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Topic: foo_alarm (Read 78596 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #50
Work is in progress. It's not as easy as it seemed at first. When there will be something to test, a new thread will be started.


Reply #51
Thanks andrew. Just please make sure you post the link to the new post into this thread.


Reply #52
Great work! Thank you very much!

Expecting multi-timers like those in "Scheduler"....

Thanks again!


Reply #53
I have solved the problem with multiple alarms (for example starting playback of a specified playlist on weekdays and at the weekend at the different time) this way:

1. downloading foo_cmd_playlist component, that enables activating of specified playlist by name
2. making simple batch file named foobar.cmd with this: start /d"C:\Program Files\foobar2000\" foobar2000.exe /playlist-activate:"<SpecifiedPlaylist>" /play
3. setting windows task scheduler to execute foobar.cmd

Maybe this will help someone.....


Reply #54
Good news for those waiting for foo_scheduler! I've almost completed the development. During the next week you'll see foo_alarm 2.0 (or it's better to say foo_scheduler 2.0  )! Stay tuned!


Reply #55
good news!


Reply #56
Great news, thanks soo much
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10


Reply #57
i need something like that badly


Reply #58
No more foo_alarm, foo_scheduler is better!  (topic)


Reply #59


Reply #60
Goodbye foo_alarm.  Our time together was short but sweet.

(thank you andrew)


Reply #61
Sounds good, looking forward to it!


Reply #62
bug: foo_alarm.dll
doesen't work start-stop 23:59-0:01  i like to go to bed with music (radio streaming), and i don't like to switch it off.
suggestion: make button [start playing right now and stop after] xx hours  xx minutes 


Reply #63
bug: foo_alarm.dll
doesen't work start-stop 23:59-0:01  i like to go to bed with music (radio streaming), and i don't like to switch it off.
suggestion: make button [start playing right now and stop after] xx hours  xx minutes 

Have you read the first red message in the first post?  foo_alarm development is stopped, use foo_scheduler instead.