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Topic: Equalizer APO and wasapi exclusive question (Read 2320 times) previous topic - next topic
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Equalizer APO and wasapi exclusive question


Equalizer APO  is a great free software , Peace64 is a great front end

about Equalizer APO webpage there is only
- the application must not bypass the system effect infrastructure
(APIs like ASIO or WASAPI exclusive mode can not be used)
what does it mean? English is not my native language
can Equalizer APO  add some eqs /boost and other filters and do they sound with wasapi not exclusive (does it change the sound in shared mode? ) ?
and in ASIO or WASAPI exclusive mode , does an application with WASAPI exclusive mode bypass at 100% with APO on with many filters enabled ?

Re: Equalizer APO and wasapi exclusive question

Reply #1
ASIO (not to be confused with ASIO4ALL) and the Exclusive mode in WASAPI (And very back in the days of Windows 9x, DirectSound direct mode) are APIs (ways to communicate between the application and the operating system) that try to get the sound straight from the application into the soundcard driver. The main reason is having very low latency ( delay since sound is generated until sound is heard)

Standard modes (MME, DirectSound, WASAPI shared) use in some way or another the Mixer path of the operating system.
In this path, filters can be added, and Equalizer APO is one such filter.

Re: Equalizer APO and wasapi exclusive question

Reply #2
ASIO (not to be confused with ASIO4ALL) and the Exclusive mode in WASAPI (And very back in the days of Windows 9x, DirectSound direct mode) are APIs (ways to communicate between the application and the operating system) that try to get the sound straight from the application into the soundcard driver. The main reason is having very low latency ( delay since sound is generated until sound is heard)

Standard modes (MME, DirectSound, WASAPI shared) use in some way or another the Mixer path of the operating system.
In this path, filters can be added, and Equalizer APO is one such filter.
Hi Jaz
but does/did somebody test Eq Apo and Peace front-end ?
if do  w10 or w7 applications in wasapi exclusive really bypass Eq APO / Peace ?

Re: Equalizer APO and wasapi exclusive question

Reply #3
Wasapi and Asio will bypass any effects including APO EQ.
So you can use APO EQ for everything except wasapi and asio.
When i use foobar with Wasapi i need to use the EQ of foobar2000.

Re: Equalizer APO and wasapi exclusive question

Reply #4
Wasapi and Asio will bypass any effects including APO EQ.
So you can use APO EQ for everything except wasapi and asio.
When i use foobar with Wasapi i need to use the EQ of foobar2000.
Hi @Mark7
may i ask you do you use apo eq (maybe with Peace front end) or have you used ?


Re: Equalizer APO and wasapi exclusive question

Reply #5
Wasapi and Asio will bypass any effects including APO EQ.
So you can use APO EQ for everything except wasapi and asio.
When i use foobar with Wasapi i need to use the EQ of foobar2000.

You mean WASAPI Exclusive Mode ... WASAPI Shared Mode is the default for Windows since Vista (even DS and MME are on top of it).

Peace developer has support discussion forum at soueceforge

Re: Equalizer APO and wasapi exclusive question

Reply #6
may i ask you do you use apo eq (maybe with Peace front end) or have you used ?

Yes, I use APO EQ with the GUI that comes with it. You can see some screenshots of that GUI here: .
I use it because my speakers have huge bass spikes at very specific frequencies.

What exactly is your question now? Is it still the same or do you have other questions? Why don't you just try it yourself?
Do you use any applications with ASIO or WASAPI exclusive mode? If not, then APO EQ will work just fine.

Re: Equalizer APO and wasapi exclusive question

Reply #7
Yes, I use APO EQ with the GUI that comes with it. You can see some screenshots of that GUI here: .
I use it because my speakers have huge bass spikes at very specific frequencies.

What exactly is your question now? Is it still the same or do you have other questions? Why don't you just try it yourself?
Do you use any applications with ASIO or WASAPI exclusive mode? If not, then APO EQ will work just fine.
1) does Asio and WASAPI exclusive mode bypass always APO EQ ?
because I have read  that wasapi or asio don't work with all device , maybe even they haven't specify  they were talking about asio4all (it doesn't bypass I guess)
I have tried and tested several devices
this is my most concern 
Do you use any applications with ASIO or WASAPI exclusive mode?
yes ,foobar2000 when I listen music
Why don't you just try it yourself?
yes I do ,but it's pretty hard to learn , seems Peace front end is even more powerfull and easy to use
and I would like to Eq some applications only ,but I guess Apo Eq can't do it , it does need Peace
I would like to Eq some different amps and speakers, and there are not many tutorials around , i think EQ Apo can work only with 1 config config.txt