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Topic: ape playback with cue sheet (album=1 ape file) (Read 4195 times) previous topic - next topic
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ape playback with cue sheet (album=1 ape file)

this seems like it would be an elegant solution, but i am not sure if there is a way to do it.

i would use eac -> image (compressed) w/ cue sheet. 

then is there a way to playback the album, with direct track access, without having to parse the ape file into individual tracks?  i currently use media jukebox, but would be open to an alternative.

also, when ripping and compressing (using mac.exe) in eac, is there a way to automagically put the single ape file and cue sheet in the correct location (ie. artist\album\"files") and name appropriately?  it seems that when eac creates the image file, it does not use any of the freedb info to name the file.



ape playback with cue sheet (album=1 ape file)

Reply #1
Yes, you can play the cuesheet with Foobar2000
or create APLs for Winamp with MAC.
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you."

ape playback with cue sheet (album=1 ape file)

Reply #2
is there any way to make it work with media jukebox?

ape playback with cue sheet (album=1 ape file)

Reply #3
yes, I think you can use APLs in Media Jukebox too.
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you."

ape playback with cue sheet (album=1 ape file)

Reply #4
thanks for the makeapl alert.  this works!!!

but, back to part 2 of my original question.  when creating the image and cue file in the first place, is there a way to automatically specify directory and filenames the way you can with ripping individual song files?

ape playback with cue sheet (album=1 ape file)

Reply #5
not that I know of,
I'd like to know too...
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