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Topic: APE2 with la files (Read 3059 times) previous topic - next topic
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APE2 with la files

How can we put APE2 tages into a LA (la lossless audio) file ?  I use lastest foobar2k release and i plan to rip albums in one wav and put cue into a tag, that's why i need APE2 verstaile tagging format.


APE2 with la files

Reply #1
Yes, it is possible. You can use Case's Tag utility for this.
Since LA files are not supported by Tag you have to use the option --nocheck. To  generate APE2 tags just use the option --force APE2.
I am using LA v0.4 here (la.exe and Winamp plugin) and both work perfectly with the APE2 tags generated that way.

edit: I don't use foobar2k or one-file-per-CD files with cue sheets, so I can't help you with that, sorry. Maybe the info about Tag is still useful for you...

APE2 with la files

Reply #2
But, sorry for my question: Why using such an "outsider"-format at all? - Why not Monkey´s Audio or FLAC ? - Or with other words: Which reasons made you to use this format? - Is it the compression-gain, the fast (de-)compressing etc. - What are the reasons which vote for LA?
My used codecs and settings:
FLAC V1.1.2 -4 / APE V3.99 Update 4 -high / MPC V1.15v --q 5 / LAME V3.97b2 -V2 --vbr-new / OGG aoTuV V4.51 Lancer -q5


APE2 with la files

Reply #3
But, sorry for my question: Why using such an "outsider"-format at all?

I chose LA for one reason: it provides the highest lossless compression.

Anyway, it's only the format in which the audio files are stored on my harddisk. Why should anybody else waste a thought about that?