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Topic: SOX settings (Read 866 times) previous topic - next topic
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SOX settings

I am going to be converting a ton of 24bit 96000 Hz FLAC files to 16/48 FLAC. Are these the correct settings for best results?

Cheers :D

Re: SOX settings

Reply #1
I'd say "Punch it!", but do a test amount first to be sure the results are what you expected, then let fly.

Re: SOX settings

Reply #4
It just increases the cutoff (and possibly the slope) of the low pass reconstruction filter, but we are talking up at around 20kHz and above, so it's unlikely to make any audible difference.

Re: SOX settings

Reply #5
I'll just use %99 then, if it doesn't hurt. Everything else look good though? I'm prob going to be deleting the source files.