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Topic: foobar2000 mobile fundraiser (Read 191435 times) previous topic - next topic
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foobar2000 mobile fundraiser

Reply #50
Thanks for explaining and reassuring us Peter, I was too afraid things would get different on the desktop version like social integration and all the other stuff foobar2000 shouldn't have. Reading it's a new code, new project and you will not change your way makes it better.

I wish you would do something like what ElementaryOS did on their website (, the download button with a minimum of $10 but if you enter $0 you download for free. I would gladly give you $20-50 but you only have flattr, does that even work?

I will pay for the iOS and Android preview.


Thanks for the 1.3.2 update as well.

foobar2000 mobile fundraiser

Reply #51
Pledged. Good to see the goals updated, I was afraid this will be another Kickstarter disaster. I've backed many projects before, which were canceled or haven't met their goals because the Kickstarter wasn't well prepared (A good postmortem). I still have mixed feelings about the various tiers, but I hope this campaign will be successful.

foobar2000 mobile fundraiser

Reply #52
I would fund an html5 version.

foobar2000 mobile fundraiser

Reply #53
Thanks for your reassurance Peter, and since Windows is no longer a target I hope the desktop version will continue to be updated even as you guys are busy with this.

The campaign has been updated to reflect the reality on the ground, iOS and Android goals have been merged under the existing main goal. The stretch goals which were not going to be met have been removed.

Windows mobile has been removed from this kickstarter, it will be developed externally after iOS and Android.

That's really unfortunate and probably means no Metro Foobar for the next year at the very least.  Do you guys plan to have another Kickstarter campaign for the Windows Phone and tablet versions? If both x86 and ARM are supported I will gladly donate a chunk of change and get others interested in these platforms to contribute as well. Cheers!

P.S. Looking at the Reward Delivery Schedule, is the Android version still going to lag behind the iOS one despite the goals being merged?

foobar2000 mobile fundraiser

Reply #54
What kind of support will there be for streaming music services? I don't listen to music through a telephone, but people I do know who use their phones listen mostly to Pandora rather than a local library. Will phone foobar play Pandora One? Spotify?

foobar2000 mobile fundraiser

Reply #55
I'd pay money just to be able to easily send tracks to an ios device from foobar, but...

$25 just to get the final version and access to a forum/blog? I've never spent much more than $5 on any app, let alone a music player.

How is "Cloud Foobar" even remotely legal?

Why does the kickstarter display an image of foobar that isn't remotely close to what foobar2000 is (without massive 3rd party support)? In fact, that screen shot seems to be something that is almost frowned upon (where's the menu!).

I can already play music on my phone, what is foobar going to do to improve the experience?

foobar2000 mobile fundraiser

Reply #57
What kind of support will there be for streaming music services? I don't listen to music through a telephone, but people I do know who use their phones listen mostly to Pandora rather than a local library. Will phone foobar play Pandora One? Spotify?

The streaming is on hold, until we are in a better position to pursue it.

foobar2000 mobile fundraiser

Reply #59
Woo! I have no definite interest in using a a music player on any of the mentioned systems remotely often, but will certainly be backing this. High time for this initiative to appear, good call Peter and the team!
Infrasonic Quartet + Sennheiser HD650 + Microlab Solo 2 mk3. 

foobar2000 mobile fundraiser

Reply #60

Support the creation of foobar2000 mobile, a fantastic new player which targets iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone & tablets. Featuring innovative never seen before abilities, help create an extraordinary player.

Peter, I just pledged on because what you have done with foobar2000 is wonderful, and even though I believe that 25 dollars for a player application on iOS/Android is too much (they are no more than 5 normally). But again, your work on db2k is so good you deserve it.

But I have to agree that having two pledges is a little confusing, more so when both mention kickstarter, and the mobile one clearly is not, even if I pledged there.

I submited it to slashdot:

foobar2000 mobile fundraiser

Reply #61
You still got two sites which count pledges separately. Prospective backers which see only one of the two sites get a false impression. I mean, this could work in your favor (some people think they need to pledge more so that the goal is reached), but it could also work against you (people think it's not worth backing the project considering the small sum pledged by others). I also think this could backfire when you receive unfavorable press for this.

In any case, people are considering making an investment in your project. Treat them as investors! Provide them with accurate information as to the total amount of funds you've acquired thus far. I know I've been repeating myself a bit in this post. But I just wanna make 100% sure that I drive the following point home: your communication is not in line with a responsible investor relations strategy.

EDIT: are you even on the safe side legally, i.e., do Kickstarter's TOS allow you to do part of the crowdfunding off-site?

EDIT2: what happens if you collect $60,000 on each of the two crowdfunding sites? Then you have the option, but not the obligation to pool the funds. From my perspective, this makes for really poor accountability on your part.

foobar2000 mobile fundraiser

Reply #62
We run all Credit Card payments now through, all Paypal payments (which are not handled by are handled by ourselves).

This method was done for the Elite kickstarter, a game (they raised $2M on KS and if I remember correctly $3M on their own site).

foobar2000 mobile fundraiser

Reply #63
first and foremost: it is truly great that foobar2000 is coming to mobile platforms and that the developers will actually get paid for their work. you guys have earned it, and I wish you all the best.

Windows mobile has been removed from this kickstarter, it will be developed externally after iOS and Android.

however, it pains me that bringing the app to windows phone is a mere afterthought. as a windows phone user, I'm used to missing out on popular apps, or waiting extra long for them to come to windows phone, or using a third-party imitation. I foolishly believed that if anyone would make windows phone a priority, surely it would be the foobar devs who have been stubbornly exclusive to windows since the beginning. when I just now discovered a kickstarter for foobar mobile, I felt like I won the lottery. but then I read the kickstarter page, and then came here, only to find out that the foobar devs are basically ignoring windows phone. logically, I understand that I am not owed anything, yet I can't help feeling like I just got punched in the gut. yes, I know, you said that you are going to make the windows phone version, but making a post on a forum isn't the same kind of promise as launching a kickstarter campaign. without any kind of contractual obligation on your end to actually make the windows phone app, I am very hesitant to pledge money to the campaign. I would feel much more comfortable if the windows phone app was officially added to the campaign, even as a stretch goal.

additionally, it is very odd that there are two separate campaigns.

foobar2000 mobile fundraiser

Reply #64
In the meantime i pledged. What irritates me highly is that i started from but was directed in the whole process to the kickstarter site where my backing is listed now. What is that? 

foobar2000 mobile fundraiser

Reply #65
In the meantime i pledged. What irritates me highly is that i started from but was directed in the whole process to the kickstarter site where my backing is listed now. What is that? 

How did you pledge?

We run all Credit Card payments now through, all Paypal payments (which are not handled by are handled by ourselves).
This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.

foobar2000 mobile fundraiser

Reply #66
Thank you, robertina! It's clear now!

foobar2000 mobile fundraiser

Reply #67

Support the creation of foobar2000 mobile, a fantastic new player which targets iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone & tablets. Featuring innovative never seen before abilities, help create an extraordinary player.

Peter, I just pledged on because what you have done with foobar2000 is wonderful, and even though I believe that 25 dollars for a player application on iOS/Android is too much (they are no more than 5 normally). But again, your work on db2k is so good you deserve it.

I totally agree with you. I have been using fb2k since 2004 and I have never found anything near as good, and I have tried many other players over the past 10 years. I guess the best way to look at the $25 that I contributed is that $5 is for the app and $20 for R&D. Well worth the money in my eyes.
Surf's Up!
"Columnated Ruins Domino"

foobar2000 mobile fundraiser

Reply #71
Isn't it anyway a lag of just three two months in regard to the releases?

foobar2000 mobile fundraiser

Reply #73
Is there even a market for an iOS version? How many use a custom music player on iOS compared to Android? Any market research for this? I don't have access to any iOS device, but on Google Play store, Poweramp Trial got 10M+ downloads, with 1M+ downloads for the full version. Rocket Music Player and Android Music player also got 10M+ each...

foobar2000 mobile fundraiser

Reply #74
Is there even a market for an iOS version?

First, there is FLAC Player, which is used by a lot of audiophiles. Second, there is probably an untapped market of people who want an iPod Touch or iPhone, but are put off by the iTunes requirement.