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3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JSplitter (splitter + SMP x64 alternative)
Last post by TF3RDL -As the wait for new versions of @Crossover's foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer and foo_loudness_peakmeter took too long and algorithms in @pqyt's foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer were implemented incorrectly
General - (fb2k) / Re: mp3 track reported as corrunpted but playing well
Last post by AndreaT -Please, see herein attachments for details. And, if of help, I can provide you also the 2 mp3 files.
Regards, Andrea
PS: In the library error log, obviously, the .ts files are unsupported because are video.
MP3 / Re: 32000Hz MP3 sounds worse than 44100Hz
Last post by shadowking -35
General - (fb2k) / Re: About memory allocated by components
Last post by AndreaT -Regards, Andrea
foobar2000 mobile / No BACK button in Foobar2000 for mobile devices
Last post by casfoob -Now I can't find a way to navigate back from some Foobar pages, e.g. the page where music folders can be selected and (re)scanned. There's no BACK button.
Example: the ReplayGain page. When open it, I seem to be stuck on it, and can't go back
How can I navigate back (and forth) in Foobar?
Validated News / Re: freedb.org to close
Last post by moogleinc -Magix the company which took over freedb.org has decided to close down the service.
dBpoweramp have created a freedb server which can be used when freedb shuts down:
Note currently only http is supported
That’s unfortunate to hear about freedb.org shutting down, but big thanks to dBpoweramp for stepping up and providing an alternative! It’s great to see the community keeping the spirit of freedb alive. Hopefully, HTTPS support will be added soon for better security.
MP3 / Re: 32000Hz MP3 sounds worse than 44100Hz
Last post by Klymins -I don't know why @Klymins doesn't just use 128 kbps at 44.1 KHz? Some PC games I have (Half-Life 2 and it's episodes) and SimCity 4 Deluxe use that exact bitrate.
I use this exact configuration for most stuff except for Flash.
FLAC / Re: FLAC v1.5.x Performance Tests
Last post by genuine -Instead of thinking too much I did a quick test. Since we are talking about speed. Decoder seems to be a bit faster but Encoder is really worse. And only on AVX2 supported CPUs.When i looked at the Flac 1.5.0 Avx2 version, i saw that it was 109,184 bytes less than normal. Since the difference in 3.2 GB of data was meaningless, it escaped my attention. Personally, i had higher expectations when it came to speed(despite Avx2). I thank the developers for their efforts.
3,209,871,510 bytes (86 tracks, 2 channels, 16 bit, 48 khz) and AMD CPU(AVX2), Single Thread
FLAC Version Encode s Decode s FLAC 1.4.3 21.252 s 16.564 s FLAC 1.5.0 28.376 s 14.752 s FLAC 1.5.0 Disasm 29.688 s 14.500 s
General - (fb2k) / Edit a tag with increments of + or - 0.5
Last post by Albicocche -I would like to add two values: "+;-" which modify the "rating" field by adding or subtracting 0.5 to the currently set value.
Is it possible? How can this be done?