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Topic: iPod mini 2G stutters when playing LAME aps (Read 150994 times) previous topic - next topic
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iPod mini 2G stutters when playing LAME aps

Reply #75
It's good to hear that I'm not the only one with these problems.

There really doesn't seem to be much information online about this topic.

I have a 2G ipod mini, I've only experienced the skipping on about 3 of the 750 songs that I've got loaded onto the ipod and they are all VBR.  I've also noticed that on these three songs the rock equalization trick does not work for me, the files still skip. 

Hopefully we will see a fix to this problem soon!

In the meantime I'll be encoding using --alt-preset cbr 192

iPod mini 2G stutters when playing LAME aps

Reply #76
I've also noticed that on these three songs the rock equalization trick does not work for me, the files still skip. [a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=312024"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]
If using EQ doesn't cure the problem on your three songs, you might be experiencing a different problem.

You can use the test samples in this thread to test if your 2G iPod mini has the stuttering problem.

What are the three songs that are giving you problems?

iPod mini 2G stutters when playing LAME aps

Reply #77
Well, it really does seem to be the same problem to me.

The songs i'm having problems with are...

Fiery Furnaces - Single Again (only skips once, pretty minor stuttering)
Architeture in Helsinki - Frenchy, I'm Faking (this one's really bad, i can't get through the song without skipping it)

All of the files are VBR... I even decoded the mp3's back to wav's, then re-encoded them back to CBR, the CBR files play just fine. (i know this is terrible for quality, but it's just a test) So for now, that's my solution.

I'm still using the version 1.3 firmware for my ipod, is it possible that the eq trick only works with version 1.4?

i've noticed that in some instances that if i delete a skipping song and add it again that the skip is gone, it worked for "Elliot Smith - I didn't understand" which is encoded at a CBR of 320.... i've tried this numerous times with the two songs listed above but it just doesn't work for them

actually, this is getting really annoying... i've dumped my entire library from the ipod and loaded it back on again.... skips disappear from some songs but show up in others that were fine. grrrrr

iPod mini 2G stutters when playing LAME aps

Reply #78
I'm still using the version 1.3 firmware for my ipod, is it possible that the eq trick only works with version 1.4?
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=312070"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

no, version 1.4 doesn't address any of that and the EQ thing also works with aware that upgrading to 1.4 will stop your iPod from updating Smart Playlist on the go...
--alt-presets are there for a reason! These other switches DO NOT work better than it, trust me on this.
LAME + Joint Stereo doesn't destroy 'Stereo'

iPod mini 2G stutters when playing LAME aps

Reply #80
has anyone tried this?
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=312114"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

you don't need this tool unless you got your files from dubious also destroys the LAME-Header, so it shouldn't be used unless there's a real problem, which won't happen with files you rip and encode properly using one of LAME's presets.
--alt-presets are there for a reason! These other switches DO NOT work better than it, trust me on this.
LAME + Joint Stereo doesn't destroy 'Stereo'

iPod mini 2G stutters when playing LAME aps

Reply #81
has anyone tried this?

you don't need this tool unless you got your files from dubious also destroys the LAME-Header, so it shouldn't be used unless there's a real problem, which won't happen with files you rip and encode properly using one of LAME's presets.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=312215"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

what do you mean obtain files from dubious sources? whether files are downloaded or not, they still skip on iPod. I only have a 3G at the moment, but can anyone confirm (preferably Sehested or people with 2G mini/ipod photo) and see if this is a plausible fix? Not really sure what you mean by lame-header, pardon my ignorance.

here, try this sample [a href="]NIN right where it belongs, run with VBRfix[/url]

iPod mini 2G stutters when playing LAME aps

Reply #82
what do you mean obtain files from dubious sources?
Files whose origin is unknown could be encoded by little known mp3 encoders or with settings causing problems.

I only have a 3G at the moment, but can anyone confirm (preferably Sehested) and see if this is a plausible fix?
I have tried the tool (Windows version 1.0), but it screwing up the mp3 so f2k now displays the wrong play time.
I stopped further investigation of the tool right there and I must admit that the tool appears rather dubious. Anyway LAME should not need a tool to replace its header.

Not really sure what you mean by lame-header, pardon my ignorance.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=312279"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]
A mp3 file contains a header with information on bit-rate, length etc.. This information is used by mp3 players to display the correct play time of a song. Apparently slightly different types of headers are used by the different mp3 encoders.

iPod mini 2G stutters when playing LAME aps

Reply #83
Did you try it on the actual iPod though and see if it fixed the skips? That'd be most pertinent. i tried doing a few mp3s, and they read fine on f2k.

Might just be,,, oh i have no idea

iPod mini 2G stutters when playing LAME aps

Reply #84
Did you try it on the actual iPod though and see if it fixed the skips? That'd be most pertinent. i tried doing a few mp3s, and they read fine on f2k.

Might just be,,, oh i have no idea
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=312286"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Tried your VBRfixed version of NINright on my 2G iPod mini. It still stutters.

iPod mini 2G stutters when playing LAME aps

Reply #85
I'm relieved. I know , with certainty , there will be a fix as long as it is brought to Apple's attention.

they support LAME and offer it to download on their site. So LAME isn't the enemy in their eyes. yey, this was  a relief (dunno if its old news)

iPod mini 2G stutters when playing LAME aps

Reply #86
I'm relieved. I know , with certainty , there will be a fix as long as it is brought to Apple's attention.

they support LAME and offer it to download on their site. So LAME isn't the enemy in their eyes. yey, this was  a relief (dunno if its old news)
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=312352"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

iPod mini 2G stutters when playing LAME aps

Reply #87
what do you mean obtain files from dubious sources? whether files are downloaded or not, they still skip on iPod. I only have a 3G at the moment, but can anyone confirm (preferably Sehested or people with 2G mini/ipod photo) and see if this is a plausible fix? Not really sure what you mean by lame-header, pardon my ignorance.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=312279"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

all I said was that the tool you mentioned won't fix the iPod problem at all, since it's not related to it in any way. It will just fix some files that got screwed up, which normally doesn't happen, unless you got them from someone who used a weird encoder along with pretty scary settings and aborted the download at 98% or tried to cut them with one of the countless mp3 tools floating around online...

Those tools should only be used if it can't be avoided...and by no means should be run recursively on an entire mp3 collection just in case...

Anyway, the stutter problem even occurs if the files were properly encoded with LAME...
--alt-presets are there for a reason! These other switches DO NOT work better than it, trust me on this.
LAME + Joint Stereo doesn't destroy 'Stereo'

iPod mini 2G stutters when playing LAME aps

Reply #88
I just misunderstood what you said. Sorry

iPod mini 2G stutters when playing LAME aps

Reply #89
yeah, sorry, that's my bad... files i encode myself with lame will have proper headers... this tool isn't fixing anything...

iPod mini 2G stutters when playing LAME aps

Reply #90
I'm relieved. I know , with certainty , there will be a fix as long as it is brought to Apple's attention.

they support LAME and offer it to download on their site. So LAME isn't the enemy in their eyes. yey, this was  a relief (dunno if its old news)
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=312352"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

that's definitely some good news, they're saying that files encoded with lame should play fine on the ipod and clearly they do not...

(the settings they use for the example on their page is --alt-preset standard!)

i'd really just like to hear some feedback from apple, just an acknowledgement of the problem... at least that way we'd know that they're working on it.

iPod mini 2G stutters when playing LAME aps

Reply #91
Hi there,

I have a brand new 20gig ipod photo. I have downloaded and tested both sample files and have experienced no problems. Yes I did disable the equalizer.

I am running the latest firmware 2005-06-26.

Any other samples i should try?

iPod mini 2G stutters when playing LAME aps

Reply #92
Hi there,

I have a brand new 20gig ipod photo. I have downloaded and tested both sample files and have experienced no problems. Yes I did disable the equalizer.

I am running the latest firmware 2005-06-26.

Any other samples i should try?
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=312703"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

The title of this thread would lead one to surmise that the problems mentioned relate to the mini and not your particular model.

iPod mini 2G stutters when playing LAME aps

Reply #93
The title of this thread would lead one to surmise that the problems mentioned relate to the mini and not your particular model.

however if you read the thread you would have noticed other models have been mentioned as well.

iPod mini 2G stutters when playing LAME aps

Reply #94
The title of this thread would lead one to surmise that the problems mentioned relate to the mini and not your particular model.

however if you read the thread you would have noticed other models have been mentioned as well.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=312820"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Yeah, but the problem is only related to the 2G iPod mini.
I have personally tested 4G iPod and 1G iPod mini and they don't have the problem. Furthermore no users of other iPods than the 2G iPod mini have reported the problem. 

BTW Just discovered that "A Satisfied Mind" by Johnny Cash has the most obvious stuttering of all songs I heard right in the beginning

iPod mini 2G stutters when playing LAME aps

Reply #95
i'm getting 2g mini today (read below) so i'll test and see if theres stutter.

iPod mini 2G stutters when playing LAME aps

Reply #96
Just brought a 4G colour iPod.

Thought that would cure the problem... And it almost did!

However still stutters on the NIN - Right Where it Belongs sample...

I'd say: It's going to be darn hard to find any songs that stutters on the 4G colour iPod, but they do exist.

What's more: It did not help using the Bass Reducer EQ settings, however Acoustic will do the trick.

iPod mini 2G stutters when playing LAME aps

Reply #97
good god sehested, why do you go through so many DAP's?

almost as many as I do

iPod mini 2G stutters when playing LAME aps

Reply #98
good god sehested, why do you go through so many DAP's?
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=313383"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]
Actually, I just brought four 4G color iPod's for my employees
Going to use them as an indispensable tool, sort of an electronic pocket book with a lot of information.

iPod mini 2G stutters when playing LAME aps

Reply #99
just tested my 6gb green and it skipped with both five years and nin.

but with acoustic eq, it didn't

oh well, i dont think i'll transcode -- how long does the battery last (roughly) with an eq cranked?