, too, how does it get the first two, anyway? and how does it end up getting all four regardless? It seems like such a weird occurrence...
Thank the Lord.  It's always best to set REACT going and leave it well alone really.

The second cuesheet is requested using menu commands, rather than key presses (shortcut keys).  I can only assume that AutoIt doesn't like that if the window is not active - or perhaps visa-versa.  It may simply be down to the timing of you switching windows.

I think I have stumbled on to this kind of problem myself. Here's couple of notes I made recently:

- REACT uses shortcuts like Alt+M which could yield problems if user changes focus to another application quickly. I bumped into this when I had "CreateAllCuesheets=1" and the gap detection took veryveryvery long time and I had changed application focus to Notepad2 which after a while executed Alt+M command (Modify lines) by itself... I'm sure that I didn't press those keys myself. Later I understood that REACT tried to active Alt+M action in EAC but failed because I was using Notepad2 at that very moment. Pretty "serious" problem which could lead to unexplainable problem descriptions, such as: all cuesheets are not created?! A proper advice to documentation to leave the EAC window on top when starting the rip would, I guess, suffice?

- When extracting all cuesheets, EAC fails sometimes and hangs during the gap analyzing. This happens (almost every time) only when you try to rip a cd for the second time. No cd eject between the rips. Ejecting/reinserting the cd fixes this. UPDATE: EAC hangs sometimes even if eject/reinsert trick is used. Seems that EAC is majorly flawed or REACT messes things up. UPDATE 2: Sometimes gives error messages: "Detection mode not possible for this drive". Seems to be linked to "wrong" GAP DETECTION setting in EAC!?

Don't know if the last one relates to this but.. you never know.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #823
Actually that string I posted was copied from the albumart.exe window when it tried to run. So the original one "-char (along with the rest of the chars) defined in EAC artist field was replaced with 4 "-chars. But if it behaves randomly, just fudge it like you said; it's a billion to one that "-char(s) would make a difference finding correct artist&album cover.
Yes, I assumed as such.  At this point in time I can't see any better alternative than to either remove double quotes, or replace them with an apostrophe, as EAC does.  I'm all up for any better suggestions.

I suggest that you remove "-chars, in this case I do think that it's better that way than replacing them with completely different chars.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #824
- REACT uses shortcuts like Alt+M which could yield problems if user changes focus to another application quickly. I bumped into this when I had "CreateAllCuesheets=1" and the gap detection took veryveryvery long time and I had changed application focus to Notepad2 which after a while executed Alt+M command (Modify lines) by itself... I'm sure that I didn't press those keys myself. Later I understood that REACT tried to active Alt+M action in EAC but failed because I was using Notepad2 at that very moment. Pretty "serious" problem which could lead to unexplainable problem descriptions, such as: all cuesheets are not created?! A proper advice to documentation to leave the EAC window on top when starting the rip would, I guess, suffice?
This is definately a failing with REACT; however we must bear in mind that REACT is a simple wrapper written to automate some EAC processes, it is not a modified version of EAC.  If users want cuesheets - and tycho added this functionality after user request - the only way that REACT can achieve this is to send key presses and activate menus, expecting that the user is currently concentrating on EAC.

Before we identified the issue with nago's cuesheets I was going to investigate setting EAC to detect gaps before attempting to write the cuesheets.  Here's an insight into the hoops we have to go through: I figured that the menu item "Action" > "Test Gaps On Silence" is disabled until gap detection has occurred.  I was wondering whether I could attempt to access that menu item, and, if an error occurred (I don't know whether it would produce an error or not at this time), then I could assume that gaps had not yet been detected (remember EAC cannot tell me whether they have or not).  If this was the case I could use the menu command to detect gaps (the shortcut, F4, has been hijacked by REACT already).  I would probably then have to hook into the "Analyzing" dialogue to see when it disappears.  I suppose I'd have to give it a few seconds to appear in the first place.  If it did appear then I guess I could work out when it disappeared - and then begin to request the cuesheets using key presses and menu commands.

It's not ideal, but it's all we have.  If we could properly hook into EAC then things would be perfect - unfortunately we can't, and they're not.
I'm on a horse.