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Topic: [fb2k v2] Random Pools (foo_random_pools) (Read 207583 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: [fb2k v2] Random Pools (foo_random_pools)

Reply #400
Maybe, but you probably go better in general with creating temporary tables with subresults in the batch part as it is becoming quite complex.

It seems alot harder after spending weeks, Currently I'm just sucking it up and shuffling based on Lowest Play Count and Least Recently Played which was already figured but coming to the point.

It took awhile to come up with this SQL query but the gist of it is that if it's possible to know what's being played in playlist and comparing it to media library that should help in spacing out how far apart the same circle should occur every time when the Random Pool is called (currently shuffles random pools after each track).
I feel like maybe another temp table is needed just because we are going to reshuffle order by spacing circles alone

Code: [Select]
-- Create temporary table tmpMediaLibraryFLPC
    [album artist] AS media_library_circle,
CAST(COALESCE(NULLIF([%jsp3_playcount%], ''), 0) AS INTEGER) AS [%jsp3_playcount%],
COALESCE(DATETIME(NULLIF([%jsp3_last_played%], '')), '1970-01-01 00:00:00') AS [%jsp3_last_played%],
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [%jsp3_playcount%]) AS custom_unique_identifier_media_library -- Create a custom unique identifier for MediaLibrary
FROM MediaLibrary
WHERE (codec <> 'TAGS' AND [%jsp3_loved%]) AND [%jsp3_last_played%] < datetime('now', '-300 minutes', 'localtime')
ORDER BY [%jsp3_playcount%];

-- Create temporary table tmpPlaylistFLPC
    [album artist] AS playlist_circle,
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) AS custom_unique_identifier_playlist -- Create a custom unique identifier for Playlist
FROM Playlist;

-- Common Table Expression (CTE)
    FROM tmpMediaLibraryFLPC m
    JOIN tmpPlaylistFLPC p ON m.custom_unique_identifier_media_library = p.custom_unique_identifier_playlist
-- Select path, subsong, media_library_circle, and playlist_circle from the CTE
SELECT path, subsong, media_library_circle, playlist_circle

Re: [fb2k v2] Random Pools (foo_random_pools)

Reply #401
Is there any chance, that the random pool could get a retry mechanism?
Background: Some Pools in my setup are influenced by the songs actually being played - like I try to emphasize songs, that haven't been played for a long time. But sooner or later, the pools with the songs not being played for a long time are empty.
What happens, when the random pool plugin tries to keep the playlist topped up (by adding songs when there is less than x minutes or songs remaining), it chooses one of the pools based on probability, and picks an empty pool. No song gets added. A retry mechanism, that would keep going until one song gets added would help with that.
Alternatively, the Random Pool plugin could check if a pool actually has members and if not, automatically eliminate this Pool from the chosen Pool collection and only choose among the rest.

Actually... I take all that back. Somethign different seems to be going on, not sure yet what. I'll keep investigating.

Re: [fb2k v2] Random Pools (foo_random_pools)

Reply #402
And actually it turns out, I had some broken grouping expressions within my pools. Setting up everything correctly, it seems to work fine.

Re: [fb2k v2] Random Pools (foo_random_pools)

Reply #403
Hi, I found this plugin, but didn't figured out how it actually works and can it do what I need.

I have a playlist for loved tracks that I collected for many years (about 10k tracks) and I listen it mostly shuffled, but also I love many artists that I listen as albums. I don't want to add all of those artists' discographies to this playlist because artists with a lot of albums will play too often. So, what I wanted is that when in my playlist plays some pseudo track (let's say "Tom Waits") it just takes one random track from the pool of all Tom Waits discography or from some album in my library and after that track it plays tracks from playlist.

Can this plugin do the thing? And if it can, what should I do, because I didn't found any tutorial/manual?

Re: [fb2k v2] Random Pools (foo_random_pools)

Reply #404
I cannot configure the "Autoadd".
What I want to achieve is the plugin adding tracks when playing the third track from the end of the current playlist.
The playlist I use is called "random" and the criteria I use is selecting unrated tracks grouped per album.
The manual action works, only it doesn't automatically add tracks.
This is how I configured it
What I get is that FB2K plays till the end and the starts over again.

Any clue?

Re: [fb2k v2] Random Pools (foo_random_pools)

Reply #405
I think it should work like you configured it. Maybe you could also show us how the set in the pool is configured; that is what threw me off and caused it to partially stumble. The behavior I had resembles what you describe: Manually adding from the pool for example with a hotkey always worked, but autoadd didn't work properly.

Maybe check of the expression you use in the set yields the expected results in library search.


Re: [fb2k v2] Random Pools (foo_random_pools)

Reply #406
A couple of questions:
1. If I choose to add 3 groups and limit "number of tracks to add" to 3, will the 3 tracks be from 3 different groups?
2. If I am sorting without sorting/limiting each group, will all groups be sorted and then 3 tracks from the 3 top groups will be added?

Thank you for the help.