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Topic: specific 20190806 LAME compile producing larger V0 files (Read 1172 times) previous topic - next topic
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specific 20190806 LAME compile producing larger V0 files

I happened to notice a problem with this old LAME binary i have
it's still on rarewares in /files/mp3/ (i found it using google)
typical song-length files created using -V 0 are several hundred kilobytes bigger than ones made in 3.100.1 or 3.100 (other compiles) or 3.99r
luckily, i don't think i ever used this to actually encode anything, or if i did it was only a couple things
but, anyone know what could have caused this problem?

Re: specific 20190806 LAME compile producing larger V0 files

Reply #1
Why is it a problem? Do mp3s created with those binaries sound noticably different? It was bug fix release as the 'history.html' narrative in the 'doc' folder will show you. Beyond that I can't help.