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Topic: Fastest true peak replaygain analysis on Linux? (Read 1836 times) previous topic - next topic
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Fastest true peak replaygain analysis on Linux?

ffmpeg on my low power ARM linux box can do RG truepeak at about 14x, best case. In ffmpeg doing "-af replaygain" (no true peak, presumably) the speed is more like 63x. Both of these pale compared to my gaming PC, which can do 335x in linux (truepeak) and 7000x in foobar (no true peak, presumably). Obviously the ARM box is much lower powered but I'm wondering if there's any higher performance true peak analyzer out there. Maybe something with SoX? I tried figuring out a command for that but got nowhere.

Re: Fastest true peak replaygain analysis on Linux?

Reply #1
Did you benchmarked rsgain too?
As I get truepeak is based on resample at 4x then find the max peak, so it's quality depends on the upsampler used.
Also some sw (ie rsgain easy mode) do peak analisys only for positive value too.

Re: Fastest true peak replaygain analysis on Linux?

Reply #2
My Raspberry Pi takes its sweet time too. Haven't played much with SoX, but have you tried mp3gain? Might give you a better run for your true peak analysis.

Re: Fastest true peak replaygain analysis on Linux?

Reply #3
I'd give loudgain a try, that should write tags with the true peak, save for Opus files. The README has details on why Opus is excluded from storing Peak tags.