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Topic: Error when creating FLAC "fingerprint" file? (Read 5071 times) previous topic - next topic
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Error when creating FLAC "fingerprint" file?

All right... here's the scenario:

  Certain (legitimate) audio trading circles expect a FLAC "fingerprint" file when one is seeding a concert in FLAC format. A "fingerprint" file should be generated via the following line: metaflac --show-md5sum *.flac > fingerprint.txt

  Now, if I try that line with metaflac 1.1.0, I get the following message:
Code: [Select]

  But if I try for a single FLAC (metaflac --show-md5sum one-file-at-a-time.flac > fingerprint.txt) it works just fine. Why?

    - M.

Error when creating FLAC "fingerprint" file?

Reply #1
I believe some people have had problems using wildcards (*) with FLAC under Windows.  Perhaps this is related?

Error when creating FLAC "fingerprint" file?

Reply #2
I believe some people have had problems using wildcards (*) with FLAC under Windows.  Perhaps this is related?

I would suspect so, save that I've never had any other problems using wildcards with FLAC under Windows. Apparently there's an altered version of Speek's frontend with this capability, but it's only available as part of an installer from Mike Wren, and includes functionality I don't need (since I've already got everything else scripted with my own batch files). Speek, is there any chance you could make the "custom" version of your frontend available to the rest of the world, and not just those who choose to install a complete third-party package?

    - M.

Error when creating FLAC "fingerprint" file?

Reply #4
Heh... I feel foolish. Shoulda thunk of that myself, since it's how I used to structure my batch files. (Too many programs function well without it, now!)

  After a few more trials-and-errors, here is the line which produces the expected - and properly formatted - results:
Code: [Select]
FOR %%f IN (*.flac) DO metaflac --show-md5sum --with-filename "%%f" >> fingerprint.txt

  Sorry I had to show so much ignorance... but perhaps someone else will be able to learn from mine. 

    - M.