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Topic: Music Monkey not displying Album Cover.  (Read 1765 times) previous topic - next topic
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Music Monkey not displying Album Cover.

1) what can I do to make Music Monkey to disply Album Cover again? Why does it sudenly stop?

2) Is there any other siftware that allows me to to display Albm cover? At present I display two different covers on the screen - one for Now-Playing (Music Monkey) and the other Selected item From Foobar album Art).



Re: Music Monkey not displying Album Cover.

Reply #1
Hey there,

Did you see my last post in your original thread?

Are you still using CUI? If so, as I said, just add a second CUI artwork panel instead.


PS: it is called Spider Monkey Panel, though Music Monkey is funnier :D (Music > Spiders, unless they are from Mars)

Re: Music Monkey not displying Album Cover.

Reply #2
You're still messing about with two different things where there's no reason to? You don't need spider monkey panel if you use CUI.
If you're on CUI, place a panel stack. Right click that panel. In the splitter settings on the per track tab set

Code: [Select]
$imageabs(x,y,w,h,path to your image)
x,y are the coordinates, w,h are the dimensions. Use %_width% and %_height% if the artwork needs to use the total dimensions to the panel itself.

In that same splitter settings window, below you see "titleformatting mode on startup" set to now playing to display album cover of now playing.
Repeat previous for second panel but set "titleformatting mode on startup" to "follow cursor", this panel will display all album covers the cursor selects.

Re: Music Monkey not displying Album Cover.

Reply #3
Thanks. Yes. Just realized that. Removed Spider Monkey and used CUI panel. Working fine. Thank you for explaining so much in detail.

Re: Music Monkey not displying Album Cover.

Reply #4
anamorphic: Thanks.  Gosh!! I did not realize I am using a wrong name for this software.:). That's funny at the same time embarrassing..

Re: Music Monkey not displying Album Cover.

Reply #5
If you're on CUI, place a panel stack. Right click that panel. In the splitter settings on the per track tab set
Code: [Select]
$imageabs(x,y,w,h,path to your image)
x,y are the coordinates, w,h are the dimensions. Use %_width% and %_height% if the artwork needs to use the total dimensions to the panel itself.
n that same splitter settings window, .......] <<<

I just want to make sure I am not working with a wrong version of CUI and I am not missing something . I can't see any of these objects/fields you referred to in your reply. When I click on insert panel>> splitters >> I get four options. they are: Horizontal Splitter, Play list tabs, tab stack, vertical splitter. I do not see a panel stack with a splitter Is thisall what I should see. And what is the panel stack with the per-track tab etc and where do I find it on the CUI menu?


Re: Music Monkey not displying Album Cover.

Reply #6
^ He is referring to Panel Stack Splitter - an advanced layout creation component for CUI. Probably a little overkill for your purposes. ;)

(Here is documentation and download though).

Most of the skins you see on DeviantArt require it.


Re: Music Monkey not displying Album Cover.

Reply #7