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Topic: couple of short questions about flac- RIP Tagging and Playing (Read 4499 times) previous topic - next topic
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couple of short questions about flac- RIP Tagging and Playing

as most of you suggested i choose to use flac as my audio format in my music folder.
i thank you all on your suggestions.
now i have some new questions,i hope you can help me,here they are:

1.what programs except EAC do you recommend to RIP original CDs (to FLAC)? tagging FLAC files? and plaing FLAC files?

2.if i edit FLAC files tags (tagging)  and then convert them to WAV/WMAL the tags remain the same?

3.what conversion software ( conversion between FLAC WMAL AND WAV)do you recommend to use in case i need to?

4.there is one site that i can download in it all of these programs?  FLAC official site?

*i search in the internet for answers and it caused me big headache the variety of programs is vast.

couple of short questions about flac- RIP Tagging and Playing

Reply #1
1. Rippers: dbPowerAmp is somewhat popular, but costs money for the full version.
Tagging/playing: I let EAC tag it, then edit as necessary, and play, using Foobar2000.

2. WAVs generally can't have tags, and for WMAL, it depends on the converter.

3. To decode your FLACs to WAVs, Foobar2000 works well. As for WMAL, I'm sure there's software besides WMP that can encode it, but I'm not aware of it.

4. The only program available directly from the FLAC website is the command-line program. However, the FLAC site does have a decent list of software that uses the format:

couple of short questions about flac- RIP Tagging and Playing

Reply #3
EAC has never gone beyond beta, but don't let that bother you. It has been very stable for many years.

couple of short questions about flac- RIP Tagging and Playing

Reply #4
i downloaded EAC.the software said that i dont have important? its somthing that i must have?


couple of short questions about flac- RIP Tagging and Playing

Reply #6
Mp3tag is a great tag editor:

If you have Windows Media Encoder installed, foobar2000 can convert to/from WMA/WMAL and maintain tags.  Microsoft no longer supports it so WME is a bit hard to find.  Search "Windows Media Encoder" (in quotes) here and you'll find some other threads on it.