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Topic: Foobar resizes when no display is connected (Read 1297 times) previous topic - next topic
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Foobar resizes when no display is connected

I have recently started noticing that whenever foobar2000 is closed while my display is switched off (PC renders it as being disconnected) then using Task Scheduler tasks to backup my foobar2000 instance and auto-starting foobar2000, it opens at a much smaller window size instead of how I had left my foobar2000 configured.

Basically, because of this every-time my Task Scheduler task runs and closes foobar and opens it back and then I switch on my display I find that my foobar2000 window size has shrunk down a-lot and I need to resort to stretching the window size after every backup job.

Is there anything that could be done or would having a dummy HDMI plug fix this issue?

Re: Foobar resizes when no display is connected

Reply #1
It's quite normal behavior for programs to adjust to display resolution changes so that they remain visible and usable. My generic solution to solve various things getting messed up from monitor appearing disconnected was to disable monitor power save mode and instead manually switch the screen off with its power button. That way it doesn't appear disconnected and nothing gets moved.

At the moment I don't think there is anything you can do in foobar2000 to prevent it from adjusting to environment changes.

Re: Foobar resizes when no display is connected

Reply #2
Thanks, I guess my monitor appearing disconnected when I switch it off is something not in my control so I'll try a dummy adapter to get around this.