This isn't going to be much help with seeking ADTS in fb2k, but I hope it's at least somewhat helpful. Is there any real reason not to just mass remux them all to .m4a? I assume you already know how to do this quickly on Windows, but if not:
CMD option - processes all .aac files in current directory + subdirectories (remove "/s" to disable subdirectory recursion), requires ffmpeg/mp4box in PATH, respectively
FOR /F "tokens=*" %A IN ('dir /b /s *.aac') DO ffmpeg -i "%A" -c:a copy "%~dpnA.m4a"
FOR /F "tokens=*" %A IN ('dir /b /s *.aac') DO mp4box -add "%A" "%~dpnA.m4a" -new
You could also write a .bat script for drag/drop support. You can drag/drop as many files at a time as you'd like.
echo off
ffmpeg.exe -i “%~1” -c:a copy “%~p1%~n1.m4a”
if “%~1” == “” goto:eof
echo off
mp4box -add “%~1” “%~p1%~n1.m4a” -new
if “%~1” == “” goto:eof
If demuxing from YouTube is outputting raw AAC/ADTS, isn't that on you or how you're accomplishing that? I wouldn't even know how to get yt-dl/yt-dlp to spit out raw ADTS. If you use -g and get a URL leading to an AAC stream, or are demuxing it yourself afterwards, your ffmpeg command should be ending in something like -c:a copy file.m4a
or whatever the appropriate equivalent is for mp4box - I only ever use the latter for interleaving and messing with DASH/HLS stuff, so I'm not well versed on how to best use it. GPAC's documentation is pretty darn good though.
yt-dlp -f 140 oNI3JuDSQGQ
[youtube] oNI3JuDSQGQ: Downloading webpage
[youtube] oNI3JuDSQGQ: Downloading android player API JSON
[info] oNI3JuDSQGQ: Downloading 1 format(s): 140
[download] Destination: Aquatic Amogus (more STOP POSTING ABOUT DONKEY KONG dkc ost ytpmv) [oNI3JuDSQGQ].m4a
[download] 100% of 3.24MiB in 00:01
[FixupM4a] Correcting container of "Aquatic Amogus (more STOP POSTING ABOUT DONKEY KONG dkc ost ytpmv) [oNI3JuDSQGQ].m4a"