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Topic: Cuesheet with existing .wavs (Read 4046 times) previous topic - next topic
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Cuesheet with existing .wavs

I started to rip a couple CDs with EAC into .wavs, but now that I read more about FLAC, it seems like a better codec for archiving (since I won't need to span multiple CDs for some albums, and the built-in error checking).

My question is, can I get get cuesheets without having to re-rip the album?  I plan on converting my existing wavs -> flac using Speek's frontend, and my future rips directly in EAC.



edit: Mike's -> Speek's 

Cuesheet with existing .wavs

Reply #1
I was just dealing with the same issue.  I am ripping a couple of cds straight into FLAC right now and then saving the cuesheets for backup.  You don't have to re-rip.  All you do is decompress your FLAC's to WAV and then use the cuesheet to burn the cd.  Maybe EAC will have FLAC support in the future and we won't have to worry about decompressing them first.  Until then, I think that is your only option, but it isn't really that big of deal, it works perfectly.
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Cuesheet with existing .wavs

Reply #2
Just to let you know that is Speek's Frontend, not Mike Wren's. 
Sorry, I have nothing witty to say here.

Cuesheet with existing .wavs

Reply #3
mmortal03, I don't have the cuesheets right now, just .wavs created with "Test & Copy."

Cuesheet with existing .wavs

Reply #4
Do you still have the discs? just pop them back in EAC, detect gaps and crete cuesheet (non complient). Then use Burrn or burnatonce to burn these without decompressing the flacs first, theres no need with these apps and they support all burners unlike EAC.

If you don't have the CD's anymore, why use the cuesheet? Burrn and burnatonce will read the DISC, nUMBER and TRACK names and burn them with CD text to the disc anyway sorting them by their numbers so they are in the correct order. All you will miss is the Pre-gap (where the cd player will count up in negative values just before the next track on certain discs.) Not to important really is it? There are several discussins on Pre-gaps in the FAQ in the General forum.

hope  this has been of some help,


Cuesheet with existing .wavs

Reply #5
>  Burrn and burnatonce will read the DISC...

...these apps support offset correction?

Cuesheet with existing .wavs

Reply #6
>  Burrn and burnatonce will read the DISC...

...these apps support offset correction?

No, thats the only feature that they do not support, but, unless you are making multiple generations, ripping with EAC corrected, rippping that in EAC, burning in cetera, you really will not notice that  it has not been corrected. Of course if you aim for absolute accuracy and perfection, this will not do.

Thinking completly off the wall here, if you use a combined offset in EAC, and rip with your writer, and then burn the files using the same writer using Burrn or burnatonce, that should give a fully offset corrected CD, yes,no??



Cuesheet with existing .wavs

Reply #7
Quote from: kritip,May 7 2003 - 05:11 PM
Quote from: g0a,May 7 2003 - 10:54 PM
>  Burrn and burnatonce will read the DISC...

Thinking completly off the wall here, if you use a combined offset in EAC, and rip with your writer, and then burn the files using the same writer using Burrn or burnatonce, that should give a fully offset corrected CD, yes,no??

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