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Topic: Burning CDs with pre-gap, pre-emphasis and CD-Text (Read 2563 times) previous topic - next topic
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Burning CDs with pre-gap, pre-emphasis and CD-Text

Ok, so apparently I still haven't found a piece of software that can acheive this. Plus, I now also have the requirement of it adding pre-emphasis flags. I'd try EAC again, but I'm afraid it might give me the same problems (I'm still using the same drives), and I'd prefer if it were open-source as well. CDex doesn't seem to have any burning functionality in its last open-source version, and I'm not sure if I wanna try using anything newer.
So yeah, basically just want the most basic piece of software that can reproduce a cue sheet onto a CD-R and nothing more.
Edit: Ok, so so far I've found two possible options:
  • Try to use cdrdao directly, or
  • Try to use something called InfraRecorder.
Edit 2: It seems that InfraRecorder doesn't support cue sheets, and there aren't other ways to set indexes for tracks or to set flags, so that won't work.
Edit 3: I've also found out about cdrtools/cdrecord, but both it and cdrdao require compiling.

Re: Burning CDs with pre-gap, pre-emphasis and CD-Text

Reply #1
Have a look at cdrtfe.

Re: Burning CDs with pre-gap, pre-emphasis and CD-Text

Reply #2
This seems to support pre-emphasis and CD-Text, however it doesn't support track indexes and every track needs to be a separate file. This might be a limitation of the underlying cdrtools that it apparently uses.
Edit: Never mind, there's a separate section for a disc image.

Re: Burning CDs with pre-gap, pre-emphasis and CD-Text

Reply #3
The one problem that I've come across at this point is that cue sheets can't really encode binary CD-Text information, which is required for genres. cdrecord supports a CDTEXTFILE command for a CD-Text, but I don't really know how I'd go about making one from scratch, especially as I've already filled out all the rest of my metadata just as part of the cuesheet, so I think I'll just forgo genre "tags" for now. Hopefully it just works otherwise.

Re: Burning CDs with pre-gap, pre-emphasis and CD-Text

Reply #4
CDRWIN had a CD Text Editor to create a CD-TEXT file saved with the .cdt extension. The resulting file includes info that cannot be read in a text editor.


Re: Burning CDs with pre-gap, pre-emphasis and CD-Text

Reply #5
I was wondering if CDTEXTFILE was refering to Sony's Text File Format mentioned in libcdio's documentation but I suppose this answers that. I've already burned a CD without using it so I probably won't bother going forward, especially if it's just for genre information, and it'd probably be more complicated anyway since I'd have to transfer the rest of the metadata from the cue sheet as well, I think. (I'm not actually writing cue sheets from scratch, so it's definitely easier not having to write everything again, but maybe it can combine stuff from both.) It feels kinda silly that the only way you can use this functionality is by using a, like, 20 year-old piece of software. Then again, the format itself is 41 years old, so...

Re: Burning CDs with pre-gap, pre-emphasis and CD-Text

Reply #6
but maybe it can combine stuff from both
If you want to try and see what happens on a CDRW, here's a few with only the Genre selected.

Edit: The CDTEXTFILE command should be the first line of the CUE file. filename should include path and enclosed in quotes if any spaces.
Code: [Select]
CDTEXTFILE "C:\Documents\Rock.cdt"

Re: Burning CDs with pre-gap, pre-emphasis and CD-Text

Reply #8
I've tried Burrrn in my previous topic and as I mentioned there it didn't seem to support pre-gaps, plus it uses cdrdao, which I've had problems with (at least in EAC), again, as mentioned in my previous topic.
However, the problem that I'm facing now is that despite setting "FLAGS PRE" in the cue sheet, none of the tracks seem to have been written with pre-emphasis flags, at least according to cyanrip. I don't know if I can re-write the disc to change this. I think I probably needed to write it either before or after all of the CD-Text metadata, however initially I put it all in between the ISRC and the rest of it.
Edit: cdrecord's documentation doesn't mention anything about this, just that it needs to be before any INDEX command.

Re: Burning CDs with pre-gap, pre-emphasis and CD-Text

Reply #9
Hi QuartzSTQ,

your right, Burrrn doesn't write any FLAGS - tested flags are PRE and DCP
EAC is writing FLAGS

Burrn v1.14b2NOYESNOYES

I've crated a test cue-sheet, inserted INDEX 00 of 3 seconds, FLAGS PRE DCP, CD-TEXT, PREGAP of 10s to the first track and a POSTGAP of 10s to the last track.
Burned to CD-RW,  used drive  : PLEXTOR DVDR PX-760

Riped the CD-RW using EAC v1.6, as the CD is unknown to any DB applied "Get CD-Information from CD-TEXT"

My test cue-sheet
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

CD burned using Burrrn v1.14b2 resulted in this cue sheet
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

CD burned using EAC v1.6
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Re: Burning CDs with pre-gap, pre-emphasis and CD-Text

Reply #10
I've add ImgBurn to the list.

So far ImgBurn show the best results.

Burrn v1.14b2NOYESNOYES
ImgBurn v2.5.8.0YESYESYESYES

New test cue-sheet
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

CD burned using ImgBurn v2.5.8.0
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Re: Burning CDs with pre-gap, pre-emphasis and CD-Text

Reply #11
Using ImgBurn to read the CD (burned with ImgBurn) to a *.bin image, the cue-sheet looks like this:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

It looks like, ImgBurn is the tool of choice to burn CDs in any aspect.
btw. "It can burn Audio CD's from any file type supported via DirectShow / ACM - including AAC, APE, FLAC, M4A, MP3, MP4, MPC, OGG, PCM, WAV, WMA and WV."

Re: Burning CDs with pre-gap, pre-emphasis and CD-Text

Reply #12
Could you attach "Peter Gabriel - I-O.cdt"?

Re: Burning CDs with pre-gap, pre-emphasis and CD-Text

Reply #14
Thanks. I just wanted to check it against the "New test cue-sheet"


Re: Burning CDs with pre-gap, pre-emphasis and CD-Text

Reply #16
btw. ImgBurn accepts also nonstandard cue-sheet keywords, as DISCID and UPC

cue-sheet excerpt, using ImgBurn to burn
Code: [Select]
PERFORMER "Peter Gabriel"
SONGWRITER "Songwriter"
COMPOSER "Composer"
ARRANGER "Arranger"
MESSAGE "Hello World"
UPC UPCDE2310250
CATALOG 1234567890123

Read burned CD using ImgBurn
Code: [Select]
CDTEXTFILE "Peter Gabriel - I-O_v2cue.cdt"
PERFORMER "Peter Gabriel"
SONGWRITER "Songwriter"
COMPOSER "Composer"
ARRANGER "Arranger"
MESSAGE "Hello World"
CATALOG 1234567890123
FILE "Peter Gabriel - I-O_v2cue.bin" BINARY

So just the binary coded genre is missing on the CD...

Re: Burning CDs with pre-gap, pre-emphasis and CD-Text

Reply #17
your right, Burrrn doesn't write any FLAGS - tested flags are PRE and DCP
I was just talking about Burrrn to mention that I tried using it previously and had issues with pre-gaps, not flags; what I actually used now was cdrtfe, per jaybeee's recommendation, which uses cdrecord internally, however as I mentioned it didn't write the pre-emphasis flags that I had set in the cue sheet. I still haven't gotten my hands on a CD-RW to test with, but I'd write a track with a FLAGS PRE command before any other command for the track, and then another track with FLAGS PRE after every other command for the track besides the INDEX commands, and I'd also test the whole thing with CD-Text.