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Support - (fb2k) / Re: Unrecoverable playback error:
Last post by sveakul -
I don't know what -wasapi- is
or where to find it...can someone explain to me in simple words how to solve this problem??? thanks
You can google wasapi and find a hundred sources telling you what it is.  In the new Foobar versions, it is the default audio output format and uses the "shared" variation as installed, which means the audio ends up in the Windows Mixer, whose settings will determine the sample rate and bit depth of the output.  That you can select from the Windows 11 audio settings--go to Control Panel->Hardware and Sound->click on Sound, tab to Advanced, pick a setting from drop box.

Foobar can also use the "exclusive" form of wasapi if you choose a selection with the "[exclusive]" suffix on your Foobar prefs/playback/output/device choice.  This means the audio does not go to the Windows Mixer, but instead is passed with the file's existing sample rate and bit depth directly to your audio device.  Note the two boxes to check in the "shot2" image.  This mode is normally preferred for the best sound, although you need to be sure your audio device supports the bit depth and sample rate used by whatever file is being played.
Support - (fb2k) / Re: Unrecoverable playback error:
Last post by Chibisteven -
Sound card Creative Soundblaster X-fi

Could just be an issue with your sound card?  Some Creative sound cards are known to resample everything to 48,000 Hz.  So I could imagine that 44,100 support on those cards isn't as great as it should be.

It looks like you're using WASAPI Exclusive Mode.  You can change it back to default settings following these instructions:
1. Launch foobar2000.
2. Click "File" and choose "Preferences" under the menu or use "CTRL+P"
3. Under the "Playback" section look for "Output" and click on it.
4. In the "Output" tab choose "Default : Primary Sound Driver" under "Device".
5. Click "Apply".