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General - (fb2k) / Re: Display Internet Radio Station Name During Play
Last post by BrunoJ -
There is no titleformat field (what you call variable) included by default that can display it using titleformating.

What you need to do is use External Tags or m-tags to make the url taggable.

For example using External tags , you right click the playlist entry and select Tagging > Edit External Tags.
In the window add a new field named for example "Station name" and value.

You can then use [%station name%] in the status bar, playlist etc to display the value.

I was hoping there was some way to extract the information directly from the stream.  That would save having to make an entry for each radio station.  But the solution you have given sounds like the best available.  Thanks.
AAC / Re: 37800Hz on AAC
Last post by Porcus -
The Vorbis spec says it was "intended for lower and higher sample rates (from 8kHz telephony to 192kHz digital masters)", but the audio_sample_rate field is a 32-bit unsigned integer with the restriction that "0" is forbidden.
General - (fb2k) / Re: ReFacets
Last post by gadgetogogo -

The playlist view does not display the search results,

Did you try prefs>Media Library>Library viewer selection playlist
  • Enabled?

Also check if the active playlist is "Library viewer selection"
Yes as I said I have this setting enabled, and it works if "Library viewer selection" is *already* the active displayed playlist when I press enter in Refacets search. However I would like this to work also when I'm looking at another playlist.
AAC / Re: 37800Hz on AAC
Last post by -
Anyway, I believe Vorbis supports arbitrary sample rates, but I don't how badly that will affect quality.

I can confirm it, Vorbis admits any sample rate below some limit (afaik 192khz), not sure about a lower limit.
Edit: I tested very low sample rates just right now. Lower limit seems to be 6 KHz.
AAC / Re: 37800Hz on AAC
Last post by radorn -
When I saw that 37800 sample rate it immediately made me think of PlayStation 1 CD-XA streams, which were usually encoded at that rate. It's 6/7 of 44100. I though you were going to ask for something like that.
Anyway, I believe Vorbis supports arbitrary sample rates, but I don't how badly that will affect quality.
If all you need is slowing down the audio, just resample after the slowdown or let the encoder do it if it has a resampler. Or does that interfere with your goal?
General - (fb2k) / Re: Display Internet Radio Station Name During Play
Last post by sveakul -
For example using External tags , you right click the playlist entry and select Tagging > Edit External Tags.
In the window add a new field named for example "Station name" and value.

You can then use [%station name%] in the status bar, playlist etc to display the value.
Bingo!  Because I always have the Properties window open I've never had to worry about it.  The above is the way to go.