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Topic: vorbis tagged with album art in foobar 1.2.9 crashes my squeezeboxes (Read 4836 times) previous topic - next topic
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vorbis tagged with album art in foobar 1.2.9 crashes my squeezeboxes

hi everyone!

I've been using foobar literally for ever to tag, convert and copy new music to my music repository. great tool!

I recently upgraded to windows 8.1 and along the way decided to upgrade most applications too.

so now I use foobar 1.2.9 and just discovered that when I use it to add album art to vorbis files,
they will crash my squeezebox music players.
previous versions of foobar (sorry, I forget which one I used to use) worked fine.

the odd thing is that those files open and play fine in foobar itself, as well as my smartphones and tablets.

I've uploaded the files here:

I just upgraded my squeezeboxes firmware and server software to the most recent version with no improvement.
I haven't tried fb2k 1.3 yet, but nothing in the change log suggest that vorbis album art tagging was fixed/modified.

so what changed?

thanks for your help in advance!

vorbis tagged with album art in foobar 1.2.9 crashes my squeezeboxes

Reply #1
Those files have different art sizes, so maybe that's the problem.

vorbis tagged with album art in foobar 1.2.9 crashes my squeezeboxes

Reply #2

I think it is in connection with this long known bug:

Forced me to remove embedded album art and use separate files instead.

vorbis tagged with album art in foobar 1.2.9 crashes my squeezeboxes

Reply #3
ok, I tried:
1. tagging with MP3tag
2. different filesizes, 12-100KB
3. different resolutions, 300x300-600x600
4. different jpg compression ratios
5. different sources, irfanview and directly off the web

nothing seemed to have an effect.

that being said, how then did I get the album art in other vorbis files that play fine?

the only difference between those working and those that don't is that the working ones were tagged with an older version of foobar.

I know I may be going OT here... but any help would be appreciated.
@TobiMan, I added my two cents to the bugreport you mentioned and included a file that works. maybe andy @ LT will find a quick fix after all? ;-)

vorbis tagged with album art in foobar 1.2.9 crashes my squeezeboxes

Reply #4
that being said, how then did I get the album art in other vorbis files that play fine?

the only difference between those working and those that don't is that the working ones were tagged with an older version of foobar.

I know I may be going OT here... but any help would be appreciated.
@TobiMan, I added my two cents to the bugreport you mentioned and included a file that works. maybe andy @ LT will find a quick fix after all? ;-)

That's really odd. Do you by chance know the foobar version you used for tagging? Frankly I did not think of foobar being the problem and I would be
surprised if it is.

I will do some testing and let you know.

vorbis tagged with album art in foobar 1.2.9 crashes my squeezeboxes

Reply #5
I suspect I may used foobar 1.1.7. at least, that is the version I found in my legacy-software repository.
i'll test that and see what happens.

I agree, I think squeezecenter / LMS is probably (obviously!) broken.
MP3tag didn't work either, so the chances of foobar being the culprit are slim.

who knows, maybe foobar's vorbis tagging was somehow broken back then - and broken + broken = fixed? :-D

@TobiMan: did you download the file that WORKS from Logitech's bugzilla? I'd be interested to hear if that file works for you too.
else, I can put it on a share for you somewhere.

vorbis tagged with album art in foobar 1.2.9 crashes my squeezeboxes

Reply #6
@TobiMan, I added my two cents to the bugreport you mentioned and included a file that works. maybe andy @ LT will find a quick fix after all? ;-)

Andy no longer works at logitech. Only one engineer left on the squeezebox project. And squeezeboxes have been discontinued for over a year, so I don't expect much in terms of bug fixes....

vorbis tagged with album art in foobar 1.2.9 crashes my squeezeboxes

Reply #7
Yeah, Logitech did a hell of a job there! Buying Slimdevices and let them drown... Well, that's what I think...

@dcote: I checked your file, plays flawlessly. I am running LMS 7.8.0 - 1387542508 nightly, by the way.

Furthermore I played around a little. I embedded an album art of 22kb, which works fine. I then replaced it with
an album art of 61kb, which killed the SqueezeBox. So size does matter after all  .

Sorry, this is all I can add for the moment. Hopefully someone will have mercy and fix LMS...

vorbis tagged with album art in foobar 1.2.9 crashes my squeezeboxes

Reply #8
getting off topic now, but there is a "community squeeze" project (see of folks working on software that will basically extend the life of LMS and squeezeboxes beyond its eventual dropping by Logitech.  So maybe some hope for a fix eventually.


vorbis tagged with album art in foobar 1.2.9 crashes my squeezeboxes

Reply #9
the mystery deepens...

I just tagged a file with a 70.8 KB 600x600 JPG file using foobar 1.1.7 - AND IT WORKS.
Then I re-tagged the same vorbis file with the same jpg using 1.2.9 - AND IT IS BROKEN.
as far as I can see it now, something in the vorbis album art tagging behavior changed from foobar 1.1.7 to 1.2.9.

I've updated the open bug at Logitech to reflect that:

would TobiMan or anyone else care to verify that independently?