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Topic: ReplayGain DSP - Alternative ReplayGain implementation by Case (Read 5207 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: ReplayGain DSP - Alternative ReplayGain implementation by Case

Reply #25
That's great, it works. One thing I noticed. In an "only prevent clipping" setting with the peak set to 0dbfs, the result peak still exceeds 1 (e.g. I saw one goilg up from 1.10 to 1.17). I was thinking intersample peaks related...? What can be said is that my RG (for the source files) does TruePeak scanning.

BTW. Should the gain correction be made before or after sample rate processing? I use this plugin also in a pure downsampling scenario.

Re: ReplayGain DSP - Alternative ReplayGain implementation by Case

Reply #26
All processing has potential to change the peaks. Both sample rate conversion and lossy encoding will definitely alter the peaks, unless the track consists only of some super simple tone with samples on a clear sine-shaped path. As ReplayGain based clip prevention depends purely on the peaks of a track the order of other DSP processing doesn't matter. It will be wrong if the data has any extra processing going on.

If you for some reason need or want to prevent lossy files from clipping on decode, just encode them without any tricks and use the foobar2000's 'Apply gain to file content' feature to bring the volume down enough to prevent clipping.

Re: ReplayGain DSP - Alternative ReplayGain implementation by Case

Reply #27
Thanks Case, that's right. One question still: For album gain, does it use the %album% tag or the album grouping string in the ReplayGain options? (I hope the latter).
Maybe, just maybe you could allow for an individual string per plugin instance. Why? Some of my converter chains keep directories/albums together, but some others split by (classical) works. Default should be to inherit the string from the global RG settings.

Re: ReplayGain DSP - Alternative ReplayGain implementation by Case

Reply #28
Only way the DSP can use album related ReplayGain data is if the file has the information already in the tags. If it does a peak/gain estimate on the fly, it is done purely for a single track.

Re: ReplayGain DSP - Alternative ReplayGain implementation by Case

Reply #29
Only way the DSP can use album related ReplayGain data is if the file has the information already in the tags. If it does a peak/gain estimate on the fly, it is done purely for a single track.
Ah sure, its scope is the currently converted track... my logic module was broken for a moment.

Re: ReplayGain DSP - Alternative ReplayGain implementation by Case

Reply #30
Is there a foobar title-formatting variable that this component stores it's currently applied gain value?
I was hoping to display it on my "technical" panel.


Re: ReplayGain DSP - Alternative ReplayGain implementation by Case

Reply #31
There isn't, but foo_outinfo reports ReplayGain information and my plan is to make it able to report RG info from the ReplayGain DSP too later.