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Topic: How can I convert DVD-Audio do DSD ?  (Read 3141 times) previous topic - next topic
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How can I convert DVD-Audio do DSD ?

I have some ISO files with DVD/Audiothat I want to convert to DSD64 (DSF). Foobar can't do that. I have Sonore prog but it's not working now (execute button is silent).
Any advice of free sotf?

Re: How can I convert DVD-Audio do DSD ?

Reply #1
First, you need to decode DVD-Audio to wav. foobbar2000 with foo_input_dvda can do this.
Free tools that can convert to DSD: PCM-DSD_Converter (i didn't test 64 bit english version, but 32 bit english version is broken, so 64 bit english version may be broken too. Use japanese version) and unofficial modification of SoX
command for sox to convert to DSD64 will be like this:
Code: [Select]
sox.exe inputfile.wav outputfile.dsf rate -v 2822400 sdm -f sdm-8
Effect sdm does conversion to DSD.
sdm [-f filter] [-t order] [-n num] [- latency]
Apply a 1-bit sigma-delta modulator producing DSD output. The input should be previously upsampled, e.g. with the rate effect, to a high rate, 2.8224MHz for DSD64. The -f option selects the noise-shaping filter from the following list where the number indicates the order of the filter:
clans-4    sdm-4
clans-5    sdm-5
clans-6    sdm-6
clans-7    sdm-7
clans-8    sdm-8
The noise filter may be combined with a partial trellis/viterbi search by supplying the following options:
-t   Trellis order, max 32.
-n   Number of paths to consider, max 32.
-l   Output latency, max 2048.
The result of using these parameters is hard to predict and can include high noise levels or instability. Caution is advised.

Actually, using foobar2000 with its converter, foo_input_dvda and SoX, you can convert directly from DVDA to DSD.

Re: How can I convert DVD-Audio do DSD ?

Reply #2
PCM DSD converter doesn't recognize wav from foobar as wav file.
sox.exe FAIL formats: can't open input file `Test.wav': WAVE file fmt with padded samples is not supported yet

Any advice?

Is there any one step soft DVDAudio to DSD ? There was sonore iso2dsd_gui.jar men isn't working now...

Re: How can I convert DVD-Audio do DSD ?

Reply #3
PCM DSD converter doesn't recognize wav from foobar as wav file.
sox.exe FAIL formats: can't open input file `Test.wav': WAVE file fmt with padded samples is not supported yet

Any advice?

Is there any one step soft DVDAudio to DSD ? There was sonore iso2dsd_gui.jar men isn't working now...
I can't imagine how you was able to create such wav files.

As for iso2dsd, it has nothing to do with DVDA or conversion of wav to dsd.

Re: How can I convert DVD-Audio do DSD ?

Reply #4
Well... foobar, nothing more. Just convert to wav...

Re: How can I convert DVD-Audio do DSD ?

Reply #5
Can you upload such wav file somewhere and PM me with link?

Re: How can I convert DVD-Audio do DSD ?

Reply #6
Check PM. Onedrive.


Re: How can I convert DVD-Audio do DSD ?

Reply #7
In foobar2000 Converter settings in Output format section set Output bit depth to 24-bit instead of Auto.

Re: How can I convert DVD-Audio do DSD ?

Reply #8
I have some ISO files with DVD/Audio that I want to convert to DSD64 (DSF).

Just for fun?

Because it won't improve the sound quality.