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Topic: Change default double-click functionality on Album Art (disable Picture Viewer) (Read 564 times) previous topic - next topic
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Change default double-click functionality on Album Art (disable Picture Viewer)

Hello there, long time Foobar2k user and first time poster here  :D

I recently updated from Foobar2000 1.5.3 to Foobar2000 1.6.16 version, and there's this small specific thing that's been driving me up the walls
My question here is if its possible to disable the "Picture viewer" pop-out window when you double click on album art
In Foobar2000 1.5.3 if you double clicked on Album art image, it would open an explorer window with that song selected, but this feature got replaced by newer Picture Viewer window

I wonder if there's a way to bring back that "show in explorer" functionality? I looked everywhere on internet and there's barely any discussion on Picture Viewer, If anyone has any ideas/solution for this I'd be forever grateful 🙏