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3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Release: Dynamic DSP: gives custom effect chains for individual tracks
Last post by Fabcore -
A new release is available (v2.1.1.3)

This is the last 'Dynamic DSP' release before I rename the component.

Chains can now be saved to the <profile>/configuration/foo_dynamicdsp.exp file.
Copy it to other fb2k configuration folders and it will be used as default by fresh component installations.

Change log:
- Export/Import chain configurations.
- Fix 32/64 bits config compatibility.

Known issues (x64):

- v2.1.1.2 x64 WILL BE RESET after installing this update.
Hi, I Love this component, I use it everyday since I discovered about 6-8 years ago... but,
there's a problem with this component, it's on the edit field that it has a limited number of characters.
Please remove that limit so we can insert long codes in there.

Yes, I'm using the latest one, the previous was worse for sure but it still limited in that described scenario.

Thanks in advance!
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Remastero's foo_pggb_rt, a 64 bit Foobar2000 component for resampling
Last post by ZB -
While experimenting with PGGB-RT, I was listening to some tracks, and noticed that bass was a little boomy (even with PGGB-RT TXT PEQ). I did some measurements and found something very interesting.

From the REW sweep, the SPL chart is very similar, in fact PGGB-RT is about 1dB lower than my convolver output, probably due to internal headroom reason.

[attach width=500]34867[/attach]

But when I looked at the decay chart ... oddly the PGGB decay chart showed far slower decay in the 40Hz-60Hz region ... I wonder why?

[attach width=400]34869[/attach]

[attach width=400]34871[/attach]

Interesting observation. As I mentioned earlier, PGGB-RT EQ is strictly linear phase, I do not see it altering the decay, what you see is the natural decay of your room. If your original convolution filter is a minimum-phase filter or a mixed-phase filter, then that could explain the difference you see.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Remastero's foo_pggb_rt, a 64 bit Foobar2000 component for resampling
Last post by ZB -
A few clarification questions regarding convolution EQ...

[attach width=450]34865[/attach]

Just to confirm my understanding, the WAV impulse file sample rate must match the selected sample rate in PGGB.
So in the above example, PGGB is configured for 88.2/96kHz, and the WAV impulse file is at 88k2, is ok?


PGGB does not resample your filters for different input rates, but instead creates new filters from scratch from the imported filters and applies them in a way that retains transparency.

Does the above mean that the WAV impulse file that I supplied is not used for convolution, but PGGB uses the supplied WAV impulse file and recreates another filter of it's own?

Is it better to give PGGB-RT the TXT file exported from REW, rather than the WAV impulse file?


Is there a global switch to play all tracks with PGGB-RT, rather than enable/disable track-by-track?


Is there a way to force PGGB-RT output sample rate to just one figure? (eg. 88k2)
(Reason being I have a downstream 80Hz LR4 convolver to split the stereo signal into 2.1 channels, and it runs at only one sample rate.)

Thanks in advance.

1. Your impulse file need not match the output rate as PGGB-RT will create its own convolution filter depending on the rate of your track, this is a linear phase filter at the precision you have chosen. Your impulse file is only used to determine the desired frequency response for EQ. But, I recommend 48kHz 64bit impulse files that is 32k or 64k samples long.

2. It is preferable to use the convolution wav file if you need an exact match for say DRC. If you have a much simpler EQ (for headphones) a PEQ .txt file will suffice. No matter which method you choose, internally it is always using a convolution EQ. It will still convert your parametric EQ to a convolution EQ.

3. Currently there is no global switch for this, this was requested once before, but we dropped the ball, will have to check with @Case about feasibility

4. Unfortunately, we did not enable inter-rate conversion for PGGB-RT, PGGB Lite will do this (but offline). The reason is mainly because inter-rate conversion takes significantly more time and will not meet real-time playback requirements.
Support - (fb2k) / Foobar stopped working after updating to windows 11 cumulative fraimwork 2025
Last post by rocel -
Hi there. I just have some questions aboutfoobar 2000. So I updated my windows 11 last week to its 2025 update. Before that, the foobar was working fine. However, after updating, it wouldn't even pplay songs which are locally stored on my computer. I have tried reinstalling the app, but it worked the same. Anyone else experience the same issue? What did you guyze do?