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Topic: New laptop/install, can't get FB2k controller to work properly.  (Read 783 times) previous topic - next topic
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New laptop/install, can't get FB2k controller to work properly.

I have been using FB2k for many years, with FB2k controller pro on my Android phone, it has worked very well. Recently the laptop I use solely for playing FLAC files started having an issue, so I bought a new one. FB2k works fine, but I can't get the controller to work properly. It didn't work at all until I figured out to tell it to install in the foobar2000 v2 folder instead of foobar2000. But it only kind of works now. Sometimes it works fine, but other times when you switch between playlists, it changes at the laptop, but not on the phone. After that it is all messed up. I have about a dozen different playlists, some will switch at the phone, others won't...

I see the Foobar2000 controller is no longer on the playstore, but it has worked very well for me for a long time. Is there an alternative?


Re: New laptop/install, can't get FB2k controller to work properly.

Reply #1
I found "Monkey Mote". It works, but I liked the FB2k controller interface better.