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Topic: FB 2.2 preview - Recurring corruption of (some entries of) config.sqlite  (Read 3210 times) previous topic - next topic
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FB 2.2 preview - Recurring corruption of (some entries of) config.sqlite

Hello Dev Team and @Peter ,
since the very early FB v2.2 preview I am struggling with recurrent corruption of the config.sqlite.

The problem is evident because the application looses certain settings (from last time shutdown), like:
- window size and position
- my own defined keyboard shortcuts
- preference about "Cursor follows playback"

Analyzing my config.sqlite with DB Browser SQLite, I get:
32 Rowid out of order errors and
54 Row missing from index errors

I tried to repair the dBase, but I couldn't, and the only solution I found today is simply delete the config.sqlite and redo all the configuration from the scratch, but it is very time consuming (I have many custom settings).

Herein attached my file for your help.
Thanks and regards,

Re: FB 2.2 preview - Recurring corruption of (some entries of) config.sqlite

Reply #1
I have also recently experienced some errors with the config.sqlite file.

I don't know if there is any connection between the cases, but if there is any use that can constructively help those responsible, a brief explanation of what happened to me is at the link above.

If there is no connection between the cases, I apologize in advance.

Re: FB 2.2 preview - Recurring corruption of (some entries of) config.sqlite

Reply #2
Problem being investigated, thanks for reporting.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: FB 2.2 preview - Recurring corruption of (some entries of) config.sqlite

Reply #3
Hello @Peter , because the reported issues are sometimes random, let me know if you need more details for your troubleshooting.
I did not reported all, the exact sequence, of what tipically happen on my system.
It might be I can do a screen video recording.
Regards, Andrea

Re: FB 2.2 preview - Recurring corruption of (some entries of) config.sqlite

Reply #4
Should be properly addressed in today's build. Thanks again for the sample file.

When errors are detected, everything that can be salvaged from the corrupted file will be copied over to a new fresh file.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: FB 2.2 preview - Recurring corruption of (some entries of) config.sqlite

Reply #5
Thank you @Peter
Regards, Andrea

Re: FB 2.2 preview - Recurring corruption of (some entries of) config.sqlite

Reply #6
Hi Peter, Recently just downloaded the latest preview and now I have crashes upon program start up.
The thing is (viewing the console), the "After collecting garbage" line, it crashes.

After the 3rd try, it didn't crash, so, this is normal?
Code: [Select]
Playlist #61 loaded in 0:00.000166
myInitStageCallback init
Library initialized after 1:19.204360
Seekbar: taking Direct2D1 path.
Seekbar: Frontend initialized.
metadb garbage collect triggered
metadb VACUUM successful
metadb garbage collect: trimmed 0 records out of 178775 in 0:00.405958

Edit 2: Well, I lost all the playback statistics past 2022
Good to have a backup though good to have a backup of settings and alternative portable for situations like this. by the way

Re: FB 2.2 preview - Recurring corruption of (some entries of) config.sqlite

Reply #7
@Fabcore, is your disk full? I took a look at the crash logs you shared and the last message in both of them is SQL error 13. In sqlite that seems to happen when disk is out of space.
There was also earlier error "foo_discogger: unexpected exception installing configuration files" that could possibly also be caused by lack of space.

Re: FB 2.2 preview - Recurring corruption of (some entries of) config.sqlite

Reply #8
Yes, Thanks @Case  for your response. the past days I was able to figure out, and yes, that was the culprit, my HDD just had 100MB of free space!
After free up the SSD (256GB), I (fortunately), recovered the database that has the extension which was renamed as ".bad", and back to the original name again. Restart the program again and...

Works like a charm :D