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Topic: EAC 1.5 - cannot drag pictures into the CD Cover area (Read 2121 times) previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Exact Audio Copy v1.5
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EAC 1.5 - cannot drag pictures into the CD Cover area

After installing EAC 1.5 I cannot drag pictures into the CD Cover area anymore. it gives me the forbidden sign in the mouse arrow. After reverting back to EAC 1.3 the problem persisted, so it seems something changed in the framework.

I tried this on Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 on different machines and both had the same problem. I had to go back to an old restore point to get it working again.

Am I overseeing a setting which prevents applying your own pictures or are more users having this problem?

Re: EAC 1.5 - cannot drag pictures into the CD Cover area

Reply #1
are more users having this problem?
Not a problem on three Windows 10 systems and one Windows 7.
Note: I have .NET 3.5 & 4.8 and Visual C++ 2005-2019 Runtime on all systems.

Re: EAC 1.5 - cannot drag pictures into the CD Cover area

Reply #2
Process elevation (running as administrator) does break drag and drop between processes. Check that both EAC and Explorer are running the same elevation, preferably not administrator.