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Topic: JScript Panel script discussion/help (Read 448219 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #2125
I'm trying to add some functionality to the original seekbar from the samples.

I added PlayOrPause to rightclick so you can start playing, pause or resume playing. Works.
I added some changes in the display of the TIME/seekbar stuff when width is limited. Also works.

I added hover on TIME/seekbar so the alpha goes up when being over the seekbar with the mouse. Works well too when playing. But not when paused or stopped.
While playing it uses the callback on_mouse_move to set the alpha, but this callback does not seem to be triggered when paused/stopped.
Checked all the docs, tried a lot but cannot activate the hover when paused/stopped.

Is there another callback I should use? Or does it require changes in seekbar.js?

Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #2126
I can't seem to find this script. Theres only an outdated version on github.

Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #2127
I can't seem to find this script. Theres only an outdated version on github.
Seems to be completely scrubbed now, even the 3.8.5 version that was left up for a while.  "Why?"  Nothing on the Wayback Machine link either besides documentation--clicking the 3.8.5 download link once it is finally found results in "url not archived."

The developer mentioned about putting some scripts on the Uploads forum, nothing there yet.  I've attached it here, hopefully not breaking any rules.

Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #2128
Thank you very much. I will take a look at this because it seems most panels dont do what I want them to. Though I know this will be a pain.

Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #2129
I'm using JScript Panel 3 to get some Artists Info statistics and Similar Artists from lastfm.
The default path that this component is writing the json files is profile\js_data\artists\<artist Name>
I would like to change that to <artist folder>\lastfm
This way in case I delete the artist I would like this data to be removed otherwise it just keep growing.

Any ideas?


Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help

Reply #2130
I'm trying to add some functionality to the original seekbar from the samples.

I added PlayOrPause to rightclick so you can start playing, pause or resume playing. Works.
I added some changes in the display of the TIME/seekbar stuff when width is limited. Also works.

I added hover on TIME/seekbar so the alpha goes up when being over the seekbar with the mouse. Works well too when playing. But not when paused or stopped.
While playing it uses the callback on_mouse_move to set the alpha, but this callback does not seem to be triggered when paused/stopped.
Checked all the docs, tried a lot but cannot activate the hover when paused/stopped.

Is there another callback I should use? Or does it require changes in seekbar.js?
Nevermind. I figured it out. It was the latter and a bit of the first.