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Topic: Researchers develop a paper-thin loudspeaker (Read 2390 times) previous topic - next topic
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Researchers develop a paper-thin loudspeaker

The flexible, thin-film device has the potential to make any surface into a low-power, high-quality audio source.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?  ;~)

Re: Researchers develop a paper-thin loudspeaker

Reply #1
Hiding surround speakers might just have become (+x years) a lot simpler. I wouldn't bet on selling my subwoofer yet, though...

Re: Researchers develop a paper-thin loudspeaker

Reply #2
Well, low power ...
They boast an efficiency of 66 dB for 0.1 watt at 30 cm distance, for a 1 kHz signal. To convert those 66 to 1 watt 1 m, add around 20 - and then subtract 3 for at-wall placement, right? 
Or if the "at wall" should be considered "at wall but not on floor", then the 3 dB for half sphere could be omitted, and you get to an equivalent of 86 dB for a floor-standing speaker at a watt at 1m.  Isn't that quite a bit run-of-the-mill?

Yes their efficiency jumps 20 dB at 10 kHz (sounds like a 6 dB/octave rolloff?) but you don't need that much power up there.

Re: Researchers develop a paper-thin loudspeaker

Reply #3
To convert those 66 to 1 watt 1 m, add around 20 - and then subtract 3 for at-wall placement, right?
boohllshyte! Add ten and subtract ten. Which would make for very low efficiency ... except they don't talk about impedance nor anything informative. Speaker area?

Also, it does not show up at the journal's home page. I have a hunch it isn't published, but accepted. No title. Couldn't find a manuscript version.