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Topic: Alternatives to Steve Hoffman's Forums (Read 91843 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Alternatives to Steve Hoffman's Forums

Reply #50
Well, that was fast...

There *had* been a new SC set up (by Spakydog), but it looks like the plug was pulled after only a week or so. 

Too bad, but I can kind of see the point.  Just a few of the original cast of characters turned up, so it was kind of hard to get any good snark going.

FWIW, I think the plug was pulled a bit too fast.  It might have been better to leave the site up, even if things were going rather slowly.

I never saw the 'new URL' either.   Otherwise I would have joined. WTF?

Re: Alternatives to Steve Hoffman's Forums

Reply #51

There *had* been a new SC set up (by Spakydog), but it looks like the plug was pulled after only a week or so. 

I'm not sure it was well known?  I'd have been there in a second but didn't hear about it.  No announcememt that I saw.  

Surprised they gave up so fast.

Re: Alternatives to Steve Hoffman's Forums

Reply #52
I have no idea what happened either. Sparkydog sent me a link, I registered, and before I even had a chance to poat it was gone.

Re: Alternatives to Steve Hoffman's Forums

Reply #53
I told you guys it was a mistake to hire the guys who handle Audio Fidelity quality control for this.

Re: Alternatives to Steve Hoffman's Forums

Reply #54
Damn, *again*?

I did manage to get in there - I'm the one that started the "Poat or die!" thread.  That wasn't the actual policy, of course, but that seemed like a good way to kick off SCII.  Taken down *way* too soon....we just needed more time to get the word out.

Re: Alternatives to Steve Hoffman's Forums

Reply #55
Well, no one informed me about the "new" SC. If I had known, I would have been more than happy to contribute. (Full disclosure: I used to post at Stereo Central under the name COLA).

I also hope SC2 is reinstated.  It takes time to get a place like that going strong, considering the way the original SC was so quickly rendered FUBAR (preventing any sort of PMs to the folks who had been a part of it).

SC2's banner was also top notch.  A great parody of the outhouse SC was born to ridicule. 

I'm glad to contribute $ or time to get SC II going again. It's a real shame to lose the archive from SC because it was gold (witness threads like "what's that glow on the horizon"), but I'm so bored with the now Stereo Central-less internet.

Plus, do we really want people like Penn State Keith to think they finally won? That just won't do.

Re: Alternatives to Steve Hoffman's Forums

Reply #56
Yes, yes, yes.   Who had Steely Dan in the celebrity death pool? 

Re: Alternatives to Steve Hoffman's Forums

Reply #57
There's a Giles Martin Sgt Pepper thread right now where I could use some Stereo Central eye bleach.

Re: Alternatives to Steve Hoffman's Forums

Reply #58
Somebody needs to do what I did: buy a domain and start up a new forum.

Do it now, fucker.

Re: Alternatives to Steve Hoffman's Forums

Reply #59
I only ever lurked, but damn I miss SC

Re: Alternatives to Steve Hoffman's Forums

Reply #60
I managed to get in a poat or 2 at the new SC, and then ... *boom* ... it was gone.     The idea of grabbing a domain and starting a forum has crossed my mind - although those .tv domains are too expensive now, so it would have to be something else.  Also, I'm thinking of a brand new name if it's starting again.   Any suggestions? 


Re: Alternatives to Steve Hoffman's Forums

Reply #64
The idea of grabbing a domain and starting a forum has crossed my mind - although those .tv domains are too expensive now, so it would have to be something else.  Also, I'm thinking of a brand new name if it's starting again.   Any suggestions? 

audiophool, ShiteSlayers, HouseOfHoofman, AnalPlanet (thanks Mikey!), MintyBaldwin, the combinations are endless

.tv domains have gone up in price because EQ consultants are now world famous.

Re: Alternatives to Steve Hoffman's Forums

Reply #65
A new site really needs to be in place before McCartney passes, don't you think?
By the way, anyone heard back from Sparklydog? I pm'ed him but he seems to have gone MIA.
Like WDPhile, I've been thinking about getting this going but don't want to step on Sparklydog's toes.

Re: Alternatives to Steve Hoffman's Forums

Reply #66
The idea of grabbing a domain and starting a forum has crossed my mind - although those .tv domains are too expensive now, so it would have to be something else.  Also, I'm thinking of a brand new name if it's starting again.   Any suggestions? 

audiophool, ShiteSlayers, HouseOfHoofman, AnalPlanet (thanks Mikey!), MintyBaldwin, the combinations are endless

.tv domains have gone up in price because EQ consultants are now world famous.

That must be true, I read it at thehouseofclaus.nut

Re: Alternatives to Steve Hoffman's Forums

Reply #67
If someone does actually start up a new forum, make sure it's on a domain that you own. The biggest potential issue I saw with sparkydog's forum is that it was hosted by one of those sites that offers "free" hosting. As we discovered way back in the earliest days of SC, that's a recipe for disaster. If the host goes belly-up (or you get DDOS'd or you need a backup or...), you're fucked.

(Of course, we were fucked anyway even with the expensive *.tv domain, but whatever.)

Re: Alternatives to Steve Hoffman's Forums

Reply #68
I thought went away because the admin(s)/owner were tired of running the site.

Guppy seems to have taken a sabatical from the shites, or maybe daddy yelled at him and he took his glowing toys and left.

Re: Alternatives to Steve Hoffman's Forums

Reply #69
ARE WE BACK YET? The internet just isn't the same without