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Topic: looking for a good Bluetooth receiver for my amp (Read 2389 times) previous topic - next topic
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looking for a good Bluetooth receiver for my amp


i'm looking for a good Bluetooth receiver for my amp , even a cheap good one
just to connect rarely or occasionally  my smartphone and play some internet radio or audio files
in the past I have asked for a Bluetooth receiver for my headphones ,it was very cheap but very good , and I lost it
I would like a non battery-powered ,or even a battery-powered
just for my my hi fi integrated amplifier


Re: looking for a good Bluetooth receiver for my amp

Reply #1
Topping BC3 is working fine in my setup.

Re: looking for a good Bluetooth receiver for my amp

Reply #2
Topping BC3 is working fine in my setup.
it looks a great product , is it chiense or japanese ?
seems there is a firmware to update
but it 's battery-powered
do you know a cheap Bluetooth receiver for amp without battery?

Re: looking for a good Bluetooth receiver for my amp

Reply #3
Maybe something like this. And NFC is a nice feature to have, it makes pairing faster.

Re: looking for a good Bluetooth receiver for my amp

Reply #4
Maybe something like this. And NFC is a nice feature to have, it makes pairing faster.
hard to find/buy in western Europe  ,sadly
I tried to add and ship to Europe , the product did disapear
maybe could be sold only in Usa


Re: looking for a good Bluetooth receiver for my amp

Reply #7
@itisljar  @AndyH-ha
well , i will buy one of them ,seeing they don't cost a lot , i will try on of them
